Anyone else bothered by vague grumblers in training?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I don't know how some of you feel, but I can guess!

I am really bothered by a grumbler in training that comes on and requests detailed information but is not willing to be very open or reveal anything about him/herself, like a real location or a real name.

Might be that I am a bit of a skeptic - but unless I know who I am talking to, I am reserved about how much information I give out or reveal about myself.

This happened recently and I privately emailed the GIT (grumbler in training, not to be mistaken for the English expression meaning something completely different) to say I would share some of the information he is seeking but only if he reveals a little more realism and liklihood of his own openess. Received nothing to date.

What are your thoughts!?

I agree Roz, you will get more response if you identify yourself. It is nice to have some semblance of who you are talking to.
I agree with you wholeheartedly! I wonder if everyone even reads profiles? I don't think obscure, cutsey answers to real questions is the way to "win friends and influence people" here!
That's a very good point. When I was a GIT, only weeks ago (even though I'd registered in 2002) I posted the topic "why are you a framer?"

People poured their hearts out - it endeared me to the Grumble.

I did give my own story first though.

I always remember an episode of 'Kung Fu' where David Carradine (Grasshopper) and a friend, got mugged. The tutor (remember him? - 'take the stone Grasshopper')asked them what they had learned from their experience.

Grasshopper's friend said "Never trust anybody" - he was asked to leave the school.

Grasshopper's reply was "Always expect the unexpected"
Funny you should bring this up. Ahlene and I were just having this conversation about a week ago. I must admit, I was a lurker on this sight for awhile before I realized this is a great bunch of professionals who are willing to share their knowledge and fun life stories. I agree we all deserve the same respect to know who it is we are sharing with, otherwise our guard is up.

I would prefer that some folks on this forum be more open, but it doesn’t particularly bother me if someone chooses to remain anonymous. I mean, you guys think my real name is Bill Henry – it’s really Byron Phynias Copperpot III.

If I think someone is trying to con us, I simply ignore the post.
I've been told that anonymity is common on some internet exchanges, but I don't have any direct experience outside of The G and HH. Maybe our groups are different than the norm.

Anyway, count me among those who don't respond very well to anonymous questioners. No matter how innocent and friendly they seem to be, something is missing in the relationship. I don't want a kiss, but at least give me the courtesy of a name and city.

I recall the GIT Roz is referring to. I privately suggested more information. He/she did reply, expressing fear of flack from the employer.

So, those who are not bothered by anonymity are free to respond openly, and those who are uncomfortable are free to hold back. It's all part of the complex community we call The G.
My biggest problem is with screen names like XCL276#. It's hard to warm up to someone named XCL276#, though R2D2 was kinda cute.

Everyone should at least use a believable name, like Jim Miller.
I agree with Ron on the member names where it's hard to warm up to.

I figure it like this - if I own a dog and I want to open up my door and call it in - it had better be something that isn't hard to pronounce.

Likewise - if I want to respond to somebody online - if thier member name is just so foreign that it doesn't seem like there is a person behind it, I'm less likely to want to respond.

I'm fairly new here (only a couple of months) and I can't remember if I actually formally introduced myself or if I just jumped right in!

Should I be making a formal introduction?? Where should it go? Warped?
Originally posted by Handy:

Should I be making a formal introduction?? Where should it go? Warped?
I suppose the formal bit is your profile (the best ones give their DOB!)

Informal? Tell us why you are a framer in Business issues
I wanted to remain anonymous for 2 reasons. One was that I felt more comfortable sharing more information about my operations that way. The other was that there are a number of people who would just as soon shoot me in the head as say hello to me, and so it again gets back to sharing information which is knowingly attached to my company. Well, that didn't last long since I only posted a couple times before I was openly asked to identify myself, and I did, so there went that. I should probably just update my profile. Seems like people who have contacted me from reading here had no problems though.
By now, Johnny, most people probably only wanna shoot you in the kneecap.

