AR & Museum 35% price reduction


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 23, 2002
Hmmm, I wonder how much I should keep?
I got a flyer with my Larson delivery today about the 35% off the AR and Museum glass. Sorry I didn't have a chance to do any more than glance over it. I don't stock those glass types, but maybe I will now.
New pricing from Larson Juhl - starts April 12th
TruVue up to 35% less (five box price). Single boxes are greatly reduced also, about 30%.
Doesn't appear to have an expiration - looks like an honest to goodness price decrease. Now, if Conservation glass would follow suite...
Flyer was with today's LJ order (I think Ruth and I are on the same delivery route).
Same sales rep, Maryann, but different delivery route...only goes as far west as Wernersville then swings back toward me on his way to Philly. I'm the last one stop on the route.
Yup, that's right. The rep says TV lowered their prices.

also talked about new LJ box only line with typical box pricing :eek:
Wow, for once I am not the last one to know!
My Larson rep was by the shop today. He mentioned the price decrease on AR and museum but didn't give the details since I didn't express too much interest. I've only used museum glass a couple of times in 3 years. Maybe now I can.
I was also interested in the box only line.

I also saw the new tv ads they will be running.
They are not only promoting themselves, they are making the public more aware of custom framing.
Didn't any of you think it was strange when they (Larson) had their 20% off museum sale in March?

I asked a TruVue person if they knew why Larson was discounting more than thier usual 10 - 15% and he said with a smirk that it's always nice to unload high priced inventory at "some" margin" before it has to be priced to match new "lower" cost inventory.
That's great. Now we can sell more of this groovy glass, and customers won't gasp so much at the price. Well, maybe they'll still gasp a little. :cool:
I began using AR in December and it's a truly wonderful glass. Although the price is really high, I have been able to sell it consistently by having a couple of framed samples in the store. TruVue sent a box of "goodies", POP displays and such; but none of them had AR. So I just redid their samples so I could show the difference. I'm reframing all my art at home with AR. I'm thrilled the prices are going down.
The original question was I wonder how much I should keep?

We all wish we had a quick answer to this question on many of the products that we sell. I hope to give away enough of the savings to drive more purchases of a higher priced product. I also hope to keep some of the discount to add to my bottom line. It will take some experimentation to find the right price point. If all goes well I will sell a higher priced product for a better margin.

A good retailer makes money at both buying and selling.
LJ is not the only distributor reducing this glass. ABC Moulding, out of Denver, is also sending out fliers.

Coincidentally, we got a call from TruVue (they said) a little while ago asking about our glass sales... what type, how much, etc.
