Another fabric conservation question

Terry Hart cpf

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Sep 23, 2003
Excelsior, MN
This wedding veil, or train or whatever it's called (what is it called?) is so long that even with the 4' box we want to do it needs to be folded which creates a lot of bulk. What I'm thinking of trying is giving it a wrap with one of these fabrics that are often mentioned here but I've never used. stabiltex, creatine, tulle, silk organdy. Seems like it would not only hold it in place but also allow me to compress it a little to avoid the extreem depth otherwise needed (probably 4"). If I pick this up at a fabric store is there anything I need to be aware of, such as washing it before use? Also does it matter if I'm unsure what the veil is made of? Is it ok to mix silk and synthetic?
is there anything I need to be aware of
You need to be aware that tulle is pronounced like tool. They'll have it in the bridal department of your favorite Jo-Anne Fabrics or Hobby Lobby.

You don't have to wash it. I'm not even sure you COULD wash it.

That's probably what the bridal veil is made of anyway.
That's what I said. Tulle.
You mean someone is actually going to frame one of those???

Please share pictures of the project with us when you are finished!
We'll see. We're stll negotiating. I keep finding ways for her to spend a grand or more, she'd like to keep it at $500 or less. We may settle on a plexi box. Not much of a picture in that.
Terry, secure head band (stitch or silicon..LOL) drape the rest...

secure with left hand at about 3ft, and draw up the rest to make a fold. Drawing up untill about 4-6" short of the headband. Then redrape the rest down.

Repeat as nessesary untill the fall ends inside the box.

Taking ribbon that matches the ribbon on the dress, lossly wrap bind about 2 feet of the folded veil starting at the top. Tie in a loose bow and micro dot where needed with Frank's adhesive.

Now you can stitch down the ribbon in four or six places and secure the veil without putting the veil at risk, and it looks beautiful.

You know where to find me if you need pictures...LOL
It sounds like we have a very similar situation. Customer brought in the cathedral veil (loooooonnnnng) and the shorter headpiece veil. I tried everything and it still looked like a bunch of folded up netting, tulle, and whatever else. She did not like my price to frame her "little" piece, so I convinced her to just have the short veil headpiece done. It is still large but looks great--we are both happy.
Sounds nice Baer, I may have to give that a try if this goes through. I've come up with ways for her to spend even more money now. What i'd like to do is a double door on the front to conceal the veil (who wants to look at that every day for the rest of their lives?)with wedding photos in the doors. Think she'll go for it?
Maybe you could do something creative and turn it into a mixed media piece..."ghost of wedding past." :D
Tulle is nylon. Stabilitex is fine mesh polyester. Crepeline is French silk organdy, and looks a lot like Stabilitex (but costs about $15/yd. less). You wouldn't have to wash any of these before use, and they all come in lots of colors.