Another interesting ebay opportunity


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
Myrtle Beach, SC

If you wanted to retire to a nice beach, with lots going on, this would be the place. I don't know what kind of traffic this person has, or the quality of his/her equipment, but Myrtle Beach is a 'happenin' place!
At Less than 25K a year after 16 years, I'd dump the business too, in fact, I'd give it away. The poor guy? probably can't affored to live in Myrtle Beach.
I can't believe it. I have been in this shop. I was there about 3 weeks ago. I had no idea when talking to him that he was on his way out. It is a nice little shop. In a high traffic area, but it is hard to see it from the main road which is Hwy 17, not far from Barefoot Landing if you know the area in North Myrtle.

If I was in a different place in life I would jump on this! A young go getter could turn 50k in pocket here.

Maryann, so...did you/are you going to Myrtle Beach?
If you haven't gone yet, and like seafood, drive South on Hwy 17 to Murrell's Inlet, for the best seafood in the WORLD!! I promise you won't be disappointed. One place that comes to mind is 'Docksider' restaurant. Let's see, then there's 'Drunken Jacks'. Then, of course, there's always Pawley's Island, where they make the best hammocks in the world.
The 'Main Drag' area of MB isn't what it used to be. There's either an 'Eagles' or a 'Wings' store every block, it seems. BUT....there's 'Mammy's Kitchen', for the best breakfast ever. Rice Planter's Restaurant is a great place to go in the same area.
I remember when we used to go in March, and there wouldn't be anybody there! Ain't that-a-way anymore!
Given the amount of tourist trade, and the opportunities for buying frameable stuff, this place looks like it COULD be a great place to retire.
North Myrtle Beach is a little more affluent than Myrtle Beach 'proper'. And, Barefoot Landing is a kinda neat place to go.
Charles, We've tried many, many restaurants in Myrtle Beach, but none that you mentioned. Have to keep them in mind. Calabash is one of our favorite seafood towns and North Myrtle Beach is one of our favorite vacation spots. We took an early vacation (May) to Holden Beach because daughter number one is getting married next month so we didn't think we'd get away in August. No Atlanta this year either :( :( :(
We have a Pawley's Island hammock in our gazebo - doesn't seem to be any time to lay around lately though.
We have a friend who had a gift shop at Bare Foot Landing. Rent on the outskirts of the place was $6,000 per month....ouch....but he did well. We all know Bob C's theory on rent. He proved the theory true - but the management required him to be open 7 days a week, twelve hours a day. He wasn't interested in hiring, and he wasn't interested in working 84 hours + per week so he moved on. Not doing so well now. (not a framer) Now that I've totally frankenthreaded this, I'm moving on................

[ 08-04-2003, 09:41 AM: Message edited by: Maryann ]
Going! Going! No Bids!
Do I hear $10,000