Amp mitre sander jig

Al E

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Jan 21, 2001
In a previous post someone mentioned using something better than the supplied plastic jig for truing the sander. Anyone know where I can obtain something like that---I think they said it was made of steel?

[ 09-16-2003, 06:47 PM: Message edited by: Al E ]
Rick & Jo,

I have the plastic triangle Amp supplied with the sander. I want a better jig as the plastic is not as accurate or as easy to use as I would like. I find I am spending too much time doing this.

I don't think I'm being too fussy but I could be wrong. On the wide mouldings it doesn't take many degrees off of 45 to get a gap and the plastic triangle cannot provide the accuracy of steel. At least the tolerance could be more accurately set and maintained by steel, I believe.
Try Lee Valley Tools

You can request a free woodworking tools catalog from there. Page 3 has about a dozen steel and aluminum squares. You can get 6" or 8" Engineer's squares (steel) for $11.50 and $16.50. Or aluminum and steel (6", 8", 10" and 12" lengths) from $9.95 to $19.50 accurate to 0.001" per inch.

Proceed past page 3 at your own risk - so many tools, so little $$$. :D

Very good, complete catalog. Great selection for a tool nut like me. I wonder if Ron has seen it? Your post cost me $70 for excellent quality and the best prices I have seen for the items I just bought. For instance, a hand held mitre cutter is less than 1/2 the price of UMS. Meanwhile, I still need a 45 degree angle, they have 90 only. I guess I'll have to get one made at a machine shop. Thanks.
I'm truly surprised that you can't find one at a store that sells architecture and drafting supplies.
I don't own an AMP sander so I may be asking an obvious question but, what is going out of square on these sanders? Do you have to square them up before each use or after each sanding disk change??

If a tool is adjusted correctly and tightened down so it can't move, it should provide fair accuracy for more than just a short time. I used an drafting 90 degree triangle to set up my miter saws (which are all made of plastic to my knowledge) and I would think that the same accuracy could be gotten on your sander.

Just a few minutes of a degress off could give you a gap in your miters, Al E. That is why proper adjustment is so important as you already know.

There is a steel carpenters triangle that you can buy at Home Depot or Lowes that may work for you. It has a shoe on one side of the 90 degree angle that is used to mark angles for roof trusses and such. I don't know if it will do the job you are looking for but you could give it a try.

My standards are notoriously low - just look at who my friends are - but I had no trouble with the plastic thingy that came with the sander.

I spent about two minutes squaring the sander a year ago, and haven't had to do it again.
Thank you Framerguy! I am forever in your debt.

Well, I just happen to have had one of those roof angle things in the barn---forgot all about it.
Lo and behold when held next to the protractor the angles seemed ever so slightly different. I reset the sander using the new jig and sure enough it took a slight adjustment yielding a perfect 45. Who would ever hypothesize that the protractor would be off?

Murphy's Law strikes again but I was saved by The Grumble!