Maryann, so...did you/are you going to Myrtle Beach?
If you haven't gone yet, and like seafood, drive South on Hwy 17 to Murrell's Inlet, for the best seafood in the WORLD!! I promise you won't be disappointed. One place that comes to mind is 'Docksider' restaurant. Let's see, then there's 'Drunken Jacks'. Then, of course, there's always Pawley's Island, where they make the best hammocks in the world.
The 'Main Drag' area of MB isn't what it used to be. There's either an 'Eagles' or a 'Wings' store every block, it seems. BUT....there's 'Mammy's Kitchen', for the best breakfast ever. Rice Planter's Restaurant is a great place to go in the same area.
I remember when we used to go in March, and there wouldn't be anybody there! Ain't that-a-way anymore!
Given the amount of tourist trade, and the opportunities for buying frameable stuff, this place looks like it COULD be a great place to retire.
North Myrtle Beach is a little more affluent than Myrtle Beach 'proper'. And, Barefoot Landing is a kinda neat place to go.