Anybody know who won the Framing Competition at Orlando

Bob Carter

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jun 16, 2000
I do

And the big $1000 winner is right here on the Grumble.

I can't seem to remember her name but she is from Poplar Bluff, MO and is really a sweetie

Maybe someday I'll get to meet her

I think she was also elected the National Board of Directors for PPFA

Now, what the heck is her name?
WOW Barb! Way to go!

Postapicture postapicture postapicture!!!!!!
And where prey tell are the Pictures Barb and/or Angie? That is the least you could do for us no shows and wannabes.
Well whadaya know. A feather for your cap and a wad of cash attached. Come on, don't make us wait for the "official" pictures.
The full list of winners is posted under the PRESS RELEASES section at

Barb's blew me away. As a framer I kind of looked at it, took a picture... then the little woodworker in me started jumping up and down and screaming at the framer to open his mind and LOOK.

You ain't gonna believe it.

You might as well post Barb, cuz if you don't, I will.
Oh, WOW! That's terrific! Talk about 'tying up the trades'!! Very clever indeed!

Congratulations to all the winners!

PS - Where's the picture of yours Baer??
Wow, thanks guys.

Angie and I collaborated on this effort. My only regret is that she was not there with me at the show and the awards ceremony. I had a bit of fun with her—called and left a message on her voice mail not letting on...I wanted to hear her scream in person!

Here’s a shot my hubby took:


What is not immediately apparent is that the easel is actually part of the frame--all done out of picture frame moulding. There is apprx. 50 feet of well cursed moulding (ash and maple) in the piece. Also not showing up well in the photo is that the palette is hand carved, glued to another rectangular matboard which in turn is glue to stretcher bars, and then covered with cream silk fabric. Angie stretched the silk "canvas" and stapled it with painstaking precision onto the canvas. Not easy to do accurately with a cumbersome staple gun.
Not so fast... I got back Tuesday night... AND I have held my lips tight... waiting for you.

Sorry Sherry, no pictures were taken.

And for a very good reason. I was wearing my "bad boy Monday motorcycle" island shirt. :D
I simply did not have time to get pics of many of the entries. I shot a few and then the battery in my camera went dead. I intended to get back in there the next day and shoot the rest of them, but I was a little bit busy. Here are a few. I can tell you that there were some awesome ones, and the open competition was incredible.





Originally posted by Bob Carter:

Maybe someday I'll get to meet her

On 2 conditions: I get to "squeeze" in a couple more hugs, and your lovely wife tells more jokes! I'm still laughing about the shoe one...
Congratulations. What an awesome design
I hadn't noticed the easel was made out of moulding as well until you pointed it out - I was admiring the creativity of the frame.

The pictures of other entries were really interesting as well.

This forum has really inspired me to think outside of the box for frame design. I hope one day I'll come up with a design that is as effective as Barbs and the rest of the 'Grumblers'.
Thanks all, we really worked hard on it..... did she mention the thing was evil?? Oh well, it was way worth it... I'm glad to be sharing such an awesome prize with such a wonderful person!!! Barb was so sneaky... she was acting all depressed on the phone like the thing broke on the way up there... and then told me we won!!! I screamed so loud! I wish I could have been there, she said it was so fun and that there were so many awesome pieces there. If anyone else has pictures... please post them!!

Congratulations Baer on winning a prize as well!!!
Congratulations Barb and Angie. I think I can speak for all of us Grumblers to say

(That was worth yelling about) How many hours do you think it took you two? And what made it "evil"?
Very nice job. More complicated than I would ever want to attempt.

My ol' buddy Baer had a great design, too

For those that choose not to attend these events, the absolute best benefit is getting to "mix" with your peers

There is hardly a person that we meet isn't nicer in person than on this impersonal screen. I could make a list of the all the great folks we meet and talk to, but I would surely forget a few

We all share so much in common and just flat out have so much fun. Getting to meet the person behind te screen name makes it even better

And, price of admission is just a cute joke

I had emailed several times Peter Ackerman from United and we spoke on the phone. But never met him.

Up jump the devil, he wanders past our dinner party and we get to meet. What a delightful man.

