Another Security issue/McAfee users


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Nov 5, 1997
Huron SD USA
I recently purchased a new computer which came with the trial McAfee so I downloaded and installed all of it.

What do you like and dislike about McFee Security, Privacy etc?

Do you prefer it over Norton?

The privacy screen pops up everytime a person logs on, you can type in a password or hit cancel and go on. I did find a point to disable privacy but it did not actually do it.

It does seem to have a lot of blocking features which I don't need, no children using this machine. It will only be connected to the internet to download updates.

The updates say I need XP1, it has XP2 and I thought you had to have one to get the other. I think that issue is probably in the pop up or security somewhere. I can call support but most of you know, it's easier to come here.

Before I put out the dollars, I thought I'd get another opinion. Thanks.
I would take any other consideration for virusscan EXCEPT McAfee. I've had it for years and will be changing as soon as my current subscription expires.

Ever since the release of Version 8.0 and higher there have been problems and also hardcoded parameters that cannot be changed by the user.

Version 8.0 contains a bug that caused Win98SE to automatically reboot and runs Windows Scandisk on most weekly updates. If it doesn't automatically reboot, then on shutdown it give the Microsoft Blue Screen of Death with a message to contact McAfee. The problem is that McAfee doesn't have a clue about the message. They were able to duplicate the bug and correct it in Engine 4400 released last month. Apparently, instead of engineering the fix, they engineered a bug that carries the original problem to other WIN98Se computers that were originally untouched.

I have had many occasions where the software crapped out and requires then entire package to be reloaded. That is a pain using a 16K dialup connection. That seems to be a standard reply for the first tier of support. If you don't do that, then you get no additional support until you say you've done it.

I have read many AOL users are having troubles with the "Free" virus scan software. The terms of service actually say that billing for virusscan software will be to the main AOL account billing credit card.

DELL installs McAfee in a way that is a pain to work around if you already have a McAfee subscription. I am not sure that I have all the bugs worked out with that issue yet. That's related to my Dell POS (Piece of Stuff) that I bought back in November.

Disabling some components of McAfee only work for the current session. All changes are programmed to revert to factory defaults the next time the computer is turned on.

Here's a link to the McAfee user forum if you want to look at some of the problems. If you post too negative a comment, the moderator will remove it and tell you to contact customer service via phone for any other problems.

McAfee VS9.0 User forum
Hello JPete:

My new Dell came with a McAfee 90 day "VirusScan" trial, and so that's what I've been using for a year or more.

I also purchased and downloaded their "Personal Firewall".

It has quarantined and eliminated dozens of viruses since then.

I have no idea if it's the best, but my computer is still working fine.
My new Dell came with the Free trial Mcafee software and I couldn't open Grumble threads.
I uninstalled it and have had no problems since then.

I do still get a pop up that tells me I have not loaded components and need to do it to be protected.
Guess you can't get rid of it once it's there.

I like Norton better.
I'm a Norton fan, too. McAfee used to be the best back in the DOS days, but I never cared for their Windows products. Mr McAfee pioneered the whole antivirus industry and has always been a major player, (I had dinner with him once at a computer trade show in NYC) but IMO the company went downhill when it got bought out several years ago.

I have one client that uses the McAfee product, with ~38 XP Pro computers, and it's always a source of problems.

Norton has a few issues, too, but nothing too serious. I don't care for some of Norton's integrated packages that have several programs. (buggy) Their plain old Norton Antivirus 2005 is pretty stable.

There are other good alternatives, too.

Thanks for the input. I probably should have asked this question before downloading the balance of free stuff.

Will purchase Norton without all the extras.
I got my computer back this afternoon. The guy that fixed it worked with me at the Fone Co, and started out with computers in the Commodore and TRS-Era days. I used to be amazed watching him, in DOS, writing programs.

He loaded about 4 anti-virus/spy/ad programs on this thing. He maintains that no ONE anti-virus program will get 'em all. He set 'em up to run in the background when I'm on-line, and I can't tell any difference in processing speed.

He DID suggest I get my Norton Professional 2004 updated, as well as keeping the others updated.

By way of demonstration, he had a disk with scads of virii, pop-up generators, and spyware. It even had the Chernobly virus, which, on an unprotected computer completely covers your screen with pop-ups, all the while, destroying your bios and/or motherboard.

