American Chopper


Grumbler in Training
Feb 18, 2004
Basically, this question is for those who have purchased chops within the last few months . . .

What American company gives you the best quality chop service (i.e. mitres fit right out of the box)?
Rather than say who's best, I'll say they ALL seem to have problems sometime. I noticed especially this time of year as they get busy. That's why I have a sander.
I would guess that the worst one has as good or better equipment than 90% of us. Now the people operating that equipment......

I say get a sander and order from who ever you like.
Do the sanders do a great job? Do they basically make the cuts perfect or what? I am very interested in gettig one
Just trying to figure out how great the things are.

I'm still searching for the elusive "perfect" mitre. I haven't found it yet. I would say that a sander makes the mitres more consistant. But yes they do a great job.
The sander makes every chop a perfect one. It's small and earned its keep in a couple months.

Even the big companies send poor quality chops once in a while.
I don't believe that any saw will chop a "perfect" miter every time. There are too many variables with the blades and the wood grain oddities to allow that to happen. I get some pretty good chops on my saws but I wouldn't say that all of them are perfect by a long shot.

The miter sander has some good points going for it though. Once it is calibrated to sand a "perfect" 45&#186 angle, it has nothing to "run out", it doesn't move fast, and it is consistant in it's job. You can therefore true up a cut with an accuracy that isn't always there with a saw blade running at a couple of thousand revs. per minute.

If you are buying chops on a regular basis, I would recoommend buying a miter sander because, as someone said, the employees don't always share the feeling of quality that we share and sometimes they simply are having a "bad hair" day!

Originally posted by Jay H:
I'm still searching for the elusive "perfect" mitre. I haven't found it yet.
I have. It is obtained by purchasing a Ledsome Saw. Since I bought mine, I have not turned the sander on. If you have a sander, there is something not right about your saw. Sanding is compensating for poor equipment.
"If you have a sander, there is something not right about your saw."

Tell that to my chopper!
I am for sure looking into purchasing one. I have a small part time shop near my house. Sort of home base sort of not.

I would like a sander at a decent price. Volume low but quality hi. I order everything chopped, but I have never been happy with the quality of the majority of the chops I receive.