Anyone ever framed a hockey stick?

How about buying some old hockey sticks and cut off the hitting end. You then cut the remaining sticks just like you would any other frame, 45's, glue to the top of a (old) frame that doesn't show from behind. Mat and mount your hockey stick and hang.

Looks really cool.

Hey, I still got'm young again...oh thank you life!

Why sure you can do that! Just send the hockey stick and the jersey to:

S.T.B. Custom Framing & Gifts
Fort Walton Beach, Florida

and I will build a knockout presentation for you!!


P.S. Without doing any figuring, I would guarantee that it will be under $1000. :cool:
Cliff: Close...don't buy the sticks. If you are in Toronto you can go to any rink and get broken ones for free! Here in Minnesota, framers get these freebies, remove the tape from the knob end and cut off the blade. Cut a rabit using a table saw, mitre and join like a frame. Cut a mat, slap in some glass and an easel back using flexible points and sell for $25.00 - $40.00 for an 8x10. Nice $$$$$$$$$!

I would actually suggest using Nielsen profile 100 an EZ-Tach for the Stick and the Attach-Ez for the Jersey. BANG! Nice look and lots of profit.
I have framed four sticks. I put them on an angle
so I could use 40x60 material. Cut the frame at an angle. Had to use two hangers so it hangs strait. Filled in ths space above the stick with photos. The goalie sticks I did for a customer and they fit fine. The Brett Hull stick I have for a display in my store I had to cut the end down a bit so it meet my 40x60 size material. Just to clarify it doesn,t come out to be 40x60 it is 18x50 but on a diagnal. I love to do stuff like that.
You cut on a Brett Hull (I am assuming game used) stick :-( All hockey fans out there, please morn with me........

Matt, just making a comment, dont get too mad at me. All in good fun.
Hi Scott-Any luck with a decision yet?

For those of you that might not remember, Scott has a web service where he teaches you how to get your name out in front of consumers. I subscribed and found it very interesting.
Hi Bob,

It's still sitting in my closet... I don't want to cut it, and am still painting the office, so am trying to find a place for it to "fit" :)


I have never done this myself but someone here mentioned that you use white plexi as a backing. Behind it you can cut red and blue mat board to appear as lines and the plexi looks like ice. I got a sample of the plexi from my supplier and it works.
I saw one in another shop that looked great. Take the jersey and shadowbox it sewing it down or atach e-z to the back mat. Then mount the stick next to the sleeve off the jersey coming across the jersey at an angle, so it looks like the "invisible person" is holding the stick. Then they took a hockey puck cut in half and put it on the outside glass, mounted with silicon. then took excess silicone and created a "break" in the glass. Sort of sketched out(with silicone) what would appear to be the glass shattering when the puck hit it. When finished it looked like the "invisible player" shot a puck through the glass. Great Idea!
Tadpole, that sounds pretty cool. How large was the shadow box? Was the stick cut down?