Anyone closing early Saturday for the holiday?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
I get slow during the summer and on saturdays no one comes in (Almost always) after 3pm.

So for the extended holiday weekend I am closing at 3.

Anyone else closing early?
We close for the holiday long weekends (memorial day, july 4th, labor day)- no one comes in.

We closed for saturdays for the month of august this year to test the waters - only fell short of last years dollars by a little bit - not enough to worry about and enjoy the 3 day weekends for a month :D

closed saturday and monday this year.

business was nil for the last 2 years for the weekend. Another businessman suggested leaving a sign and a cellphone number.
We take the opportunity to have more than 1 day a week off on holiday weekends... Memorial Day, July 4th week, Labor Day and Columbus Day.

Closed Sat-Mon countdown started a little while ago!!

The business I may miss does not make up for the relaxation and recharging I get from the needed time away from the shop.
I'm Always closed sat - mon on all long weekends! Started that about a year ago. No-one comes in those days anyways.
I haven't had a day off (other than the half a snow day I got this year and I'm not counting Sundays) in over a year... so yes! Usually I'm open holiday weekends but never have any business unless it's scheduled pick up.

I am so ready for this weekend. :D
Open reg hours on sat and closed sunday/monday. We are usually open 7 days. Going to enjoy the last weekend of summer. The heck with framing. For 2 days anyway.
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
.... filming video on Monday.
Ok Baer, I'll bite....

Closing both Saturday and Monday. I'm very much looking forward to it, even though I have no plans really. There is this ribfest going on down in Indy this weekend. I may have to stuff myself.

I'm closing at 6 pm on FRIDAY!

Enough labor for the week...enjoy your weekend, kids.

Dave Makielski
Closing at 6 today (Friday) and not opening again until the 12th of September.

This week (of Labor day) has been DEAD for since I openened shop. Might as well have some fun.

BTW closed Saturday for the month of August and beat last year's August. Have Fun!
Regular hours on Saturday (today). I know at least 2 customers have told me they will be in today.
Monday...closed but if I'm in the store working my doors will be open.
Originally posted by D_Derbonne:
Monday...closed but if I'm in the store working my doors will be open.
That is the way I'm playing it. When I get caught up if the parking lot is low or empty, I'm out of here. If people are coming in, I'll hang around.
I was planning to close at the normal time today (Saturday), and I'm glad I did. More folks came in today, than the whole last week!!!
Originally posted by Rogatory:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
filming video
Kinda redundant isn't it? isn't it? isn't it? isn't it? </font>[/QUOTE]Rogatory, I think Cptn. English would have a convulsion if I used the term "Videoing Film"... of corse that could be weird too....

But I think the term "making a film" is now meaning actual 35mm or 72mm film instead of a video tape which is what we are using...

Or would you be more comfortable with "Going to be exposing Betamax tape to electrons aligned in such a way that they show me teaching fabric wrapping"?

How about, "I screwed around at the shop today making stuff for Monday when I'm having a few people over to hang out and maybe film something..."?