The people who are very open and candid here are likely the same ones who would invite a strange framer (is that redundant?) into their back room for a tour if they showed up unannounced.

I'm one of those, BTW, but I am proud to say that nobody actually ever saw my basement.

Sorry, I know I registered in March and went on a handful of times, then wasn't on for a few months. ONce I opened my shop I started to post. But I have to admit , even though I've been framing since the first year I was able to drink legally, I was a little intimidated at first. You know first time yoyu step into a room full of strangers kind of thing. But I feel I have been welcomed vewry nicely and thank you for that.
But, I do admit I get a weird feeling when someone comes on with little info and they pummel you with questions. If its a case of being afraid their boss will find out , I can understand that. Unfortunately there are owners who are threaten by an employee who wants to expand their knowledge, and that is just wrong.
So...lets all expose ourselves

Steph AKA 40-28-36
Originally posted by Bill Henry:
I mean, you guys think my real name is Bill Henry – it’s really Byron Phynias Copperpot III.
BYRON OLD MATE - COBBER!!!!!!! Where on earth have you been all this time???

I have searched the entire globe seeking you out for years and you turn up here of all places.

Remember the time when we went to that downstairs nightclub with those blonde triplets? Well, enough said in public about that I suppose!

We'll have to get together for a barbie as soon as possible and sink a few tinnies....whatta ya reckon?
Jeez, I feel compelled to reveal alittle more about myself!

My name is Denise Knudson. I am a native of North Dakota and I live in Fargo. I really am a "rookie", as I've only been in business for 2 years. But, before that I worked for a framer for 2.2 years, and fell in love with it!

I will try to contribute more to the grumble, but bare with me as I work alone ninty-seven percent of the time.

Thanks again for all the good information, entertainment
, and wisdom...

RON THAT IS NOT FUNNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OK....maybe just a little. ;)

I can't wait until they're off, they say May, but I turn 40 in May and I'll be damned if they'll be on for that. I ate a poppyseed bagel today . Let's just say BIG MISTAKE....we're talki' HUGE.

Have I shared enough?

So...lets all expose ourselves
bare with me

We won't be toleratin' a bunch of nakid framers running around The Grumble, carrying sharp implements and gettin' reckless.

There are standards. Low ones, perhaps, but standards none-the-less.

Steph, I had braces at the usual tender young age. The day I got them off I was attending a "community youth function" and failed to duck when somebody took a swing at me. A couple years of orthodontia were negated in .5 seconds.

I had braces again when I was considerably older than the orthodontist and managed to stay out of fights ever since.

(When you get yours off, don't insult anyone who has no neck.)
Ironically I miss fighting. A good friend and I boxed each other every FRiday night. Talk about a workout.Now for some reason I am uncomfortable with her right hook in my jaw.

But thanks for the advice
ok, so i never formally introduced myself but i figure the way to get to know someone is by conversation in general. i feel like you guys would be able to determine what kind of person i am by my posts, rather than a list of self-facts which would portray only a rose ccolored mirror of who i am anyway.

as far as names go, my name is in my profile right? My username has special meaning to me and I use it for everything. it's a plkay on words for my home town of Petaluma, CA. They say you can pet a cat or a dog but you can't pet a luma. Imaluma is a reaffirmation of who I am and where I come from, especially now that i am so far from home.
"AKA 40-28-36"
"Bare with me"

no - poppy seeds are opium.

Don't know how many you'd have to eat to get a buzz going though! LOL!!
Originally posted by Steph:
So...lets all expose ourselves

Steph AKA 40-28-36
Excellent idea, Steph!! Reminds me of a song we used to do by the "Showmen". I find myself going 'apedy-ape' over the idea!! I think, as the originator, you should show us what you have in mind. We'll bare with you.*

Charles aka: 44-34-32*


<font size=1>* Instructions on photo posting available.</font>
I ain't exposin' MYself in the winter! (and you don't want me to do it in the summer... trust me) So on to another topic. Did I tell you that my cat is much better now that I applied $250 to her at the vet?
This thread sure has taken an interesting twist. Now I want to know even MORE about some of you. :D

I won't give any more personal information because most of you know me too well already. :rolleyes:
Ellen, yer a hoot! Sorry about your kitty- glad she's better?

