Any Atlanta Plans?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
Has anyone taken up Pam's job for a G get-together? Don't think I've seen a list yet either of who's attending? (Or should I be thinking......nah.
i won't be able to go this year. I sure wish I could. I really enjoyed meeting you and everyone else from here. I will be thinking of you though. I am putting my extra money into getting my CPF this year. I am going to a class in Sept. and then the exam in Oct. That will be two overnight trips for me in a months time.
Airplane and hotel are booked, I can't wait to hook up with everyone, it's been too long. First trip to Atlanta so I'm looking forward to it.

Langley House Gallery
Where is a good place to stay?

We've never been to an Atlanta show and are seriously considering the September 11th :eek: flight.
I plan, therefore I am going to Atlanta, barring any unforseen circumstances.

Going to see G'ers past, and new G'ers and spend some time at the Fox Theater and the Lennox Square Mall. Might even stalk the floor at the Trade Show.

Mike, the Omni Hotel is a great place to stay. I must check on flights and reservations. The Omni Bar is where it's happ'nin', after Ellen arranges everybody, and chases away all the non-framers.

You may even get a reprise of the Great Flood...
We plan to have one dinner at Ruth's Chris Steakhouse:

Situated in the lobby of the Embassy Suites hotel just across the street from the Georgia World Congress Center, CNN and Phillips Arena, this Ruth's Chris restaurant in downtown Atlanta offers dramatic views of Centennial Olympic Park (the home of the 1996 Summer Olympics).
Is it possible to go and not have to deal with Atlanta???

The traffic is to much for us anymore.....

Oops, I have to go to Seattle tomorrow..... that's bad enough.

Always interested in Atlanta show. Hear it's bigger than Vegas.....


Baer, MARTA (Metro Atlanta RTA). Straight from Airport to Phillips Center (well, one change, but not difficult) and you are within 2 blocks of the Omni, Embassy Suites, and the WCC. It's only a 6 hour drive for me, but what to do with a car in midtown?

Youze guys better hurry up and book a room. The ones close to the WCC are going & gone.

Mike, Opting for the Embassy Suites this year. Seems steep ($$$), but real close to WCC and price includes breakfast (a real one, not one of those continental ones) and snacks and a couple drinks in the evening...not that there won't be plenty of that going on at the Omni Bar.

Didn't even think about 9/11 when I on the 10th, out on the 12th.

[ 08-02-2004, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: wpfay ]
Yup. The Omni Bar. Friday night. Saturday night. Drive non-framers away. Change seats every 20 minutes. Meet everyone you ever heard of. Party poopers need not apply.
I made reservations on line last week at HOJO downtown via Yahoo. I used Yahoo because I could see all the hotels, where they were located and rates. $69.30 + tax (?). It is less that 1 mile from the Georgia Congress Center.
There is a MARTA stop a block from the center. Make sure any hotel has access to a MATRA. Most of the airport hotels have a free 24/7 shuttle to the airport where there is a MATRA stop. These hotels should have some last minute specials for the "I just decided to go group"

Yes, Friday and Saturday at the OMNI.
Don look for Marie and I in the Embassy .However in a year past we found dinneing there for most meals can get a LOT pricey.( but we now know the CCN food court is a short walk away)

But as Wally pointed out ;Complimenary Breakfast Buffet served by Ruth's (the only resteraunt in the bulding) and snacks and cocktails in the evening for all staying there does make a very good comparison to a lot of the upper end Hotel's prices. And the accomdations were first rate.(Seperate Bedroom ,small kitchenette,sitting area with sofa bed and desk that converted into a dinning table.)and it is just a short walk across the street to the convention center.

In one year though when they were remolding the stairs to the WCC.The scaffolding stairs were a bit much for Marie's just replaced Knee. However you could enter the side entrance of the Omni and use ther escaltor to the WCC plaza stairs.

Hopefully that is all finished and improved.(And hopefully the Johnson Drains on the Roof on the Omni has been improved ,in case there is another Thunder storm.Although the in door water fall was impresive to some but frightening to Marie)LOL
It looks like Omni is $149/night and Embassy is $169 (includes full breakfast, evening cocktails). Both have space available. From what I read online, Marta has a station in the basement of Omni, and both hotels are across the street from or adjoining the convention hall?

Omni sounds more convenient, but what do you recommend?

We might come down Friday morning(9/10) instead of Saturday morning(9/11), and leave Sunday night(9/12).
Mike I didn't mean to imply that Embassy was a better deal than Omni.In fact we have stayed at Omni also and the convience to the Food court and the connecting stairway/escalators are real nice features.Not to mention that the Grumble and PPFA get togethers are held in the bar ( which has a dinning room ajoning) on the Second(?) floor of the Omni.

