Americans are not interested in 'picture framing'


True Grumbler
Mar 10, 2004
It's a fact, Google says so.

Enter picture framing into the latest Google tool Google Trends then on the results page, click on regions.

According to Google Trends, of the top ten regions that search for "picture framing" North America come out right at the bottom of the league. And if the figures were weighted by population, the graph would be even more dramatic.

What's going on here? This can't be right.

Can it be that Americans really are not interested in picture framing?
My knee-jerk response is that Americans are not interested in looking at or for picture framing on the web.

My sister, who will buy almost anything online has said to me that she would never buy framing online. That she likes to see and heft the samples.
Yeah, I bet if you searched something like toilet paper, that'd be way down at the bottom, too, but every month, I feel compelled to keep toilet paper on hand.
Well at least Canada is below the US! :D

And if you put in "custom picture framing" Google comes up with: 'Your terms - custom picture framing - do not have enough search volume to show graphs.'

I'm sure it has to do with the amount of search hits or something.

That thing's kind of fun. If you type in 'sex' Pakistan comes in first under "Regions"! There are some knotty people in the land of represion. ;)
Type in "framing" and the US is at the top, which may explain why customers have a hard time finding us in the phone book, most don't even think about "custom picture framing".
Paul...I just love your humor! You crack me up!
I discovered this exact same thing today, Es-T-Mate, and am still scratching my head over it. As for the "Framing" search, remember "Framing" in the USA refers as much or more to carpentry, as in "framing a house". There is no question in my mind that people use "picture framing" to search for picture framing in the USA, so I really do find that a puzzling result - especially considering how much larger our population is than the UK and etc. It's an interesting issue and teasing it out a bit will reveal much about how google works.
Americans don't have to search Google 'cause you can't hardly throw a dead cat here without hitting a picture framer.
PETA frowns on throwing dead cats. They aren't concerned if your trying to find a framer or a farmer.
Australia is the winner when Googling "dead cat's" with the US a close second.
so I really do find that a puzzling result - especially considering how much larger our population is than the UK and etc. It's an interesting issue and teasing it out a bit will reveal much about how google works.
These figures may be a measure of The Grumble’s success.

Many American framers, who would otherwise be out there searching for ‘picture framing’ resources, having become Grumblers, are happy to let a handful of hunter-gatherers foray into the wider WWW and bring back framing related titbits to the group.

It is also interesting to note that there has been a gradual decline in the use of the search term ‘picture framing’ in the last two years.

I have a hot sauce that is labeled PETA that I sell in the other store, it stands for...

"People Enjoying Tasty Animals"

Great on Steak
So, are the Americans who ARE Googling 'picture framing' civilians looking for a professional picture framer or civilians looking for free advice because they've just taken their first shadowbox order and have no idea where to start?

Oh, and it's due tomorrow.

Hmmm . . . The Google spell check doesn't recognize the word 'Googling.' I wonder if it will recognize 'scrapbooking.'

It suggests 'scrap-booking,' instead, and 'gargling' as an alternative for 'Googling.'

I think that Google is a concerted alien plot to totally confuse the easily confused human race. Everything you do on Google is mystifying.

When you want to search for the meaning of a word it respells the word for you and makes it completely different. Spellcheck does the same thing.

Try changing an English phrase to Japanese and it comes back in gibberish! Who would be able to understand that stuff??

Search for a remedy for something painful and it comes back with an old Sioux salve made out of buffalo fat, bear berries, and otter urine.

It is a plot I tell you!!

And just when they have you by the short hairs, they give you your own Google bar!! Oh, what a wicked web you've gotten yourself into NOW! That Google bar will suggest things for you rather than simply go where you tell it to go!

Case in point, I want to find a pedicure kit for my dog. No complicated task, just show me where I can find clippers, orange sticks, and polish, period. So the Google search comes up with "I'm feeling lucky!!" Whhaaaat???

Or it will send me to Froogle which is Google's evil twin! (Eviler would be a better adjective.)


Oh and their "tool bar" (yeah, right!) also has a little swirly colored icon that looks like an all day sucker (for a reason) that says "search your own computer". Now who put all that stuff ON your own computer?? Did someone sneak into your computer in the middle of the night and stuff new programs in the hard drive that you don't know about?? Why would anyone want to search the one place that they KNOW all their stuff is stored? I lose a sock and can't find it for months but I KNOW where all my computer programs are located!! They can suck you into hours of searching through stuff that YOU put there to begin with!! (Hence the little sucker icon!)

