AOL email and accounts Free?!?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
After reading about Deb netscape issue... I see that AOL is free now. But what does that mean. And why am I still paying a monthly service fee? Are there benefits to still pay for the service? If not - I think I can save some $$ every month!!

What's the best way to handle this?

What you are paying for is for internet access.

When your modem dials in to aol and you can use the web, that part is still being charged for.

The free part is when you switch from their dial up to a dsl(your local phone company) or cable connection. Then you can still use aol screennames and email accounts but you aren't any longer connecting with them.

I hope this helped because it was a bit confusing to try to explain written out.
Sorry, just read your last couple of lines over again.

Basically you have to pay someone for a connection to the internet.

Think of it like a highway being the internet. You need access to the highway . You can choose road A(dial up), road B(dsl) or road C(cable).

All roads lead to the hiway but all have different tolls on them. (usually dial up is the slowest and the cheapest)

Now your on the road, your going to have to park the car somewhere where you and any passengers can find it. So you pick a name for your parking spot like Roz's parking spot. The spot is free and now everyone knows where to meet later to go back home.

The road is a toll road no matter what. (internet access)
The parking space is free. (your internet address and email ie. or getting the aol opening screen and news)

I hope this made things clearer, I used the same analogy for my Mom and she sort of glazed over trying to figure out which hiway I was talking about.
JBN... I do have dsl service on my computer - but had aol as well.

What part of the aol service levels (email management, etc) do I lose if I just keep the email names?

I guess that is where I don't want to lose service that I do utilize...
If your paying for dsl and aol, lose aol.

I'm not 100% sure but from there advertising everything will stay the same except you will not be able to dial up a connection. (Since you have dsl you probably don't ever dial up)

I think that basically you will sign into their sight and then you should have basically what you have now.

Go to the site...

Just went there and they basically explained it all.

You should be able to save a few bucks.