Apple / Mac Tips

Mike Labbe

Forum Support Team
Forum Donor
Jun 25, 2002
Lincoln, RI
Get The Picture
A thread to exchange tips and tricks
Hold the mouse button down and it will bring up the right mouse button options PC users like.

Go to and buy a real computer.

Kidding I prefer Macs to PCs for ease of use.
The best tip... put finger on start button and push.

Seriously... we don't need no fancy tips to make our Macs easier to use. They just do it all by themselves and we just sit back and sip a nice cup of sweet green tea and enjoy!!
Hold shift key when inserting a cd and it won't play automatically. (Windows stole this feature, and it doesn't work on a PC!)
Mike, you're awfully sweet to start a thread for us "ifruit" folks, as Baer likes to call 'em.

Honestly, it's been so long since I've used a PC (without being forced) that I don't know what tricks are Mac specific. It's been too long since the crossover, and I haven't looked back!

Except crashing programs- that is a trick specific to Windows!!

I am rather obsessive about backups. But, before I back up I always used to run Norton Disk Doctor to make sure I wasn’t achieving some damaged files.

But, I recently (and reluctantly) upgraded the Mac OS from 10.2 to OS 10.4.5 (Tiger) only to find out that Disk Doctor turned into Disk Mortician.

Not only is NDD not designed for OS 10.4 and gives notice of “major” problems when there aren’t any, but when it tries to repair such problems, it’s directory patching process destroys them. After running NDD, I was unable to boot either OS 9.2 or 10.4. – it sent me directly into the UNIX terminal mode. AND, from the terminal, I couldn’t figure out a way to open my CD drive to try to reinstall. (Apple told me to boot with the Opt-Command -”O”-”F” keys).

I finally booted with the installation DVD, and ended up reinstalling the system, but many of my preferences files got tanked in the process.

A very strong recommendation: if you’re using NDD for anything greater than OS 9, DON’T!

Get a copy of Alsoft’s <u>DiskWarrior</u> v.3.0.3. Although it’s interface is a bit peculiar, it was designed for the Mac OS X (as Norton’s is/was not).
I use Shopkeeper FMP for my gallery POS. What do some of the rest of you Mac people use? What do you use for Framing quotes, etc.? I haven't chosen framing software yet. I looked at FrameReady, and didn't care for it too much. Is there anything else out there?
I have a flat-panel iMac (with the round base), and two eMacs. All great machines. I've been pretty much an OS9.2.2 person up till now (I like my old applications), but I just had the iMac updated to OS 10.4.5 (Tiger) in order to be able to use the latest FrameReady version, which requires 10.3.9. Never thought this would be coming from me, but I have to say it is very cool. So far everything has been pretty seamless with Classic available on the fly in the background. The more I play with 10 the more intuitive it feels.
If this keeps up I'm gonna be tempted to go ahead and upgrade the eMacs too. (Cha-ching!)
:cool: Rick
Jo ....
The Mac Mini is just like any other Mac. It is surprising how much stuff they have packed into that little 7x7 box.
When you order it you have to have everything in it you want in it when you order ( memory ect). It is not expandable like the G4. It has only 2 usb ports is the biggest drawback. I had to add a usb device to handle the camera and my drawing tablet.

It does have a very small foot print and you can take it about anywhere.The biggest problem is lugging around the they need to invent a teeny tiny Mac MINI Monitor.... :D

I am on dial up at home if i want to update or add programs I take it to the store where I have DSL and plug it into a monitor and keyboard there .
I very reluctantly went to from OS 9.2 to OS 10.2, but only because some of my apps (like MS Office and iDVD) were only written for that platform. I absolutely <u>hated</u> OS X.

I am constantly switching between 9 and 10 since most of my day-to-day stuff is for the older system. And, over the years, I customized stuff like my splash screen and Kaboom! which I hated to give up.

But I needed a Photoshop Plug-In which I could only use in OS 10.4.5, and since I had to get used to Tiger, I bought Pogue’s <u>Missing Manual</u>.

From a reluctant user, I am gradually becoming a huge fan of 10.4! Some of the features that this operating system has are truly amazing. It is, without a doubt, leagues ahead of 10.3. It is well worth the upgrade.
Wow, Bill. I used to love Kaboom too, but could never use it once I got past OS 7.0.1 on my old IIci. I used to have the startup sound of a coke opening and pouring into a glass; emptying the trash had Reagan saying "Go ahead-make my day."; an illegal instruction would have HAL the computer saying "I'm sorry, Dave, I can't do that."
I agree with your description of 10.4. However, maybe we can trade in the handwriting recognition feature for a Kaboom!-like function.
:cool: Rick
P.S.- I bought the same book.