I'm tellin' ya it's a plot!

I could go on but I am afraid that they will hear me! They are everywhere listening in and recording the truth as it is broadcast out to unsuspecting prey that have already come under their spell. I try to do my part to pull a few of these poor souls away from their slimy green gilled grasp. Sadly, it looks like Es-ti-mate may be beyond help but there is hope for the rest of you!!


(Exerpted from the best movie in years, "Grumble Gump".)

Uh thank you thank you.

(He said in his deepest Elvis tone.)

I'm on the fence with this one. I like Google if I'm not quite sure what it is I'm looking for. Yesterday it gave me several sites from which to print out passport renewal applications.

But I miss Jeeves. just isn't the same. Jeeves was the best for answering direct kwestions.

"In what city was Anastasia Romonov killed?" took me an hour on Google to get the answer and I had to troll through a lot of Walt Disney cartoons to find it.


PS Ekaterinburg
Yesterday it gave me several sites from which to print out passport renewal applications.

Kit, step away from your computer .............. slowly!! :eek:

Those PPRA'a will only get you a one way trip to venus if you're not careful!!

Trust me, I haven't led you astray so far, have I??

(Well, I tried that one night in the Omni Bar but you were drinking iced tea!)

Hey, be careful with that thing, I have studied their ways and I see what they are trying to do to us.

Your advanced rank makes you an optimum target for them.

Please don't make me use the red phone!!

John (aka Est-I-Mate)

Have you been hanging around here long enough to have grasped the concept of the Frankenthread? It's when you start a perfectly straightforward topic and other people snatch it up and run off with it in unexpected directions.

I've never been to either Venus or Australia. I gather the travel time to Venus is only slightly longer so it might not be such a bad alternative.

Tom, red phone? That'll be the day! You never write - you never call. What made you think that was iced tea?

Yes Kit, I gedit!

I've never been one to take life too seriously, the response to this topic is every bit as valid as the one that I was expecting. Much more telling, and certainly more entertaining than what might otherwise have turned out to be an overload of pseudo-intellectual theorising. :cool:
"...overload of pseudo-intellectual theorizing."

Ok, are yall speaking in codes now so I can't be part of the conversation?
Originally posted by Kit:
I've never been to either Venus or Australia. I gather the travel time to Venus is only slightly longer so it might not be such a bad alternative.
Good thinking Kit! Don't come down here, there are way too many Kiwi's here would think you had arrived in New Zealand by mistake!
If I remember my Bradbury correctly, make sure you wear colorfast clothes on Venus, beware the lightningbolt-legged thunderstorms, and don't look up and open your mouth...
Oh yes, packing is going to be a problem. And how am I going to fit several gallons of industrial-strength sun screen into my carry-on?

"Don't look up and open your mouth..." Heavens no! I wouldn't want to look like a tourist.

More notes to self: take plenty of Bradbury paperbacks for reading on the trip.

Any other travel tips?

Hey Kit don't worry about the sunscreen, all you need is 1 24X30 peice of TV conservation clear.

Oh and you might bring some Heinlein along with the Bradury.
The US is ranked #1 when searching for Picture Frame, with St. Louis being #1. Someone should start a search service that takes your keywords and submits them to Google using all the different dang subtleties. Enter picture framing and it returns Picture Framing, Picture Frame, Picture Frames, Picture Framer, Picture Framers, Naked Picture Framers, and Expert Custom Framing For Less Now 50% Off With Coupon

In other surprising news, Indianapolis is #1 when searching for Cleveland Steamer.

actually, if you have a website that information is very valuable. It tells you to make sure you have Picture Frame metatags instead of or as well as Picture Framing.
Oh. Steamer.

I thought it was a document safe with a keypad lock. (Okay, I should read more closely the first time.)

I already know what a Stanley Steamer is - what's this gizmo for?

If you have very old and precious documents (I'm not ready to give up the keypad lock) that have been rolled up for a long time, you could use the Cleveland steamer to relax the paper fibers and allow you to flatten the piece for framing.

Please don't tell me it has something to do with cooking. I lose interest very kwickly whenever that subject is brought up.

It was just a joke.... Indianapolis... Cleveland... horrible jokes are somewhat of a hobby.

The picture is of a cooking device, though.
Kit - The one you want is the "Illustrated Man'. Bradbury's best - and you'll know why not to look up...

Johnny - It's called Wordtracker. Check it out in google.