There's some scary stuff on the net, folks! And some seriously disturbed people who get off on ruining peoples computers!
I am far from a computer geek.However My son has a degree in IT (Information Techknowledgy)and he dislikes MaCAfee. He loaded it on my new Dell desk top since it came installed but he suggested I change it over to Norton as soon as I could.
He also removed a spyware program ny daughter bought for me and installed a free spy/addware program (Spybot-search and destroy) that found almost twice as many hits as did the purchased one ( Werbroot).
Just one more thing he warned about(maybe Mike or another Computer techy can answer).He advised me to Uninstall the first antivirus program before installing the second. His reason was the second will see the first as a Virus itself,or atlest will inpect all that is loaded to insure that it isn't.
I didn't tell him but I didn't do what he suggested. I am not sure why but untill I could TOTALY UNINSTALL McAfee my brand new desk top ran like Molasses in January.then when it was gone the speed came right back.
My reason for mentioning it is Charles friends practice of losding multiple Virus scans seems to go directly against this.
What say ye Mike et al?
He 'ghosted' the entire hard drive first, after running his 'go away hateful stuff' software. So when he ghosted it, it had nothing except what it was supposed to on it.

He did the 'Install/Uninstall' trick, too. I've run each software separately, just to see if they will run on demand, as well as running in the background. They do.

Whatever he did, he did good! My computer is now virus-free! Not even a sniffle, or a stuffy nose! The one thing I've determined is that if you take your computer, infected with stuff, to a dozen people, there's a good chance at least 6 of 'em will have their own way of fixing it. I learned that at the Fone Co. As long as it works when you finish with it, you've done your job!
I just installed McAfee on two computers because I've had numerous subscription/update problems with Norton over the past two-three years. What's the point of having protection software that's can't be kept up to date? So far I've been fairly happy with McAfee, but I guess we'll see in the long run.
Originally posted by David N Waldmann:
I just installed McAfee on two computers because I've had numerous subscription/update problems with Norton over the past two-three years. What's the point of having protection software that's can't be kept up to date? So far I've been fairly happy with McAfee, but I guess we'll see in the long run.

What exactly were your problems with updating your Norton!!!!!.........I have being updating Norton on four systems for a few years now and have encountered no problems…… you sharing your exact problem with Norton my help some of us avoiding the same issue…..

Has anyone tried Trend Micro PC-cillin Internet Security 2005
Currently has antivirus, anti spam, antipop-up, firewall and anti-spyware. $25.00 Rebate now available.
I've had problems with Norton on several computers (all running win XP). Mostly the problems are related to it slowing down the computer - resource hogging, etc. Recently I was choosing between McAfee or Norton for my home PC and I purchased Norton, but it slowed down my computer terribly. I got a refund and purchased McAfee instead.

A couple of friends have Norton and if they turn the email scanning option on, their emails get "sent" and put in the Sent box, but the recipient doesn't actually receive them. I don't know, maybe these are documented bugs in Norton and there's an easy fix. But I use McAfee at home and at work, and I haven't had any problems with it.
I dropped McAfee because their monthly updates didn't appear monthly or with any regularity that one could determine.

I have been happy with Norton; they seem to intercept three or four nasties a month and I cannot sense any slow down.

But I'm running a Mac.
Originally posted by Dermot:
What exactly were your problems with updating your Norton
One problem was singular, but very frustrating. I had purchased an upgrade and nwever got it downloaded. I tried probably 20 times over the course of a couple of months and it was never successful.

The problem I've had on several computers had to do with LiveUpdate. It would show "Downloading file X of X.....library not available". It was usually between half and two-thirds of the files that were "not available". I would try over and over, day after day with no success. The worst part is that the only way I knew is by manually searching, because I had it on automatic download, and it NEVER reported that it was out of date. In fact, if you looked at the summary it would say "Up to date". But when you checked the signature date it would be months old.

I tried "tech support" for both issues, but it's 99.5% web-based and practically worthless. I did finally figure out how to interact with what appeared to be a real person (via email) but they never solved the problems.

I had one other problem that I was able to finally get fixed, but it was so bizarre that I'm sure I'll never forget it. I don't remember the exact dates, but pretend it's happening right now. I would get a message saying that my subscription had exprired, but when I checked the status it didn't expire until October 15, 2005. Like I said, I did finally get that fixed, but I bet I spent 3-4 hours going through their web support and email conversations with some dull-witted people. I cannot afford that kind of baloney - monetarily or mentally.

JI hadn't brought up the system resource hog, because on a relatively new machine it's rarely noticable, but I've got a couple 1 GHz range machines that are as fast as my newest 3.4 Ghz without Norton, and just about gasp enough breath to stay aflost with it.
Thanks David

Norton support Europe out of Ireland…..sales , language localisation and updates……I have not experienced the issues you describe……..I guess the Norton’s organisation works a bit better over here……thanks again

Amen, David. I'm currently "fixed" with Norton, but they danged near sent me to the funny farm. I absolutely HATE not being able to speak to a human. Their web support is horrible.