antistatic gun

Al E

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jan 21, 2001
In my never ending battle against static I just purchased an antistaic gun. Back in '99 Jpete praised it and I decided to give it a try. Found it on the net, they use it for records and micro/telescopes. It's a little pricey. I tested it by pulling some 810 off the roll quickly. It clung to me instantly but with one shot from my trusty gun it went limp. Are there any tips on its use on glass and plexi?

I have one suggestion for using that "trusty gun" anywhere on your body.

There ARE certain places on the male anatomy that you don't necessarily WANT to go limp. If I were you I would do my testing on my forearm or my kneecap. :D

Regarding using it on a sheet of glass, I am not sure how it operates. Does it shoot a puff of antistatic air or is it electrical?

What does it actually DO to remove the static? It sounds like it would be something to take a look at. Let us know how it works for you, eh?


It is non-electric, no batteries or power supply. No refills of any kind. It has no power source. It shoots off positive and negative ions with a
mechanism similar to a piezo-electrical device, much like the ignition on a gas barbecue grill, it seems to me. The manufacturer says it will shoot 50,000 times before wearing out. It comes with a small tester to confirm that it is working properly. I'm planning to try it out this weekend. Before cleaning the glass, after cleaning and when those little buggers just won't come off. It says to hold it twelve inches from the "target" and it covers a 16 inch square area.
I have periodically won battles vs. static but I hope this will help me win the war or at least obtain a peace with honor. I'll take your advice on the anatomy, just in case!
I'll be waiting to hear the results of your tests. This is something that I have never heard of for glass cleaning. It may revolutionize the glass cleaning portion of our business.

As to the anatomy thing, better safe than sorry. (And having to talk with a high voice forever.)

I am not sure why you would need a gun when you can buy a simple anti-static brush made by Kinetronics that can be used to remove the static from your frame, mat and glass. Simply wipe your product with it. It removes the dust and removes the static all at the same time. The costs range from $10 to $50 US Dollars depending on the size and they are available from numerous moulding and supply distributors. They last for years and can be easily cleaned with mild soap and water.

When we sell them the demo we do is usually to pull off a long piece of 810 tape and then wipe the brush down the tape and the static disappears.

Check out the KINETRONICS web site if you need more information.

Alan Sturgess
Alan, Is there any way to recharge those brushes? I have 2 in the shop here that don't seem to work any longer. I know they usually reccommend you keep them in that little sleeve. These were both here in the shop when I took over.
I know they can work better than they do. Any info would be helpful, thanks, Kathy

Run them across the screen of your TV a few times when the TV is on it may improve them.
<blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Al E:
I have the brush also. It works well but is not a panacea. Also, I am a tool nut.<hr></blockquote>

Al, Maybe if you get one of those anti-static guns you can attach it to your biscuit joiner to keep the dust down.

The anti-static brushes are available from United in a number of configurations (though the number might be 2 - I don't have my catalog in front of me.) They are very useful if you work with Acrylic, glass, or photos. In other words, if you're a working framer. I especially recommend them if, like me, you insist on keeping a big dog in the shop. For those of us in the colder climates, a humidifier also helps immensely. Just remember to shut it down when you plug in your dehumidifier in the summer.
Dermot, Cool idea, I ran it across the TV a couple of times and tried it on plexi,it seems to have worked! Thanks, Kathy
Here are the instructions from the Kinetronics package:

"Occasionally vacuum the brush to clear any trapped dust and dirt. Over time, constant exposure to UV light may lessen the effectiveness of the STATIC WISK. When not in use, keep in this special pouch. Also avoid touching the brush hair as oils from fingers will build up and decrease the capabilities of the product. Should you wish to thoroughly clean the Static Wisk, it may be washed in shampoo and water, rinsed carefully and air dried. To increase brush stiffness, trim with scissors."

Alan Sturgess
Dermot, another great suggestion! We have 2 shop brushes that have lost their effectivness for dust-catching. I will try the TV thing.
As another tool "nut" I am curious about the gun. Do they have a web site? Do they have a name? How do I find out more about them? What is the cost of them?



The site is The company is SPI Supplies. The gun costs $95 plus shipping. I really don't know, as yet, if it is worth all that money. Most of the people on this thread are quite satisfied with the brush and probably feel I wasted my money but are too polite to say so, directly. But, I get many jobs wherein the brush, though effective, doesn't do as much as I need. I am in a cold climate and do not use a humidifier because I don't like them.
There was a group purchase on Hitchhikers awhile back and we bought one then. Ours is a Zerostat3 by Milty, made in England. Don't remember how much we paid but it was a good price because of quantity. I haven't used it much but I do pull it out on large plexi pieces to help those little goobers find their way to the bottom so I can get them out of the package.
We bought the brush but it does scratch photos and that was the reason we bought it. Photos with the black background are a real pain. The gun works after the package is together, that one tiny speck can be zapped and on to the next job. Glad this came up because we had not been able to buy a replacement. I think the original one we bought was $30 so $95 will solve some old headaches. Time is money!
First: I think I was one of the first to recommend the Zerostat antistatic gun on HHers awhile back. Yeah, someone made a group buy, but forget who.

anyway, go to a good bookstore like Barnes and Noble (well, maybe not "good" but "big") and get Stereophile or Audio mgazine. In there is a company named Needle Doctor and they supply us LP freaks with all the goodies to keep our LPs pristine; among those items is the Zerostat gun.

And yes it works, and no, don't try zapping yourself The piezoelectric charge really hurts.

Second question: does anyone charge additional labor when you have one of those Moorman fabrics? I too hate cleaning them and it seems to take forever to clean.

We charge an additional 15 min. labor ($15) but that's only if it's like a shadowbox or a 5" wide mat. Usually 3-4" doesn't seem to be much of a bother.
I have a great solution to any static, dust for picture glass. Purchase a Lite Grip glass cleaning tool and you will never need to search for a way to get rid of dust particles or static from your picture frames again. Check out the ads in decor magazines. LISA
Just finished a piece designed by the customer. Glass in front and back with art floating. Of course there was a little dust which obligingly fell to the bottom after being shot with the antistatic gun. That justified the entire cost of the gun as far as I am concerned.