Any suggestions on this project?


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Apr 24, 2002
Pittsfield, MA - The Berkshires
An artist/customer came in recently to frame two stretched works on canvas. Here's the basic plan. Any suggestions? 1. The 2 pieces are each approx. 24 x 30, and fairly light. They are designed to be butted up against eachother to form a final size of 24 x 60 for the artwork. 2. I will mount the two pieces onto a 1/2-1" thick, 29 x 67 board (2 1/2 boarder all the way around) to which a barrier will be added and wrapped with fabric. 3. And finally it will be covered with a plexi box from Smallcorp.

Thinking outloud...Could I use the 3/4" strainer from SmallCorp and fill in the hallow part? Hmm.

Whadya Think?
Absolutely, the strainers from Small Corp. fit their boxes perfectly. I've used them many times for similar projects.

Mount your backing board, whatever that is, to the strainer. rather than a barrier of rag, perhaps you just need to seal and/or prime the board in this case? Then wrap the whole package in your fabric. If you haven't already ordered the plexi box, order the strainer "a little loose" to allow for the wrapped fabric around the edges. ( It may depend on the weight of the fabric...linen needs more room around the edges than silk.)

If your backer is wood, you could mount the two canvases by screwing from the back into their stretcher bars (by just 1/4" or so on each side of each canvas.) Kind of a floater frame technique.

Another thought, the strainer Small sends will likely have one crossbar down the middle. Perhaps you can order it so there are two crossbars, each one crossing through the center of each canvas. Then you can use foam core as your backer and screw the canvases through the crossbars. That would save you on weight. And you'd be surprised how a few screws can hold a canvas floating in place.

Clear as mud?
Maria, thank you for all of the good info. I was thinking about mounting my board into the strainer with 'L' brackets. That will work. I will also talk to SmallCorp re extra cross bars that I can attach the artwork to. Again, each piece weighs probably 1-2 lbs. Very light. Thanx again.