My wife and I just prefer the Embassy.And the price differance is almost negilable.($20 per day and if you are like us and there are two of you in the room ,breakfeast and cocktails can easily come to $20 a day) .But then you could catch a cup of coffee and danish at the show or at the food court and save he $20 bucks.
Also if you have more than 2 in your party the Embassy could concievably accommodate more than double occupancy and if your so inclined you could utilize the kitchenette to cut meal cost.
It's all a matter of choice .(especially since as you state both have vacancies and the price is very comprable)
Originally posted by BUDDY:
breakfeast and cocktails can easily come to 420 a day
Holy cow, Buddy! Hats off to you and Marie. You sure do know how to party!

(After that many cocktails, I don't even feel like breakfast.)
GOD your quick ron. I thought an earlier comment about your speed in repling was unwarranted. But I editted that comment when I saw the lower case 4 instead of the upper case $. And you replied while I was doing so. I've always wondered if uneditted versions appear while edits are being made ,now I know.

We wouldn't spend anywhere near that amount (420) but I am going to make sure to repay some debts from the last get togethr at the Omni. I've felt ungrateful for a long time .Unless the debt does come to 420.LOL
Ron you said that your PC server shut down repeatedly . Man you must be the fastest typer I've ever met,and you must MONITOR the screen continually.LOL
Embassy sounds like the better deal when you figure in breakfast
Dermot; It should be Flash first not second.What i really want to know is the other part of my post. Does the error ladden post appear to all others while you are editting your original post?

Mike it's all ametter of choice.

Jerry if your in a hurry or dieting or just a light eater,Chick-fil-a might be a good choice but Ruth's breakfast is a LOOOOONg way from a chicken biscut.And then if there are 2 of you that's $6per day and no complimentary cocktails and snacks.But what ever makes you smile ,as long as we all get there.

Are YOU volunteering for Pam's dinner coordinating job???

You GO girl!! :D

I will be spending my weekend on the trade show floor this year. I haven't gotten to see the entire show in the past 2 years and this year I am not taking any workshops so I intend to take my time and look at everything!

For those of you going for the first time, this show is BIG! I would guess that the WCC just in the new wing is much larger than a football field and it is wall to wall vendors! If you need any small items such as supplies or small tools, wait 'till you get to the show to buy them. UMS, MM, and alot of other vendors run show specials on their wares and you can save some money on the cost AND the shipping there.

I don't know if the registration booth will have the green "Grumbler" ribbons to attach to your name badges this year but ask for them so we can identify each other at a glance.

(Some of us old farts with bad eyesight make a spectacle of ourselves staring while trying to read the name tags and put names with faces!!) :eek: :cool:

Hope to see y'all there!



If any of you see a bald old guy squinting at you, don't throw your new moulding samples at him, PLEASE!! It'll probably be me trying to focus in on name tag vs. face id!
FGII, does this mean that you've got the tranny fixed in the rieglemobile (or is that reiglemobile?).

Anyone staying at the Embassy Suites should request a room away from the railroad tracks.

Anyone wishing to have dinner at Ruth's Chris should make their reservation early.
It's in the shop as we speak.

(And my sons affectionately call it the "Griswald Family Vacationmobile)!!

Sorry, no Atlanta for me. Someone else will have to take over the Grumbler dinner. If you want PittyPat's, just call and reserve. They will give you all the space you need. This year I would reserve tables in the main dining room, if last year was any indication of how many want to attend. I reserved for 25, which was perfect for the "Wine Cellar" but more guests showed. Saturday night is the best choice for the dinner.

I must say, I think the Grumblers party better than the HitchHikers. Several of us showed up at the Omni bar after dinner on Saturday, which wasn't all that late, only to find no one there.
Wally we must have ben lucky I didn't even know there were traintracks.but then we only went to the room to get some sleep,when everything else was over.LOLAnd as for making reservation I don't recll doing that either but then when your just upstairs you can pop in any time.But if you plan to have all your meals in the Hotel bring the check book or credit cards.
PS did you know that Ruth used to live in n'awlins and has her crypt here? It was formally christianed by a priest i know and he used a botle of Dixie beer in place of the Aspergilum(Holy water spinkler).This is the truth.
All this talk makes me wish I could attend Atlanta! I've been framing for almost 10 years, and have never been able to attend that show.
I hope you all have a fun and educational weekend! Party some for me!
Traditionally the Saturday get together has been more lightly attended than the Friday one. This is probably due to two factors. 1-The Pitty Pats soiree draws folks away at the beginning of the evening, and you probably j-u-s-t missed the shank of the evening last time. 2-Things seem to be more wound down by Saturday, and folks are just tuckered out. At least for me, staying up latelatelate has lost its allure. And, oh, yes, the Omni Bar Party is not just for HitchHikers. So many of us belong to both, so rather than choosing, HHers and Gers just all hang out together. No credentials are checked. I suppose you wouldn't even have to be in the indsutry! But, Dave, you could be in peril of losing your Fun Guy status if you don't shift around. I just may have to get Bossy....
Dave, you may think that Ellen is kidding about this.