That was the second best meeting of the week; the first being able to say I went to dinner with the First Place winner
Originally posted by Val:
Congratulations Barb and Angie. I think I can speak for all of us Grumblers to say

(That was worth yelling about) How many hours do you think it took you two? And what made it "evil"?
Thanks Val and thanks Pam (didn't want to leave you out
), I think Barb and I figured out that we worked a combined total of a solid 30 hours AT LEAST... I know I must have worked about 10 hours or so, she worked another 10 hours, and then we both worked another 10 hours together on it.... so maybe 40 hours or more....

I think what made it evil was that the wood was so hard and we were using brass :eek: , there were also so many angles we had to work with... I'm glad Barb was able to get those looking great! The whole project was hard... every single step!!! There were also a lot of little things we did to it... like make a fake drawer, seal the raw edges of the frame, stretch an embossed mat over a lined stretcher bar... perfectly and then attatch it perfectly to the mat... keeping in mind the grain of the fabric....and Barb cut a piece of rag mat into a pallet freehanded!!... oh, and let's not forget making the frame into an easle!!!! That's why I called it evil.... it was just plain hard, but we both learned a lot from it. I think that's why it's great to do competitions. You think of these awesome things you want to do with the piece and some how you do it and do it right... because you just have to!! It was such a great experience and definately worth it
[/QUOTE]There were also a lot of little things we did to it... like make a fake drawer, [/QUOTE]

The drawer is fake........? The drawer is FAKE!!

Tsst tsst! :D

In Brit terminology, what a gobsmacking job!
Barb and Angie, well done!! I love the concept- I hope others stop and think a few seconds to really get it.

Congrats, ladies!
Congratulations, Barb and Angie! You did a great job

PPFA will greatly benefit for having you on the board, Barb.
A few more of the fantastic entries...


Wish you could see this one better....actually these are all a little blurry after uploading.

I never thought to do a 3 dimensional case.


Open Competition First
Place--immaculate! The lines on the top mat are actually etched onto the glass, and I can't even describe the inner mats. That broken line you see is an inlaid mat that was sandwiched in between the other mats. The corners on this frame were perfection and the back of the pc. was a nice as the front....


The one in the background was quite good as well.
There were LOTS of palettes incorporated into the designs....

The one sitting next to mine took second place. I saw 4 entries that used cast hands--never would have thought of that. What you can't see about this one, is that if you got up close and looked behind the mat, there were squeezed up tubes of paint, etc. sitting down there--mostly hidden. Very clever.


Beautiful! Tiny little gold butterflies in the corner of the fillet. If you've ever framed a butterfly, you know how difficult it is. I think it was a gutsy move to submit a delicate article such as this.


My personal favorite.....Yes, the words may have distrated from the subject, but this was stunning never-the-less.
How did the judges know that your easel was part of your framing and not just sitting on the easel like the last one one the right?

I was planning on entering this year until Daddy got worse. My idea was to create the matting and background out of quotes from famous artists.

What did the quote say on this last one?
The back of our piece is covered with Lineco paper--the "drawer" and the "frame". Also the back of the easel legs are built up to the level of the lip and finished out with the silk fabric. Plus, it ways so on the description form. :cool:

Now for the quote:

"My mother said to me, "If you become a soldier you'll be a general; if you become a monk you'll end up as the Pope." Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.--Pablo Picasso 1881-1973
This is the butterfly frame and fillet. Very nice Marty Horowitz frame and fillet. [Peoples Choice winner BTW. The photographers and such got to vote.]

This is the detail on Ray Dwyer's mat. The deflection is made with Ball Bearings in a 10-ton press.... shoot! and our shop only has a 2-ton...
[this is when you know that in Idaho the snow is deep and the winters are long... :D ]


It took first place in the Open and a Judges Choice for Inovation.
All of the entries were amazing. Best of all was the nice job that the PPFA staff did laying out all of the entries on the show floor. It was so impressive. I think that our industry gained alot of respect from the photographers seeing the display. All throughout the show, buyers and exhibitors wandered through checking out the entries. Three cheers for the PPFA staff!
Angie and Barb--

Congratulations on your fantastic masterpiece winning First Place!

Visiting the judging area and being at the awards ceremony were the trade show highlights...

I couldn't be happier for you two.
Thank you, Don, that means a lot.

You have all been so nice--thanks for the kind words everyone.

Andy and belinda, I'm glad you both posted your entries--I didn't get a chance to get them all photographed. :(

belinda, there were ALOT of palettes. It was very interesting to see how many different applications there were. I enjoyed looking at all of the clever things you did with your entry-a great deal of thought went into it.