Being one of those with an obscure "handle" , I have no room to speak. But, when I registered, I was working for a frame shop that is now my competition, and I felt I should be discreet. But, my profile was not some weird compilation of phrases, and I have always been forthcoming about location, etc.

I think it does bother us, to answer the original question. Most seem to ignore a poster that doesn't tell where they're located, or puts no/little info. on their profile.

So, for you grumblers that are no longer newbies, and have decided to join the party for good, update your profiles!

Oh, and welcome to any of you that have "outed" yourself on this thread. My guess is if you didn't introduce yourself in the beginning, perhaps you weren't welcomed properly either.

Just make sure you pay your dues monthly and you'll be fine.
I don't mind if someone wants to use a fake name, I do. (But I think you all know my real one by noe) It's not sharing personality that bothers me.

Like Roboframer did, giving some information first.

The people I am most likely to really repond to are the ones who don't hide "who they really are", even if they feel a need to hide their actual name and place.

Lurking and reading for a while before posting is a good idea in any forum. Just showing up with a lot of questions (many of which can be answered fully by checking the archives) seems like someone who just wants things handed to them on a plate, instead of having to do the research for themselves.

I haven't met any of you guys, and have never looked at your profiles to see who you "really are", but I like most of you quite a lot. Some of you, I may not like, but I can respect. There's a couple of posters I could live without, but they aren't likely to post in this thread!

Sheesh! I feel like I just got caught sneezing without a tissue!

I've been "lurking" for quite awhile now--posted a couple of times--but never introduced myself. I belonged to the Grumble years ago-during it's first years. There are so many great posts here, I never felt like I had anything to add. I still feel like a student, not a teacher.

It's not right to just take without giving something back, so here goes the intro: My handle is one that was "given" to me years ago-I love almond paste and I like to cook. I also LOOK like I like to eat what I cook, so will not share any numbers!

I've been a framer for more than 16 years. I started with a book in one hand and a mat cutter in the other. I eventually was asked to work for a BB precursor to Michael's, since gone bankrupt. I'm not cut out for dealing with the corporate mentality, so eventually left to start my own small shop. Various family situations cropped up and I had to close in 1999.

I recently sold our other small business and put the proceeds into opening a new shop. I learn slowly...

It's wonderful to be back, however; I feel like I'm returning home after a very long trip. I will be attending the Las Vegas show next week and am really looking forward to meeting as many of you as I can. This has been a great place to go to get up to speed on all the changes that have taken place in the last five I'll continue to lurk and learn!
Remember the time when we went to that downstairs nightclub with those blonde triplets? Well, enough said in public about that I suppose!
Shhh, Osgood, I ended up marrin' two of ‘em – Muffy and Buffy as I recall.

I agree with Roz (it is the first post for this thread, in case someone forgot).

But I think there are 2 reasons (maybe three): Some are shy, or don't want to sound too newbie.

And others maybe don't want their up-the-street competition know a few things about their business.

But absolutely, being anonymous longer than the first few weeks, is not nice.

Heck, I am one for the few who even posted a picture...maybe I am revealing too much!
My name is Virginia, but I use Sister because it is kinda sorta a nickname as is Sister Susie. It's a long story so I won't bore you with details. I promise I am legit. My avatar is the nurse because an evil twin not long ago stole my first one, and I didn't want to appear related. My daughter is an RN so I use that one; however, there is no way I could ever do what she does.
Hanna, if I ever met you in person (which would be nice) I would have to call you Hanna, though I know your other name. You'll always be Hanna to me.