Although Kaboom! has gone kaboom, there is a shareware product called Xounds (10 bucks, I think) from which allows you to customize some of the finder actions we came to know and love.

I’m not sure that you can randomize sounds in Xounds, but, if you convert your existing Kaboom! sounds into .aiff, you can bring back “Make my day” to the Empty Trash action and a loud belch when you Eject the Disk. I haven’t installed it yet, but it’s on the top of my to-do list.
Anyone have a tip for a good source (discussion forum?) for mac tech solutions to glitches? It's been ages since I needed one.

Am trying to print an excel spreadsheet (landscape on legal size paper)and the output for the first page only prints out to the size of 8 1/2 x 11, not legal. Weirdly, the subsequent pages print across the entire legal size page, as it should.

I have done everything I can think of! Cleared the "set print area", reset it, cleared it again, checked the page setup for proper percent and sized paper. All to no avail.

This one has me stumped.

Thanks for any tips.

It sounds to me (certainly not an expert) like it’s a printer problem rather than an Excel or Mac problem. I’m guessing that once the first page is printed, the printer goes back to the “default” letter size. Depending on your printer, in the Page Set Up dialog try to make “Legal” the default size (temporarily) and see what happens.

As far as a good help forum, try MacAddict Forum. The interface seems to be the same as the Grumble so it should be easy to get comfortable with it. A really nice feature is that you can upload a custom avatar and not have to get stuck with a lame one from a lame list.

<font size=3>Hey, Mike, are you listening? </font>
I'm listening, but im not a mac user

The grumble lets folks do custom avatars too, but you have to be a moderator. The issue is that some infections can be hidden inside images now, so its more of a security decision than anything else. Theres also a concern with the size of custom avatars and how it might shift screens around and slow down people that still use dialup modem technology.

I'm glad this thread exists and it has been an interesting read! Keep the tips flowing...

Thanks Bill and Mike!

I agree that it's a printer problem. It's my original Personal Laserwriter NT from 1991! Never had a spec of trouble with it. I suspect it is protesting printing off tax reports!

I'm sure it will be fine after today's deadline. ha ha I wonder if I can get driver updates anymore.


I just checked my Library/Printers folder (under 10.4), and LaserWriter doesn’t appear to be supported anymore. I may be wrong, but you may have to switch back to 9.2 to use your printer. I'm guessing that you may not be able to find a printer driver for the LaserWriter that works in OS X.

From 1991? Wow, it must be a wood burning model.
Treat yourself and grab a new one.
Sometimes, printers will be downward compat with older models. In the PC world, an "HP LASERJET" driver will work as a basic driver for almost any laser printer. This particular (old) driver may come with your 10.4 and work with that printer. I could be wrong, but its worth a try

I agree with Mike. Start with that one. If no luck, try some of the other laser printer drivers. I bet one will work. Good luck.
:cool: Rick
P.S.: If you do need or decide to get a new printer, you can probably get a good deal on a secondhand HP 1200 or 1300. These are great little machines- 1200 dpi, fast, and reliable. Here we have a shop that sells clone inkjet and laser cartridges. They always have a nice variety of used workhorse laser printers for sale at decent prices (and no shipping chg.), so try to find a source like that.

What version of the Mac OS are you using?

If memory serves, “LaserWriter” was an Apple product. I did (an admittedly) very quick search on Apple’s Web site and came up with this page.

I didn’t bother to click on any of the results, but perhaps your questions may be answered there.

I am a bit skeptical whether an older driver will work as Mike and Rick suggest. The differences between pre- and post- OS X are so profound that just about all software has to be rewritten for the newer versions. It is a major disappointment to me that my Epson 836 and Nikon 4000 scanners won’t work in OS 10. I have to keep switching back and forth between the newer and older operating systems, since no one has bothered to update the drivers.

When OS X installs itself, Apple itself plunks down most of the current drivers in its Library / Printer folders. Chances are, if it doesn’t appear after installation, it doesn’t exist.

But, give the above link a try, Amy. You may get lucky.
I'm using 9.2 OS on a powermac 7200. Turns out it's the only model that one cannot swap out the CPU for a more powerful one.

I have a "new" Mac on the floor of my office which can run both 9.x and OS X Panther versions. Just haven't had time to set it up!! For a year!! Next on my "to-do" list, now that I completed all corporate taxes.

Received a new printer at the time to go with the new mac but love this LaserWriter NT (yes it's an Apple).

I did find a workaround for the perplexing printing problem. It only cuts off a few columns of my spread sheet on the first page of the file. The second and subsequent pages print in their entirety. I simply printed 2 copies of the first page and Voilla!, it cut off the first copy but the second copy was fine. Yippee. (Don't tell the gremlins.)

I'll check out the suggested driver updates as well.

Thanks much and have a great weekend!!
Bumped to top for further sharing of info