Another Bride


True Grumbler
May 28, 2005
Woodstock, Georgia
I'm still not sure how to post pictures. But the link below will take you to a wedding dress that I did. Thankfully it was for a small woman and tealength.
Terrific job, Jini
I especially like the way you have the shoes displayed. May I ask what you did to secure the shoes in place?
It looks great but can't help but wonder.

I have done a fair amount of communion dresses and have seen a number of wedding dresses on here, where do people put these things? I wouldn't want clothing for a decoration.

Jersies I can understand as part of a collection, but dresses seem to be better suited for conservation for your offspring to have years from now.

Do any framers on here have clothing hanging in there house? (other than the closet or treadmill)
The shoes are stitched down, a grove was cut out of the mat for the heels to set in slightly. This dress belonged to the mother of the guy who brought it to me. It is going to be hung in the bedroom above the bed. Oddly enough his wife was the one to decide this and now wants her dress done as well to hang beside it.
Originally posted by JbNormandog:
Do any framers on here have clothing hanging in there house? (other than the closet or treadmill)
I framed my christening gown along with my hospital bracelet, a few photos, a pair of small gloves, a silver bracelet and a copy of my birth certificate from the hospital. I have it hanging on a wall in my bedroom (not above the bed, though ;) )

I did a similar frame for my twin sister and she has it hanging in her bedroom. I framed hers first and got more creative when I did mine a couple years later. Now she wants me to redo hers :D , which I will, someday.
Do any framers on here have clothing hanging in their house? (other than the closet or treadmill)
That's funny. When I was single, I used to hang my laundered shirts on the handlebars of my exercise bike. When both handlebars were full, I knew it was time to get out the ironing board and iron them while watching TV.
:cool: Rick