AOL Email Issues?

Ron Eggers

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jul 6, 2001
First of all, this is not an AOL bash. My personal experience with them was less-than-positive but millions of people seem quite happy with them.

But I have recently become aware of some strange problems with sending and receiving emails between my default Hotmail address and various AOL email addresses.

In one case, I have received mail from an AOL user but my responses have never arrived (or been returned.) And, no, I don't believe the user has blocked me.

In another case, I sometimes get email from an AOL user but some that he sends me do not arrive. I had him run a little experiment and send the message to my Hotmail address along with three other addresses I use (including another Hotmail address.)

All were delivered except the default Hotmail address and the "send to" list on the ones that DID arrive included two addresses which don't exist and which the sender did not include: and

(Actually, probably DOES exist but it's not me. Even when I tried out AOL several years ago, I had to choose something like to account for the other 176548975625434 Ron Eggers that were using AOL.)

Has anyone here had similar experience or have you ever heard of anything that might account for them?
Ron, during the time I've been designing cross stitch I've had a TERRIBLE time getting in touch with people who have AOL.

I've tried to send pictures and files to publishers and either the email doesn't get there at all - or the pictures and files have been removed.It's a real pain. I've had to actually post the pictures on line somewhere and direct them to the spot so that they can view them.

When you are dealing with a publisher this can be VERY inconvenient for them - which makes it harder to deal with them.
Well, that would explain why you didn't answer my last 57 emails, Ron! I thought it was my deodorant or something I said.

I have had the same issues with the same mutual friend and didn't realize it until you mentioned something about the email addresses.

I also receive email addresses in his emails that include and but I didn't connect the fact that it wasn't YOUR email until you just now said that you have not had an AOL address.

(I have no idea whose login name "U.N.Specified" may be??)

I have received all these special AOL CD's encased in plastic acid free presentation cases, steel canisters that double as time capsules, and the regular old cheapies in the cardboard slip holder. I have saved every one of them in hopes that some day they will have collector value and I can make some real money on eBay with my vast collection.

Hey, don't laugh, I can remember when baseball cards were tossed in the trash after they were used for "motors" on our bikes! And look what they are doing with THEM today.

They have to block all of your regular e-mails to get ready for the onslaught of paid spam that they are about to dump on you. Good luck! In my book, they are right up there with Capital One in using deceptive advertising and promotion. I, for one, will never send another dollar their way.

Pat :D
I happen to be quite happy with my AOL. We tried another company a couple of years ago, but went right back to AOL.

I just wish my mail that I send through the U.S. post office would get deliverd. And that the envelopes would arrive with the money still in the envelope! And that the certified letter card would come back to me WITH a signature on it! I could go on........let's just say it's been a bad experience for the past ten months! And I'm not alone. And it certainly is not impressive!
I don’t use AOL anymore (for reasons too long to list), but my understanding is that AOL, in it’s zeal to protect it’s subscribers against spam and viruses, have an incredibly rigorous algorithm to filter out what they consider problems. It’s sort of like they are screening pebbles through cheese cloth rather than a open mesh screen. As a result, they ere on the way too cautious side and a lot of legitimate mails get intercepted.

I have had problems with AOL mailings, too.
While I am no where close to being like George Washington ,I confess it was I.

And i am going to show you all another test message i sent to ron and why i think this problem occured .However if you read the entire test you will also see that while I do and have use AOl for years i have some very knowlegable advise that suggest that I should stop and maybe why. Here is the test ,the result will folow.

Ron I checked back in my address bookand I discovered that for some unknown reason your default address is listed as roneggers

This would indeed cause the two mailings I mentioned and "UNSPECIFIED"
The reason being that little space between the s in eggers and the @ which would make AOL email think roneggers was an AOL email address since when emailing to AOL accounts it isn't necessary to include the @AOL.COM. And then since the roneggers was used as an AOL address the wouldn't have a screen name and would be labeled "UNSPECIFIED"

I could have sworn that I tried to send it to you both ways but maybe I forgot.At any rate this should be the rubber stamp.We shall definitely see since I have typed each letter in with my TWO FINGERS one at a time.LOL

Sorry if I caused any confusion or slandered AOL needlessly .But Most Computer Gurus ,geeks ,and wizards that I know dislike AOL with a passion. Some of which include My son who is a Graduate IT and works in that capacity for Citi bank and Merrill Grayson the web master of HH who bristles whenever AOL is mentioned.

Most of these people find AOL to be extremely proprietary and as Tom suggest ,too protective and elitest.Whenever I speak to them(AOL)I get the reverse answer to all my problems i.e. "it isn't US it those other people."

Let me know what happens to this message.

On a personal level,I can tell you that when I have attempted to send eails to those who are part of a group and their name is usuually enclosed in Parenthses beind the address e.g Needlesandknots@AOL.COM(Buddy Drago)I am often if not always refused transmission unless i drop the parenathses and name.

While I currently have accounts with both AOL and Bellsouth DSL I am giving very serious consideration to dropping the AOL accont even though it is the oldest. This would save me a good bit of money and some headaches and th e dsl acount allows me to answer the phone while being online. The only draw back is most peole know the AOL email addresses ( i have two) and i haven't really used the Bellsouth addresse.

I had the AOL accont at the shop which doesn't exsit anymore and the BS DSL was only available at home .BUT now I am ONLY at home so I don't need 2 acconts.But i must confess the perks and tech support of aol is far superior to BS.
Originally posted by BUDDY:
aol is far superior to BS.
Oh, I dunno... some would say that aol IS BS!

The only service I've ever had is Compuserve, which is owned (I think) by AOL. Since my e-mail is on every piece of marketing I've done for the past 8 or 9 years, I'm a little hesitant to change it.

I could save a lot of money by changing, but at what cost, really?

Until the e-mail itself starts costing, I'll probably just stick with it.

As far as I know, I'm getting everything.

But then, if I wasn't, how would I know?
Betty thanks for taking that blurp out of context. LOL Sometimes you get so rapped up in your thoughts that you don't even realize what you just put in type.

A.) That BS is Bellsouth .Not the jokeing perverbial meaning of that abbreviation.
B.)And that sentance in it's entirerty reads "But I must confess the perks and tech support of aol is far superior to BS."

I hope my lack of proof reading has been corrected.As I hope any unfair depictions of AOL has been also.But the only reason I haven't dropped them ,in spite of their tech support and perks is exactly what you have sighted . But very soon when i learn how to overcome the address thing,that won't be true.
Originally posted by BUDDY:

B.)And that sentance in it's entirerty reads "But I must confess the perks and tech support of aol is far superior to BS."

Oh, I know that Buddy. I just thought it would be funnier the other way!

Sorry if I messed up your thought...
I thought you were ignoring us.....