Animation Flip Frame

Marc Lizer

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 28, 1999
North Hollywood, CA
This is what I began with. A sequence from a Simpsons episode (Thirty Min over Tokyo). It is in the plane as they are about to go home.

The normal thing is to do a 3 open mat and take up a heck of alot of wall space. Vert or Horiz, it just takes alot of room.

I tired something different.

I framed them separately like this:
family shot
lisa shot

godzilla shot

I then hinged them together like this:

or to make it able to flip thru them like this:


since all three are the same 3/4 x 3/4 mldg, with the same OD, they stack up like this ( of course, before touching up the corner)

The back frame needs to be security hardware'ed to the wall, otherwise you will always need to hands to flip it. ;)

Begin critique now!
I know that houses in North Hollywood must be very modest but do your customers really have this little wall space or is this a Californian way of stacking moulding? :D
Did customer actually order this or did you do it just for fun, entertainment and sample purposes?
Very nice presentation!

The standard 3 open mat, in addition to just being really long, does not tell the "story" well.
This forces a 1, 2, 3 progression. It also makes the viewer become involved with the art. They are flipping thru the animation, as the animators do when making them. So it brings the viewer in an interaction with the art, that is as the art was seen when it was made.

Alright. That's total horse-malarkey. I was just bored with the same-ole same-ole three open mat. I also did not want three frames on the wall taking up a ton of room.

The cels are mine. And for the shop or home (with small wall space too), I wanted to do something different. Give some new ideas to our customers.

But I was wondering what all you framers out in frameland woluld think of such a treatment. Sure , you may not do it in your shop, but does it "work" for these pieces?
I think it is great -- and just enough "out the top" that some of your clients will love it and it will be a great sample. You're a brave soul to use a painted Bart Yellow Frame -- I would have been more at ease with a natural hardwood and keep the color in the mats. about an accordian instead? One could (in theory) hang it showing one, or all three pieces?

I'll let you be the engineer!
An animation seller customer of ours came in today. They loved it. They now need to find some sequences to bring in (you can't sell it if you don't show it). I do have an idea for a flip out 5-seqence cel display. I'll try and pick up some cels for that.

Also, TL, amazingly the frame is not a custom paint. It is a standard Studio Mldg. They also have Marge Hair Blue.