Anyone want to sell me some Beva strips and polyester?

Framing Goddess

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 18, 2000
Cleveland, Ohio
I have a tourist painting that has a margin of unpainted canvas narrower than what I need to stretch. I have decided that this is my opportunity to learn how to use Beva strips and polyester.

Anybody have a few crumbs they are willing to sell and ship to me? My painting is 24 x 30. I'd like to avoid shelling out the coupla hundred bucks it would take to order the stuff from Talas or Univ. Products.

Let me know.

Thanks bunches!
Edie the myfingersarentcallousedenough goddess
Sure Edie-

What are the widths of your bars and selvage around canvas?

We usually cut our BEVA into 1" wide strips and our 8XX polyester into 3" wide strips.

E-mail me at with your address and specifics and I'll send some out.

I am the KING of BEVA!

Rob Markoff