Another frame design


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Aug 7, 2001
Bessemer, Alabama
Here is a framing job I just did for a friend of mine. He originally had it in a cheap readymade with a single paper mat cut to fit. This being the case, anything was an improvement, but I'm quite happy with the results. Here it is:

The whole thing

A close up

A little bit about it: White and gold mat are both Bainbridge Alphamats, and the blue is Crescent. The numbers escape me at the moment. The frame is one of the wood/metal combinations from Nielsen. Inner mat is 3/16, I showed about 3/8 of the blue and then a V groove a little over 1/2 inch further out. Total size is 17 1/2 x 15, mats are 3 1/2 total width.

Mulberry hinges, wheat starch paste, mats booked to a rag backing, remainder of frame space filled in with Bainbridge Artcare corrugated. No spring clips. Sealed back of metal frame and backing with barrier tape, and used conservation clear glass. Black kraft paper on back, since I didn't have the nice blue-grey good stuff. Super Steel hangers, coated wire, clear bumpers.

I used the blue as a tasteful way to incorporate the school colors, and inlaid it to avoid all those white bevels. The V groove breaks up the expanse of white mat nicely, though I would not have used it on a dark mat. It was all cut on a Fletcher CMC. I like the way the gold on the inside echoes the gold in the frame, unifying the whole. Overall, a very good clean, dignified look.

So what do you think? I'll certainly take praise, but I'm not too proud to accept suggestions or criticism.
While I am just back in town, and just at the computer, and not yet tackling my own photo postings, when I clicked the link, I got what looked like Sanskrit.

your link location is :
edited by framer ? or is not? :confused:
Originally posted by Marc Lizer:
While I am just back in town, and just at the computer, and not yet tackling my own photo postings, when I clicked the link, I got what looked like Sanskrit.

your link location is :
edited by framer] ? or is not? :confused:
No wonder, Mark, you bought one of those computers with the AMD Sanskrit processors. They have a tendency to print out the image in a long series of pictographs and symbols to tell the story of what the image is about.

Try going to your friendly neighborhood computer store and getting an English speaking processor. Should cure the problem. :cool:

Nice understated professional job!! Looks great.

Now I have a question that should probably be in the tech forum, but since I found this problem in this thread, here I will post it. How come sometimes, like this thread for me, the text ends up so wide that a horizontal scroll bar appears and I have to view either who sent it or MOST of the text and have to keep scrolling back and forth???

Has anyone else run into this??? Most forums and threads behave very nicely and are quite condensed and easy to read. But this wide thing pops up every so often. And Ron on vacation!!!

Originally posted by Framar:

How come sometimes, like this thread for me, the text ends up so wide that a horizontal scroll bar appears and I have to view either who sent it or MOST of the text and have to keep scrolling back and forth???

Has anyone else run into this??? M!!

Yes, I'm having this problem now and sometimes things come up in the type of gibberish that Marc found. All this has started happening since the improvements to the Grumble were made.
I have this same problem crop up every now and then too. In this case I thinks it's Mark's link, there's no break for it to wrap around to a new line so it just made the line longer. I bet if he was to edit and put a return in there somewhere the problem might go away....maybe. Then again the link would probably not work anymore....hmmmm... :confused:
Thanks for posting the pictures and description of your framing design. It looks wonderful...very professional. This is the way we learn. Thanks for sharing!