An e-bay item if interest to Framing Freaks

Could we just buy it directly from you and not bother with e-bay?

I'll bid $10.00...

Dang it Betty, you stole my thunder. I was gonna start at that there $10.00, now I have to raise you to $15.

Just joking. :D

Marc, I would seriously think it would be worth $20. Betty, be quiet, I'll send it after I finish reading it. And if you're real good, I might jus fetch it to ya.

Now come on Marc, lets see some tools.
E-bay keeps it fair and does not cost the buyer any extra. Any listing fees or commisions come from the seller proceeds.

I sold my vises on e-bay. For that matter I sold a bathtub, jungle gym and a trailer on e-bay.

I even sold the doorknobs from my demolished house on e-bay, but I could not sell the kitchen sink.
Originally posted by Baer Charlton:
Betty, be quiet, I'll send it after I finish reading it. And if you're real good, I might jus fetch it to ya.
That would be great, because if I buy it, I won't send it anywhere! (sorry) I am just notorious for keeping books forever.

(coming to see me? promises, promises...)

I got the other one up. It's from 1936.

Not as old as the other, and less pages than the other. But what do you expect. It was the height of the depression, just a things began to rebound.

A great piece to frame as a frame shop display. Show your customers that custom framing wasn't born yesterday.

The cover is magnificent with all the decoration.
The other auction ends today. Don't miss out on both!