Animal skin glue and electric glue pots?


PFG, Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Aug 12, 2000
San Diego, CA
It was not all that long ago when just about every frame shop work room, had an electric glue pot. Hide glue was used for just about everything, from joining and repairing frames to attaching dust covers. I'm just wondering if anyone is still using hide glue and glue pots?

That's funny, I was just looking at a pack of rabbit skin glue today, and thought, "What the heck would someone use this for?" Silly me. I didn't know it had a history in framing. I think nowadays, some people still use it to size canvas... but not many people, I guess.....
I'll be waiting to hear what everyone else has to say.....
They will pry my glue pot from my cold dead hands.

There are many things that have replaced the need for hide glue.... Elmers even came out with a cold, ready to use hide glue... mmmmm jurys still out on that one.

There are just some things that aren't right without it. True gesso for one. Hot pillows. Oilly woods like Babinga, San Palo, Ebony, Teak, Wengie . .

Crawler joints, mid-facial shake fractures, reamed restarts, doweled joints, slipped Taylor joints, Keyed joints, drift swedges. . .

ok, I'm off my rabbit box now. Carry on.
John - nothing quite like a glue pot to stir the senses!!!

I (fortunately) have not seen one since I left Kramer in 1970 - my next employer was "modern" - he used white glue in bottles!!! WOW!

But I must say that it is a whole lot easier to remove shreds of backing paper on an old frame if hide glue has been used - white glue takes a lot longer to soften with moisture and ATG - fagettaboutit! Uck.
Another great material (like dextrin mounting paste) that should be sold to the new comers.
Furniture and frame conservators depend on it.
Franklin makes a cold version, but it does have
a shelf life and should be used fresh.

As a gilder, like Baer, I use mine for making glue for REAL gesso and bole.

And for another nastalgia point, I have a 32 x 40 wet mount press in the back collecting dust. It is all wood except for the 2" steel screw.
Hmmmmm, 2 glue questions in a row!!

Coincidence or ................. <font size=1>Tales from the Outer Limits!!</font>

I wanted to use my old pot for warming honey but found it had an aftertaste that was reminiscent of .................

I have since misplaced the ol' glue pot in one of my moves so somebody has gotten a piece of history for their yard sale I would guess.

Hugh, I bought a bottle of that Franklin... thinking how cool it would be to never fire up the pot again. Then the new stuff didn't survive the unheated shop....

I guess Framerguy says it best about my opinion of the new "easyier" hide glue...
No. A Baine-Marie is a container such as food stuffs come in for restaurants; usually in 3-5Gallon [15-25 liter].

We're talking about the little electric heating pots that hold only about 600ml.

The company now sells them in boutiques as potpourri stinky maker pots.
But............ but .............but

After I thought it - I googled it, found this pretty quick at the bottom of the link above.

"This copper 'bain marie' was made for keeping glue warm in the workshop.

Dimensions: 5.75 inches high (not counting the 3.25 inch wire bail) x 6.25 inches diameter"

Seem to remember my woodwork teacher calling them that, and that it was just the system of one pot inside another, regardless of useage, but admittedly google/dictionary searches mainly refer to catering uses.

Not only that but my wife confirms, so that's THAT!

Anyway Baine-Marie is French - "Glue Pot" is FINE!