She's not.

I made my reservations today - I'll be there.

i am suppossed to be going, just waiting to see what is up with my boss. i am hoping to get in friday evening and leave sunday evening. the omni was good, but i stayed out too late with some of the dc crowd. they were fun folks. this time i will have my lady so she will keep me to a respectable hour.
I made my Reservations today, Pitty Pats is Friday Ellen?
Looking for info on the Pitty party, and by golly, here it is....I think!

Is there a Pitty party? Did anyone make revs, and if so, for what time? I believe I owe someone a dinner, and I want to make good on that in Atlanta...

Pam, you will be missed.
I don't know nuthin' 'bout makin' no PittyPats party. It is all I can do to get the framers off their keisters to switch every 20 minutes at a BAR! The thought of handling a dinner party makes me tired. Sounds like Barb is volunteering to run it...
We booked yesterday for the Embassy Suites at Centennial Olympic park. (hopefully this is the one next door to the convention with the MARTA stop in the basement?)

Will anyone be attending the OMNI get together? This is what we were planning to do Friday night.

See you there!
The Marta stop you will want is at the Phillips Arena, about a 3 block walk from the Embassy Suites. The hotel with the most convenient Marta stop is the Westin Peachtree...right across the street. As you come up from the Marta station you will exit on the side of the Phillips Arena (left at the top of the escalator). Take a right at the street and you will be facing the WCC. Take your next right and you will be heading down hill past the Omni, If the WCC is open when you arrive, cross the street and bear right inside the WCC. Follow it around to the eastern end. You can exit and descend a set of stairs that will be a half block or so from the ES, or I believe that the elevators are now working to take you to street level. the next intersection turn left and you will be looking at ES about 1 block on your right.
Embassy Suites are situated between the WCC and Centennial Olympic Park. It's still a hike from there to the show...the DecorExpo was held at the far end of the WCC from all of the hotels.
When all else fails....mapquest.
ES is on corner of Tabernacle Pl. NW and Marietta St. NW. The WCC is not shown on mapquest.
Friday, 6 pm, Omni Bar.

Events will include Musical Chairs(supervised by Ellen); Cribbage tournament; and the First Annual Talk-Like-A-Minnesotan contest.

At 8 (or 9 or 10) we will migrate to one of the restaurants downstairs - Mexican or seafood.

Back to the bar after dinner to use their computer for the Grumble Report.

There - I've organized Friday night and I'm exhausted. Someone else can be in charge of Saturday.

I am reading this with envy. It was so much fun to be a part of the group last year. It was one of the best weekends I have ever had. I am glad I had a chance to meet Pam as well as so many of the rest of you (Buddy and Marie, Framerguy, Ellen, Merpsmom, Susan, Kit, dnsy, Jerry Fieg, and so many others). The Grumble dinner was great as was the get togethers at the Omni Bar. For those of you going for the first time, have a great time.

I hope you all have a great time this year.

By the way, for anyone interested, there will be a PPFA show in Chicago in late October. I will be going to that one if only for one day. I am hoping we will have a Grumble meeting there -- what do you say, Jill?

Well it turns out I DO have seminars on Friday. Kassandra will be spending Thursday with Jim Miller's shadowbox class and I'll be getting in late Thursday, so we'll be there for Friday night's festivities.

Looking forward to meeting last year's group as well as new faces. See you all there!
It's looks as if I somehow "volunteered" to take over the planning of the Pitty Pat's soiree on Sat. (uh, where's my t-shirt that says "Stop Me Before I Volunteer!"??)

I'll start another thread for Pitty Pat's. They need a head count. Sat. evening, the 11th, at 6:30.

Did you dine at Ruth's Chris Steak House Friday night about 6pm? If so, I think we were at the next table. What a fantastic meal!

Andy overheard a waitress greeting a Mr Drago.