An introduction...


Grumbler in Training
Feb 7, 2006
Upstate, SC
...but first a warning:
I have got a ton of questions for you pros out there, and in the coming months I may just test your patience and generally feelings of goodwill:)

I'm an artist (you can see a recent watercolor series here: John Finnegan), and I recently moved my family to Greenville, South Carolina from Helsinki, Finland, where we lived for seven years.

In my ongoing attempt to survive as an artist, I'd like to branch out into giclee prints (my own work) and custom framing (for other artist's and designers maybe?). This will begin as a home-based (or rather, garage-based) business.

To date I have the following equipment:
ITWAMP VN4-E Underpinner
40" 'The Logan Cutter' (resembles closely the 650, and is in pretty good shape)
Flexipoint Driver
Radial Arm saw and Lion Miter Trimmer
And some manual glass cutting supplies.

So, I'm getting there. I believe that my next purchase should be a Morso chopper, but I have to sell some artwork first to fund that.

My first question for you is regarding the paperwork I must file in order to be able to buy framing materials (moldings, matboard, glass etc.) directly from the distributors.

I have in my hand the SC Dept. of Revenue Business Tax Application, and the SS-4, App. for Employer ID Number (EIN).
For what will be initially a home-based business/sole proprietorship do I need to apply for a Retail Sales License?
When a distributor asks for my id number on their application, are they asking for an EIN, or a Retail Sales License number?

I've been learning so much over the past couple days here at the grumble. I'd like to extend my gratitude to all of your contributions.

Best Regards,
John Finnegan
Welcome to the G John!
So you think you are going to try the pro's patience huh, I'm gonna bet it's the other way around. (Unless you have a great since of humor!) :D

Originally posted by jofinneg:
When a distributor asks for my id number on their application, are they asking for an EIN, or a Retail Sales License number?
They just want the retail licence #. Don't try Larson Juhl though, they won't sell to you without a store front, but most of the others will.
Here in Massachusetts they are the same number.

Check your forms. My guess is the state form will ask for the federal number.
Welcome, John.

For business set-up advice, I suggest you contact the US Small Business Administration office nearest you. Their counselors can get you pointed in the right direction for all kinds of info on the local, state, and federal requirements as well as other set-up recommendations nobody seems to think about.

You should also contact an accountant and an attorney, both of whom can give you advice and assistance that could save you thousands of dollars later.

Get acquainted with the local framing material suppliers, and take everything they're willing to give you.

For equipment and tools, the Fletcher-Terry Company's web site has several good articles on related topics for home-based and storefront framing business start-ups.

You may have to be patient with us, here on the Grumble. As dedicated Grumblers, we tend to come across as holier-than-thou to newbies sometimes. Consider yourself warned and please don't take it personally.
Originally posted by jofinneg:
For what will be initially a home-based business/sole proprietorship do I need to apply for a Retail Sales License?
First, Welcome!

No doubt every state is different, but I'd be pretty sure that if they are collecting Sales Tax, they will be expecting you to do it for them. The fact that you are operating out of your bedroom, basement or garage is of no importance to them. Having a Resale Number gives legitimacy not only to your vendors but also your customers. Do it.
Well, all the paperwork for the business and retail licenses is in and I'm good to go.

Now all I have to do is just sit back and waaaait for the money to roll on in.

Yep, life is grand....

yep....aaaany minute now....


But really, those articles at the fletcher site are turning out to be very helpful.
And I just checked out the Decor tradeshow that I keep reading about on the archives, and since its so close, it looks like I'll be able to head down there in September.
Speaking of which, is anyone allowed to sign up for a class down there, and what can you expect to pay for a single class?

I greatly appreciate your replies... many more questions to come.
