Another Grumble Kwestion


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
So lately I have begun reading mostly new but sometimes established Grumbler's profiles - just to see who everyone is.

Here is my kwestion - even when I read a profile from the link in a Grumbler's post (as opposed to the "welcome new member link) and even though the post was made a few minutes ago - the line at the bottom always says "Not seen here recently."

???????????? Has anyone else noticed this???
Gee Mar, now that you and John don't have cataracts anymore, I guess we'll have to change that.. Huh? :D
In the MY PROFILE section, there's a question which toggles that behavior:

"Hide from Recent Visitors feature?"

It's something folks can turn on or off on an individual basis.

I hope that clears up the confusion

So in other words, Mike, it just happenstance that every time I decide to view a profile this Grumbler has decided to "hide from recent visitors"??? Weird!
Mar, most people hide their name because they are embarrased about how much time they spend here:)
Where did my little Southern Lady avatar go. She is not appearing and I haven't changed my profile?
Never mind. There I am.

That Avatar is actually Hazel Court, the famous British redhead actress who appeared in Hammer Studio's horror films. ;)

OK, I will ask, how does one use an avatar here??

I did look under FAQ.....and other places, but no dice.

And, is there a list to select from or is it BYOA (bring your own Avatar)??

[ 06-20-2005, 04:38 PM: Message edited by: PaulN ]
Hi Paul

If you click on MY PROFILE at the top of the screen, you'll see an option to select a default avatar.

Mar, I've seen what you're talking about. I think one cause is 'Framar' might appear in the little window-thingie that shows who's on line.

If you sign off, though, your name stays in the window, but your profile will show you "Not seen here recently".

That's my theory, and I'm sticking to it!
Another lesson learned, John. I guess I am (was) too young to remember her. LOL

I did watch The Twilight Zone on occasion which I read she appeared in "The Fear". OK, I guess that is who I can be.
Originally posted by SisterSusie:
Another lesson learned, John. I guess I am (was) too young to remember her. LOL
Sorry....I was just joking with you SisterSusie. :D I did a Google, looking for images of 1920's actresses and this name popped up! Could'nt resist....but I guess I shouldn't mess with a Southern Lady. ;)

btw - I've got all the Twilight Zone episodes on video, so if you want me to dig that one out?

Originally posted by PaulN:
OK, I will ask, how does one use an avatar here??
You have to be beyond Grumbler in training status, then you get to pick from a list of stock avs. Only moderators get to pick their own! But they do update the list fairly frequently so keep checking and changing your "look"!