Andy, was yours completely cut on your Wizard?

Pam-don't be so modest girl. I've seen your work and I don't think you shy away from complicated projects. This was hard, not because there was anything very complicated, but because it seemed to have a nasty curse on it.
You all know what I mean--when you have to redo every dang thing at least once. Or five ,six times.

Bob, you are so sweet. Thank you so much for the wonderful compliment.

For me personally, the company kept during that event was superb. You are right--that's the very best part.

Does anyone know who did the first one that I posted a picture of on this thread? Unfortunately, I didn't have time to really look hard at them all, but I loved that one and was surprised it didn't place higher.

Anyone else with pics? Let's see them!
Originally posted by Barb Pelton:
Thank you, Don, that means a lot.

belinda, there were ALOT of palettes. It was very interesting to see how many different applications there were. I enjoyed looking at all of the clever things you did with your entry-a great deal of thought went into it.

Thank you, I did probably 90% of the grunt work on it and the artist was a woman who works in our frame shop.

Since I hadn't been privy to this contest in the past, I didn't know if there was a size limit or not. I would have made it much larger if I had known I could, or possibly not as busy. I thought about doing a palette or even a hand inside the work holding a brush, but my first thought was that other people would do that. I really like being able to see some of the other entries as I did not attend the convention.
Originally posted by belinda:
I thought about doing a palette or even a hand inside the work holding a brush, but my first thought was that other people would do that.
One of the things I would tell new visual designers (in another life) is that when designing a display, you had to reach for something unique. (Customers who shop all the dept stores in a metro area have already seen what the 'other guys' have done with that china pattern, thank you very much) Anyway, I would have them write down all the things that would pop into their head for the first 30 seconds of laying eyes on the merchandise to be displayed. Scribble it down as fast as you can think of it!

Now--this becomes your list of what NOT to do, because if it comes to you that fast--that's what's going to be in the competitions' minds. I always wanted something a little different; something new.

Even though we tossed out the first several designs, we hung on to the palette. I knew there would be many. Oddly enough, I never thought of a cast hand and I think there were 4 with cast hands.

I don't believe there is a size limit--just remember you have to get that darn thing there.
This is why I didn't have an Open Competition piece there--
(oh, OK, I admit there is that tiny little detail of not getting it finished, but I WOULD HAVE if I thought I could drag the thing down there. It is HUGE!)

Wait until you see this year's artwork! Ooooh,
I can't wait to see what you guys come up with for it! There are some nice subtle elements to it....
I think there are size limitations and I know nothing alive can be submitted. The alive rule was passed when John Raines did a piece with live fish. I think the size thing was done when Mark Lizer did a tremendous piano piece and then wrote a hilarious story about the construction of it. I don’t remember where it was published, but for those of you who didn’t see the piece or read the story, maybe he could post both. It was really good.

The competition was very, very interesting this year. Chris and her committee have done a lot of work trying to get framers interested and they are succeeding. The competitions get bigger and better every year.

Every custom framer needs some interesting and distinctive samples for shop walls to show what can be done in terms of custom framing and entering the competitions is a good way to achieve some great ones. You can’t win every time, but you get to put the rejects on your wall, so enter and make them great!
HI Barb!

Yeah, that design was cut completely with the Wizard. All the openings and even the letter were added to the design as one layer, but by alternating cutting with pulling elements from the design within Path Trace, it was actually a pretty simple procedure. Glad you liked it! Again, congrats on your win! Very clever!
I'd like to ask a question or two if it is OK coming from a noncompeting wannabe?
I have a friend who used to enetr competitions alot and he felt that there should be a seperate category for mats done with the CMCs .

His feeling were caused by the fact that once perfected the technique required was considerably easier.
also as barb just mentioned a lot of the design elements are Canned and while they can be repetative they do require less imagination.

So while the Down side is that CMC may cause alot of simialarities they do give the framer a decided edge in the skill and design areas.
So is this true of PPFA competitions and if not why and what do ya'll think?
Barb - Here's my cast-hand entry ...


(...if I figured out how to properly post a pic :rolleyes: )

[ 03-10-2006, 08:51 PM: Message edited by: Mel H ]
Emibub ... THANK YOU! I should have just left my hair attached to my head and let you do that for me!!! :D