

PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I decided to start a separate thread from Cathie's SP2. This is a combination rant and answer seeking thread.

I have XP on my Hewlett-Packard. My computer guy, who is the best I've ever seen, sent it home with me after loading SP2. This thing does the most amazing stuff I've ever seen!

I can click on a Grumble thread, and it will take me to a "Page cannot be displayed" screen, suggesting I check my firewall, number of bits of encryption, etc. BUT, I can click on 'back' from the error page and it will take me where I wanted to go.

I've mentioned that the day/time function doesn't appeaar on the G, but it does everywhere else on the computer.

When I go on-line, using Windows Explorer, not IE, about half the time it will go through the whole 'choose your dial-up numbers' process. I could go on and on and on. The computer does what IT wants to do instead of what I want it to do. Oh, and when I DO use IE, I still don't get the time stamp from the G.

Tommy suggested the trouble might be in the load of XP that came with the computer, despite all the 'fixes' that you see when you go to the install/uninstall screen. To me, that means a defective product if Windows has to keep loading 'hotfixes' while I'm on the 'net.

He suggested that Windows 98 is okay, and that's what he uses on his main machine. He has all the other ones as well, because fixing computers is what he does. Soooo...I'm thinking of spending a day with him and letting him save what needs to be saved, formatting the HD and installing an earlier version of Windows. I've used 3.1, 95, 98, NT, 2000(no way, Jose!) and XP. I've used those OS's. I'm not conversant with the intricacies of each one. I just want to go on-line and have the thing work like it's supposed to.

So. Given my situation, what OS would all of you use to downgrade from XP? Don't be shy now. Everybody join in. I'm really looking for ideas and opinions here. Thanks in advance.
XP and XP specifically with SP2 is their most stable product to date. It's the only thing I recommend. Prior to XP I was pretty fond of 98SE.

Things to try:

Zap your cookies. (especially the grumble ones). If your grumble time is wrong, it's possible that your cookie that stores this setting has an issue. tools -> internet options Note that youll have to log back into the grumble afterwards.

Erase any temporary files in IE Tools -> internet options


Check your antivirus to make sure it's not causing the issue. Does it have errors? Do you have more than one installed? Norton is what I personally suggest and it should be updated online.

Run Windows Updates and get ALL the bug fixes (yea its frustrating but necessary)

I suggest removing all of your networking settings and reinstalling them. If you're using dialup, I would download their newest installer to your disk. Then uninstall the software, reboot, and reinstall from the file you downloaded (or the ISPs CD) Remove any former ISP's settings that are lingering in the computer. (dialup networking, etc) Tools -> internet options -> connections

External programs that can be a source of instability include: spyware programs that remain resident, coupon printing programs, printer pop up programs not designed specifically for XP, some ie toolbars (google toolbar is safe), etc Many of these can be uninstalled in control panel -> add/remove programs. You can also check start -> run -> MSCONFIG -> OK -> STARTUP and uncheck anything that isn't necessary. (don't remove items such as your virus scanner, etc.) You can do the same in START -> PROGRAMS -> STARTUP(folder) Items in there will come on automatically.

Another good thing is to make sure you have the most current drivers for items such as your video card, motherboard, etc. HP's website will have a place for you to get the latest of everything for your pc.

Yes, there are times when a complete reformat and reinstall (of XP) is a viable option. (If you previously had a virus or infection that caused damage to system files, etc) Although this is rarely a solution, it's sometimes the way to go when your system is damaged beyond repair.

Hopefully something up there in that mighty list (before the last item!) will help with your system problem.

Except for possible performance considerations on an old machine with inadequate memory there is no way I would revert from XP to an older system!

If you are having multiple problems, wipe the disk clean and reinstall XP.
wipe the disk clean and reinstall XP.
That's what I used to do, periodically, with most operating systems, but reinstalling XP is problematical 'cause you have to register it within 30 days or so with Microsoft to keep it running and you can't do that more than once.

As always, I could be wrong, but I don't think so this time.
Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
reinstalling XP is problematical 'cause you have to register it within 30 days or so with Microsoft to keep it running and you can't do that more than once.
My recollection is that if you try to register it more than once within 6 months the hardware configuration must be identical to the previous registration. If it's more than 6 months it could be on a nother system entirely. In other words, you should be able to reinstall and re-register XP on the same physical computer as often as you can stand to.

Originally posted by Ron Eggers:
As always, I could be wrong.
Me too :D
Yea I think it uses the serial # of the HD and CPU and some other parameters to calculate your registration code, so it'll know if its the same computer when you go to re-install/re-register. This shouldn't be a problem

Ron is it an OEM copy of XP pr a FPP (full package product) (i.e. bought separately from your PC) !!!!

For OEM products Microsoft indicate that the licence to use the software sits with the original machine and is not transferable.

