Anthropolie store

J Phipps TN

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 14, 2004
Kingsport TN
I just got in from Atlanta on a trip to buy Original Oils and while there I went into the best store. "Anthropolie" I was wondering if anybody knows if they sell wholesale product?

What a great store. We could all take lessons on display from them.

I have e-mailed the company, but haven't heard back from them.

Also, Who decides what classes are offered at the Decor show. I would love to take a Window and Display class. Are there any books on the subject anywhere? Ideas on how to build back drops and display cases and cabinets.

I have huge windows and struggle with ideas. Ihave alot of ideas but struggle with the best way to pull them off, so they look like what I have in my head. Products for hanging and stackingis what I mean.

You're missing a syllable: Anrthopologie

Went into the new store at the new "Town Center" here in Jacksonville. Enormous amounts of space, but they make up for it with $200.00 custom ripped blue jeans, and $90.00 t-shirts.

When my daughter decided to shop at Hollister instead, and get a pair of $40.00 non-ripped blue jeans I was greatly relieved.

Anthropologie does have a beautiful store and we did spend a fair amount of time looking at the layout, product, and displays. They were doing a fair amount of business, even managed to get a small amount of my money for some painted porcelain drawer pulls for the newly remodeled bathroom. They have a great diversity in what they show, and some in depth selection (like 60 different kinds of drawer pulls), but I couldn't get a sense of focus. The whole design seemed capricious, but that may have been the point. I kept thinking "Upscale Pier One".
If you do a search on here for Anrthopologie you'll find some info. We've talked a little about it - maybe before you registered.
Anthropologie is one of the coolest stores ever in my book. I have gotten their catalogue for years. Their clothes are pretty pricey like Wally says. Their home furnishings are to die for. The catalogue was a thrill enough to oogle but when we got our first real live store here I had to be pried away the first time I went in.

If I could model my store after any other it would be theirs. Each department is a little vignette. I agree there seems to be no focus but I think it is a shabby chic, French country look that I respond to anyway.

They have great sales when they decide to clear stuff out too. Especially the catalogue.
I can't beleive I spelled the name wrong. Next year I should be voted worst speller!

But Anthropologie should win "display of the Year" if there is such a thing.

That is soooo my style,(if I was rich) I just can't seem to pull it off in my store. But my goal this year will be to try. :D

I think the key is fabric, paint and changable panels. I just would like to know where to buy their merchandise. Just the houseware stuff. IS there a supplier even close to their style at MArket? Does anybody know?

...and what in the world did they do to Abercrombie and Fitch??? Didn't it used to be an outfitter of the highest calibre?
Yikes, the music alone is enough to drive you crazy...John Tesh on steroids...played in a continuous loop!
My lesson #1 in retail from that day at the Town Center was "Seek the Gullible". I have never seen so many teenagers with so much money. We need to make picture framing cool (if even for only 15 minutes). These kids, girls mostly, were plunking down $100.00+ for jeans and $40.00-$70.00 for simple tops, and they were bringing arm loads to the register where there was a 5 person wait.
We went into another shop that specialized in jeans. I thought that it would be some relief. I think after I saw the prices I blocked the name of the store from my mind. They started at about $125.00....I was numb.
Thank you Betty,

That was very interesting.What a great concept. They certainly got me.

I will stop by that store. My family is buying Dollywood tickets this year, so we'll be coming your way some. I am going to be sure to stop in and see you.

Thanks again,
