Anti virus question


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
The following came up when I renewed my anti virus... can anyone tell me if it is valid or spam... and what to do about it....


Microsoft Internet Explorer: (window title)

Warning. Important Message!!!

You are seeing this message, because we have detected that you have tracking software installed in your machine. (more info)

This is not a virus, but a program in your machine that monitors and transmits all of your online activities, and is a serious violation of
your privacy.

Below is a link to a free scanner to download that will find and remove all spyware programs on your machine: Get the scanner


Thanks, Roz

I am not sure if you renewed online or how MS got wind of the condition of your hard drive but I have to remove about 8 to 12 so called "dataminer" cookies each week that show kup on my hard drive.

I use the AdAware program which is a free download and does a good job of detecting spyware, dataminers, and any other cookies placed unobtrusively on your hard drive without your knowledge when you are connected to the internet. You would be surprised how much access is available through the internet to your computer without you ever knowing that somebody is collecting information from your hard drive.

When you run AdAware for the first time, you may find that there are spyware programs detected on other parts of your hard drive also. Once AdAware removes all these bugs you will usually only get them back in the form of dataminer cookies from information collection sites that use the most trivial information from your hard drive to make their money. They sell your email address, sometimes your URL's, and any other information that is helpful to them to other companies who then send out all sorts of SPAM based on your interests and web surfing habits. It sure doesn't hurt to scan your hard drive occasionally and get these nasty bugs wiped out.

Framerguy - thanks.

Where do I start!?!! I am sure I have these pesky rascals hiding on my harddrive!!

Thanks, Roz
Careful, Roz.

That pop-up might have looked like a message from Microsoft, but it almost certainly was not. You may or may not have spyware in your system, but what you read was just a sneaky ad - kinda like the official looking junk mail you get in your mailbox.

Adaware is a good and free program. Another one I've used is Spybot Search and Destroy. The latter has so many imitators that turn up in a Google search that the last time I checked, their download site was off-line. I'll check again since I want to install it on my reformatted notebook.

Here is a link to Spybot Search and Destroy.

And here is a link to Ad-Aware by Lavasoft.

Install and use them both.
Go to the link that Ron posted for Ad Aware, that is Lavasoft's website and you can download the program direct from there.


Microsoft doesn't do business in the manner that you describe and they don't offer any free spyware programs.

I would download the Ad Aware program, get it up and running and do a deep scan of your hard drive first. If you are still unsure about your hard drive, download the other program that Ron listed a link for and run it.

(Ron hasn't played any tricks on anyone for ......... uh, well at least 5 months or so.)
Just kidding, Roz, Ron wouldn't do that to anyone. He is one rightious D*DE!

Just run these cleanup programs and don't open anything that is remotely suspicious looking!

Was it a plain gray box?

It sounds very much like the "WINDOWS MESSENGER SERVICE" exploit/popup. (a system designed for network administrators to transmit system outtage messages and other info internally within a company) The spammers have exploited this feature to extend through the internet, and found a way to hide their true identity.

The spammers can access unprotected computers through ports 135, 137, and 139, which results in a popup message on the screen. These type of messages will appear in a little gray window that has an OK button.

Even though it has a similar name - it has nothing to do with MSN Messenger, or any instant message program.

Most pop up blockers only check for web based ads, which is why these are still getting through.

If you have XP, you can test to see if you're vulnerable by going to START -> RUN -> Type CMD and hit OK. In the MS-DOS window that pops up, type:
NET SEND GRUMBLE TEST! and hit enter.

If you get a message that says "the message alias could not be found", you're safe.

If the ad came up, you can disable this in XP by going to:
START -> Control Panel -> Performance and Maintenance -> Administrative Tools -> Services -> Messenger -> Start up type -> Disable -> Click on STOP -> OK

Here's a how-to article from Microsoft, too.;en-us;330904

This issue effects Windows 2000, XP, and 2003 users who aren't protected by a firewall or NAT router.

There is a free Ad-Aware plug-in, downloadable at the site I linked above, that conveniently turns on or off the Windows Messenger Service without having to wade through layers of menus.

If you're not connected to a network, you can shut off Windows Messenger Service without any problems. Otherwise, it is always on by default with Windows XP.
You are all great with your responses... I have downloaded Ad-Aware... and it scanned the system - I think this was a deep scan.. and then when I turned my computer on this a.m. - it started the same scan again...

Does this happen daily? and if it doesn't have to - how do I change the settings for it not to do this everytime I turn the computer on...

This part of computing really confuses me.... and of course, makes me nervous...

Thanks for all the help... what would I do without the Grumble!!!


On the main status screen of Ad-Aware, there are some icons along the top. The one that looks like a gear is for settings. Deselect the option for running Ad-Aware at Windows start-up.

You don't need to run it every day. I run it maybe once-a-week. Or when I think of it.
I have Spyware Begone v. 3.35, and Ad-Aware v. 6. I am continuously amazed at the crap Ad-aware picks up every time I go on-line.
Spyware Begone has only picked up one spy thingie, and it was an 'autodialer' or something equally ominous-sounding.

We already know that Ad-Aware is a good program, but does anyone know anything about the Spyware Begone software??

EDIT: And..what is No Trace software? It is connected, somehow, with Spyware Begone
This will be good... when I run it it quarantined about 64 thingy's the first time... what do you do with them after that!??!



(having a blonde week!)