If I ever met Less (which would be weird) I'd have to call him Less, though he has another name, too.

Ron isn't my real first name, though I was 14 before I found that out myself.

I have no problem with a screen name, unless it is GH67#l).

My apologies if your name really is GH67#l).
Hi my name is Sheila......

You all know me as Elsa, my husband gave me that nickname back 22 years ago when we were dating, I'll keep the reason to myself.
I started framing 5 years ago, the store I worked at went out of business last Sept. and I now work for Slaveway(i.e. Safeway) I don't like it but it pays the bills. I want to be a framer again, but havn't found a position, if I could I would start my own shop but not in any shape to do that at this time in my life. I love the grumble it keeps me informed and up to date on the framing world. These days I don't have much to contribute, I read a lot though and post when I do have something to contribute.
I miss framing very much, was able to do some(on my kitchen table!) for myself and family for the holidays.
It never ceases to amaze me how much grumblers have in common! We are strange quirky lot!

Shhh, Osgood, I ended up marrin' two of ‘em – Muffy and Buffy as I recall.

Really? Both at once no doubt. Mmmmmm, the other one was "Ruffy" wasn't she?
I better take advantage of the amnesty while it lasts!

Danimal here...The real name is Daniel English though and I own the TGFU in Lawrenceville, GA. The handle comes from some old mountain biking friends in Huntsville, AL. After a piece of technical riding one of them told me I was an animal. My response was "No, I'm a DANimal". They never let me forget that one.

Spend most of my time here lurking and learning but I have asked several questions about business issues and such. I'll try to use the archives more diligently in the future.

my shop here in san miguel de allende, mexico, is named fortuna. i am a lifetime artist and couldn't find a good framer for my own work. other than the finset framers in mexico city, concepts of conservation and preservation are non existant, as are materials relevant to quality framing. ( i have to import everything.) i opened in august 2004 as a total novice with a lifetime of craft skills, but no real training. after a year and a half, with alot of help from the grumble, i'm beginning to feel competent.
it's been challenging opening a business in a foreign country in a foreign language, but i am still loving it. thanks to all of you for the help. please visit me in san miguel. sincerely, karen clement
Originally posted by Paul N:

Heck, I am one for the few who even posted a picture...maybe I am revealing too much!
Yeah, Paul, you are quite an exhibitionist. LOL.

Back to the original subject. In this thread Rose is asking for a psychological patch: GIVE ME THE TRUTH OR GIVE ME A LIE, BUT PLEASE FILL IN ALL THE BLANKS AND LET ME HAVE ME AN ADDRESSABLE IDENTITY TO RECON WITH. Rose's demand is nothing less than her formal way of absorbing or rejecting communication in virtual space with virtual characters. Pudency, honesty and offence are things with different meaning when lived in virtual space and believing the opposite is just naiveté.
Whynot... Is that what I am asking for!! Virtual space makes it difficult, I admit, to express with the intent of one's personality - sometimes I try to by funny and I don't know if that is what gets across in virtual space where it would be undeniable in person that is either was or wasn't funny. Sort of like the difference between actors making movies or doing live theatre!?!

In this case - I was just reacting to a thread to see if I was alone in my feelings - and I am happy to say I am not. I did not intend to embarrass some of the "newbies" to "come out" but I don't think that is a bad thing. And I also understand better now if someone is vague - it is not necessarily for negative or unworthy reasons but to protect their identity in a case where an employer may be a grumbler as well.

So... let the revealing continue!! My real name is Rosalind and I am a framer.
Roz I personally think you started a beautiful thing. There has been some great coming outs as a result. It also made me feel not so alone in my initial feelings about being nervous to join in. I value myself as a framer, and there is endless good info to be shared here.

Also in case you hadn't noticed I like to adfd humor to my posts. I can't help it. Being a stress machine half the time, not sleeping worrying about about doing all the right things for the shop, worrying about my kids, life , boyfriend, everything....arghhhhhh. But if I don't find a way to laugh during the day I'll go crazy. So...what I am trying to say is I hope I never offend anyone. I need humor in my life what can I say.

