I know this sounds skeptical as up until now we mounting experts (particularly me) have touted no such thing as "reversible" once mounted with an adhesive. I have also noted the discussions on TheGrumble concerning this new Artcare Restore product. It is not just marketing hype of the same old SpeedMount, nor is it just a slight updated version, but rather it appears to be a totally new revolutionary concept...hence the new name Artcare Restore.
Since it is a HA (heat activated) adhesive coating on "Artcare" foam and since all adhesive residue appears to be totally reversible by dusting off upon removal "Restore" as in restored to its original state. The jury will be out on this for years as we see actual aging results over time, but at this point and as a result of accelerated testing, et al. it looks as though we need to be open to a new concept. JThere has never before been anything like this, a dry mount board or adhesive that could be mounted then reversed back without absorption and in turn nonarchival treatment.
Just because it has never been done before does not mean it is impossible today. Think about airplanes, computers, email or the plastic horse shoes I am putting on my endurance horse. Times change, and so does technology. I am the biggest skeptic of them all, and always am looking out for all framers...and it looks to me like this product works.
That said...you need to be aware of its differences. Let's look at traditional SpeedMount first. It does not hold aggressively like some other permanent HA boards, but it does hold. The concept is for it to hold in place, smoothly and entirely but perhaps not aggressively. Tear strength is not the issue with these products, but rather their holding, noninvasive nature. There are many variables at play. Low bonding temperatures and quick dwell times being the most limiting. These two will activate and hold in place for as long the framer or viewer wishes, just do not pull on it. The lower temperatures make it safe for heat sensitive inks at 150 degrees.
Same is true for Artcare Restore. New product, new concept, new rules. Do not pull on it to test the bond, you may remove it. It needs to cool under a weight as any removable adheisve. Also since it is thermoplastic, it reactivates when warm, hence sitting in a hot car might release the bond, or on a poorly insulated outside southern exposure wall in Phoenix, Palm Springs or Tehachapi.
Once removed from the board, and cooled, the adhesive will dust off the back of the image that had been mounted. Some very porous papers such as newsprint may appear to have some tiny fiber absorption under black light and a little separation, but the bulk of items are smoothly removed with no hint of adhesive remaining.
I will be in Atlanta at the NB booth and will be demonstrating and discussing this new revolutionary product with everyone. Let's chat! And yes, I have begun to mount assorted originals of mine with Restore HA, and I am a real purist and always overly protective and cautious. In fact I only mat with 100% rag museum boards.
Chris A. Paschke, CPF GCF
Framing Industry Mounting Specialist
FACTS Tapes and Adhesives Committee Member
Designs Ink
785 Tucker Road, Suite G-183
Tehachapi, CA 93561
P: 661-821-2188
F: 661-821-2180