For Microsoft FPP Products the licence sits with the Box and unless you have bought more that one licence you should only have it installed on one machine……
… can call Microsoft and get them to clear the licence for reinstallation or for a move to a new machine…… will need to have an acceptable story as to why you need to reinstall……this just has to be acceptable…….not an full blown book of a story
….. and the original machine MUST have the licence removed…
….pay head to this latter part as a small business was given a hefty find in court here in Ireland for using unlicensed Microsoft software…….Microsoft are now going worldwide full steam to find unlicensed software.

Check it out with Microsoft Product Support Services number provided for that specific product …..they are very helpful people……..particularly when they find out you want to be compliant with there licensing requirements.

Here is an interesting snippet from the Microsoft site
Can I make a second copy of my Windws operating system software for my portable computer?
The End-User License Agreement (EULA) for many Microsoft application software products contains the following sentence: "The primary user of the computer on which the SOFTWARE PRODUCT is installed may make a second copy for his or her exclusive use on a portable computer." If your EULA contains this sentence, then, subject to the conditions mentioned, you may make a second copy of the software. Note that you must be the primary user of the computer on which the software is installed. The primary user is the individual who uses the computer most of the time it is in use. Only that individual is entitled to use the second copy. Furthermore, the software must be installed on the local hard disk of your computer; you are not entitled to make and use a second copy on your portable computer if you run the primary copy of the software from a network server. Finally, only one secondary copy may be made; you may install this copy on more than one portable computer.
Please note that many Microsoft products are copy protected and it will not be technically possible to make a second copy of the disk. If you are a Licensee of software that includes copy protection technology, please call the Product Support Services number provided for that specific product to learn whether or not unencrypted disks can be obtained.

The typo in the Microsoft bit is on the website I just cut and pasted that bit
Okay. I tried Mike's formula last night. While on-line, I switched from MSN Explorer (the one with the Butterfly icon) to Internet Explorer (blue 'E' icon), because MSN Explorer doesn't have 'Tools' in the taskbar at the top, and followed his instructions.

When I went back to the butterfly, I HAD TIMES AND DATES!!!! It worked!!!

I signed off, went to bed, got up this morning and I no longer have the time/date. :confused: I think this computer is possessed by a host of demons. Microsoft Tech Support are no help. I get tired, very, very quickly of screaming into the phone so Rajah Singh can understand ME, and asking him to repeat himself over and over. And it's so obvious that the tech support people find your 'general' complaint on a list, then pull up the script they use to tell you how to fix it, which hasn't worked yet. :mad:

I'm about ready to just give up and buy another computer and buy either 98 or XP in the box and get Tommy to switch out the OS. I think they tried to make XP too 'intuitive'. They tried it with NT, and even it worked better than this XP!
OK so here's a few comments that may or may not be appreciated!

A lot of folks will mess with computers till they go blue in the face (now that's OK if it's your hobby but not if it's not!)... others will overly depend on acquaintancies who have hung out a shingle as experts ... but who are really not and who will also mess around for hours.

When you consider the potential loss of your time (let alone the frustration) is it really worth it? Dependent on how you value your time these days a brand spanking new machine can be had for just a few hours of your time!

That's why I suggested in my earlier post that if you (or an MS certified tech) can't fix the problem in short order (say half a day max) wipe out the mess and start over. If that doesn't fix it you've probably got some hardware issues going on. If that's the case decide how much more time you want to spend swapping boards before junking the whole system.

Looking back at your original note you say:

"My computer guy, who is the best I've ever seen sent it home with me after loading SP2..."

"Tommy suggested the trouble might be..."

"He suggested that Windows 98 is okay, and that's what he uses on his main machine...."

Now does that really sound like an expert who will fix your problems in short order?

Whichever way you go, good luck!
Tommy and I worked together for 30 years. He isn't the type to buy a bunch of stuff and install it on my computer without my ok. His suggestions were meant as probable causes for the troubles that he knew I would have to pay for.

For example: his suggestion re: 98 was because I'd have to buy the software, and I hadn't told him to "fix it, no matter the cost!" He was giving me some ooptions to think about, and when I decided what to do, he would be available to help for free.

I'd asked him to do what he could, but hadn't authorized him to buy a new load of 98 or XP. I trust him implicitly. He's told me what HE'D do, now I'm just fishing for other options.

I understand where you're coming from, and I appreciate it. And I also appreciate any suggestions you might have. This XP came built-in with the computer, and I understand a ready-built computer can have strange problems, as opposed to buying the software new and installing it.

Didn't mean to offend or criticize, just trying to help by giving a detached view.

Re ready-built systems having strange problems, computers out of the box should work out of the box ... if not vendor should replace.

Ca, no offense at all taken. He and I go back a long way, and I didn't reflect that in my post. I should have. PLEASE! Feel free at anytime to give objective views! That's what I need.

Have you checked with HP about SP2 issues - they may have some answers for you. Also, if your computer came with XP it may have configuration issues that would made an attempt to run an earlier version of Windows even more of a nightmare. HP, Compaq and others usually have proprietary versions of Windows to support their own hardware that may leave you with further problems with generic versions of Windows.

Be careful about starting over!

Pat :D