Thanks all,

PS maybe i started it maybe i didn't, but I think its the natural course that the Grumble takes ;)
I think sometimes we are on a times we welcome, at other times we are put-off. I think it is hard to react to new people sometimes as you don't know who or why they are here. But this is all in fun, that is why most folks are here-well to learn as well. It is hard each time you meet a new person. You put up your gaurd a bit, but you also shake hands...wait to you here what they say then continue being inviting or the gaurd goes further up. We each react differently, and that is why we all are

Patrick Leeland
Steph, Thanks for the "attagirl".

I certainly did not expect the response from new grumblers - but it is like a gathering where you are meeting new people and some of us are shy, some are more outgoing, some are entertainers, all different and on any given day - any one of us could either bring a giggle to another, a thought provoking question or challenge or answers, or really **** somebody off. I think I have done a little of all of these and am truly glad to be involved, if not from the sidelines but by jumping right in!

As the Budweiser commercial says: "I love you guys"...
Roz, when I first started checking out The Grumble I was intimidated by the existing community. You look at the bottom of a post and see that a Grumbler has posted 4,000+ messages and you know that person has been here a while. It seems wise to stay in the background while I am learning the pecking order.

Also, I'm a complete novice who decided to leave the corporate world and open a frame shop. No business experience and no framing experience made me decide to go the franchise route. Just because I'm hard headed doesn't mean I have to listen to people tell me I can't do this, right? Right? The first six months have not been easy but I sure have learned a lot. The cast of usual suspects around know more than I ever will about framing. I am in awe of Baer as there seems to be no limit to the depth of his knowledge.

Anyway, sometimes people are vague because they don't want to expose the vastness of their ignorance. That's my story and I'm stickin to it.
Hi All,
I couldn’t wait to see how this post progressed because now it has forced me to come out.
My name is Lisa and I’m a framer.
Frmallday because that is exactly what I want to do all day. Although some days don’t come close and I’m on TG getting useful information , chuckles and laughs.
I love the diversity of the personalities here! Yes, framers are a breed unto there own and that’s a good thing.
I’ve been framing since I was 18 and I’m 46 now. I’ve worked for big shops and little shops and have learned a lot from all.
My former employer laid me off about 2 years ago and I just didn’t have the heart to look for another job.
I have for so many years heard, “You should open your own business!” I always said I didn’t want the responsibility or to work that hard.
I have found though that it’s like having your “own” kids, as much as you love children there’s nothing like the love you have for your own and that’s how I feel about being in business. I never thought I would love it as much as I do.

Thank-you all for contributing here and enriching our framing careers!
Originally posted by deaconsbench:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Steph:
I ate a poppyseed bagel today . Let's just say BIG MISTAKE....we're talki' HUGE.

Doesn't poppyseed show up positive for mari-ju-wana?
</font>[/QUOTE]it's actually opiates that you'll test positive for, like morphine and heruoin, I think
Originally posted by imaluma:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by deaconsbench:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Steph:
I ate a poppyseed bagel today . Let's just say BIG MISTAKE....we're talki' HUGE.

Doesn't poppyseed show up positive for mari-ju-wana?
</font>[/QUOTE]it's actually opiates that you'll test positive for, like morphine and heruoin, I think
</font>[/QUOTE]Shoot I didn't even get a buzz! That bagel was completely covered in poppyseeds, I should have gotten something out of it besides blackened teeth & braces

it's B A E r, and I ain't changing it here no how any who to that there Bare..... no whey Jose.

[a little cheesey Oregon joke there :D ]

Steph, according to Home Depot lore, a person weighing aobut 150lbs, would have to consume about 200 poppyseed muffins every day for at least a month before testing positive.

But of course, they were refering to "testing positive to being over the required 300lbs to work in the phone center."