I think that Google is a concerted alien plot to totally confuse the easily confused human race. Everything you do on Google is mystifying.
When you want to search for the meaning of a word it respells the word for you and makes it completely different. Spellcheck does the same thing.
Try changing an English phrase to Japanese and it comes back in gibberish! Who would be able to understand that stuff??
Search for a remedy for something painful and it comes back with an old Sioux salve made out of buffalo fat, bear berries, and otter urine.
It is a plot I tell you!!
And just when they have you by the short hairs, they give you your own Google bar!! Oh, what a wicked web you've gotten yourself into NOW! That Google bar will suggest things for you rather than simply go where you tell it to go!
Case in point, I want to find a pedicure kit for my dog. No complicated task, just show me where I can find clippers, orange sticks, and polish, period. So the Google search comes up with "I'm feeling lucky!!" Whhaaaat???
Or it will send me to Froogle which is Google's evil twin! (Eviler would be a better adjective.)
Oh and their "tool bar" (yeah, right!) also has a little swirly colored icon that looks like an all day sucker (for a reason) that says "search your own computer". Now who put all that stuff ON your own computer?? Did someone sneak into your computer in the middle of the night and stuff new programs in the hard drive that you don't know about?? Why would anyone want to search the one place that they KNOW all their stuff is stored? I lose a sock and can't find it for months but I KNOW where all my computer programs are located!! They can suck you into hours of searching through stuff that YOU put there to begin with!! (Hence the little sucker icon!)
I'm tellin' ya it's a plot!
I could go on but I am afraid that they will hear me! They are everywhere listening in and recording the truth as it is broadcast out to unsuspecting prey that have already come under their spell. I try to do my part to pull a few of these poor souls away from their slimy green gilled grasp. Sadly, it looks like Es-ti-mate may be beyond help but there is hope for the rest of you!!
(Exerpted from the best movie in years, "Grumble Gump".)
Uh thank you thank you.
(He said in his deepest Elvis tone.)