Anyone going to the Buyers Market of American Crafts in Philadelphia?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 1, 1999
Holland, PA, USA
If you are, you won't want to miss New Jersey/Delaware Valley PPFA's
Tour Of The Philadelphia Buyers Market Of American Crafts For Framers Led By PPFA Educator Kerry Wilson, MCPF, GCF

Sunday, July 23, 2006
Pennsylvania Convention center
1101 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107

9:00 AM - Meeting Room to be announced. Join us at 8:30 AM to meet your fellow PPFA members

10.00 For PPFA members

20.00 For non-members

This is a first time tour of the American Buyers Market of American Crafts for picture framers. You might have heard about the success of Rob Markoff's sold out tours of the Photo Marketing Show! Well we've applied the same idea to the classiest wholesale gift/craft show in the area. Attending a gift show can be confusing and overwhelming to frame shop owner/employee. Kerry will give her tips for working a show, demystify gift business lingo, and introduce us to her favorite vendors. Kerry will give us advice on how on how to get into the gift business and also share reasons to diversify into other venues.

Price includes guest admission, tour, goody bag, and lecture on selling gift items geared toward the frame shop/gallery. Door prizes will be drawn after the tour. Don't forget about our Framer's Jackpot. It is now up to $100.00! Be present and if your name is drawn from our list of all current NJ/Delaware PPFA members, you will win!

Join us for a Dutch treat lunch at a nearby restaurant.

Kerry Wilson, MCPF, GCF is Chairperson of the Education Committee for PPFA, past president of the National Capital Chapter, and formerly served on the PPFA National Board. She is a frequent speaker for Décor Expo and the PPFA National Convention and numerous chapters across the country. As a partner of Windrush Gallery in Fairfax, Virginia she knows the added value diversification can be to a business. Her shop is an American Style Preferred Gallery and was featured in Photo Marketing Magazine in June 2002 for its unique mix of gifts in the frame shop.

For more information please contact Sue at For more information and directions visit

Everyone must be pre registered and prepaid by July 13, 2006.

Please send your checks payable to NJPPFA to Rob Bottge, Framed Image, 574 Newark Pompton Turnpike, Pompton Plains, NJ 07444. It is important to include the names of those registering, shop name, address, phone number and email address. We will send you a confirmation email once we receive your payment.

The guest badge gets you into the show to learn and observe. Paying the admission is optional, however if you plan on making purchases, you will need to pay the $39.00 buyer admission. You may register online at or at the show.