Antique reproduction oval frames with bubble glass


Grumbler in Training
Jun 30, 2003
Saint Helena, CA
I used to have a source for these types of frames. They sold out to another company, but I do not know who they sold out to. Any Help? Thanks!!! Alan
Wow! InLineOvals is the new land mark of ANTIQUE REPRODUCTIONS oval FRAME MAKING???
That means Abe Munn's days in this business are numbered for sure!

I guess that you people either don't read well enough, or you don't think much about "antique reproduction" in general, if InLineOvals is what pops out of your minds in given context.
An antique reproduction is much, much, much more than some patina smeared onto an ordinary frame. Believe you me; I can swear with my right hand on my Bible that I'm telling you the truth and only the truth.

A mid size antique reproduction of that shape can easily top 10K. My God, I can't believe you send your grumble coleague(s) to Inlineovals for antique reproductions. You must be of those with ready-made answers waiting for yet unborn questions
Fortunately Wally, responses like that are the exception that prove the rule. As a rule, everybody here tries to be helpful.

Probably a better response would have been to post the names of some high end reproduction oval makers in order to enlighten us.........
Sorry Wally, I might have been taken by my severe standards of accuracy. I took personal offence on such faulty recommendations that equal to showing toward the opposite direction when someone is asking for the North Pole. And you know what? Two people showing toward the South might look convincingly safe to the inquirer, especially if no American Choice is there to point to that mistake.
You may not need my advice, but if you were ever about to make a mistake, I would stop you regardless. ;)

I am not aware of different quality degrees of antique picture frame reproductions. Nobody will take the pain of reproducing a non-value antique frame. Reproductions reproduce precious frames and therefore they pertain to a class of excellent frame making. To make a long story short, here is my recommendation: ABE MUNN
CR - I took the time to check out your web site and you have some magnificent products. I was just taken back by the tone of your response in the sea of tranguility that is known as The Grumble.
