And yet another Internet direct frame seller


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jun 15, 1999
Winter Park, Florida
Check out this web site. Roma and Larson mouldings all apparently sold to the public at dealer prices.

Edit: I am changing the topic, as the FYI thread may need to be taken yup an a second thread. However, with the new 25 posts per page, it may not. Anyways, while simmilar, this topic is not a continuation of the other thread. It is a tangent, deserving of a new thread, with it's own name.

[ 03-04-2004, 04:23 PM: Message edited by: Marc Lizer ]
Originally posted by wcox:
Chueck out this web site. Roma and Larson mouldings all apparently sold to the public at dealer prices.
Just a quick check on some of the Roma numbers...

I sell these lines cut and joined cheaper than they do. It is not dealer prices, they are retail.
This web site belongs to a fellow Grumbler, I think Snafu.

Snafu's website business appears to be a unique business and entity. It does not appear to be owned or controled by a manufacturer or another distributor. While this EFrame site <u>appears</u> to be a wholly owned subsidiary of Designer moulding. This really needs to be clarified.

I have no problem with the business filling a niche market and need. I consider this to be creative marketing.

I'd be more concerned about internet frame sales if I had any indication that framing customers spend as much time on the internet as framers do.
They are all over at e-bay buying stuff.

Much of it, by the way, needing to be framed.

The challenge is: Who do they decide to go to then.

How do they choose?

Why do they choose you?

Why don't they?
Thankfully some customers spend as much time on ebay as Grumblers do here because some of them bring ebay art into be framed.

They are so pleased to find a treasure then pay to have it framed.
<FONT SIZE="4">The prices on my web site are Larson-Juhl's recommended retail price. However I do offer discounts, the discount rate depends on what the customer wants. Of course length moulding price will be less than chop and join price. </FONT></P>



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I think you can rest easy. I have expanded my shop and will now include gifts. I cannot get to the March trade show so have been surfing the net. I received catalogs from some the the vendors and will do business with them. I do not have time to shop a online catalog and call each item up separately. I also think they load slow. I might reorder online but will never order first time merchandise online.