Almost convinced I need a CMC


PFG, Picture Framing God
Apr 12, 2001
Destin, Florida
I had this project come in a few weeks ago.

The state of Illinois issues a deer pin whenever a deer hunter harvests a deer and brings it to a deer check-in station. This customer had every pin from the project's inception in 1978 for both shotgun/black powder and archery season. There are 42 pins in this layout and, originally, the customer wanted a shadow box with only the pins displayed. I convinced him that I could make a more interesting display if we included a deer print along with the pins.

these pictures show what we came up with.



My problem was laying out and cutting the 42 1.5" circles. I decided that, in the long run, I would be ahead if I farmed out the cutting to another shop with a CMC. I had Marc Bluestone in St. Louis do the job and it was impressive.

Give me your critique on this. It was a diversion from my usual design work and I had more comments on it than any other design I did this year so far.

WOW!!!!!!! Looks awesome. What top mat is that? That's a great job. I've done two with arrowheads in the four corners but nothing that meticulous.
Originally posted by iceref:
WOW!!!!!!! Looks awesome. What top mat is that? That's a great job. I've done two with arrowheads in the four corners but nothing that meticulous.
Top mat is Crescent Moorman Suede, Antelope 7106 which went really well with the deers' coats.

Undermat is Artique cinnabar 4805 to pick up on the little winter red leaves and cardinal in the print.

Glad you liked the job. It was the first time I tried a full layout around the border like this. I wasn't sure how it would look when done.

Originally posted by cherryp:

This is a very impressive piece. How did you attach the pins to the bottom mat?


The piece got somewhat pricey for my customer and, since he felt that the pins would have no value to anyone but him, I followed his directions and siliconed them to the back mat.

Actually, I put a dab of silicone on one of them and left it lay for 2 days just to check things out. Then I tried to peel the silicone off and, with the nickel plating on the back of the pins, the glue came off rather easily.

He did this project to hang in a trophy room with 22 of his biggest deer mounts and some other trophies. I think that he wanted to impress all his hunting buddies rather than build a valuable collector item. The limited edition print was mounted with 3 1/8" clear view mylar corners sold by UMS.

Helluva job, Tom!
I've never seen anything quite like it.
Everything looks great!!
Aw, pshaw, Charles!

You just made a grown man blush!

Thank you for the compliment. And thanks to all the other posters who liked this piece.

The next one I do maybe will be done on MY CMC instead of Marc's.

Very nice!! Great design!! Kudos to you!!

However one of these a year probably would not make me go out and buy a CMC.
Originally posted by ArtLady:
Very nice!! Great design!! Kudos to you!!

However one of these a year probably would not make me go out and buy a CMC.
Nor I, ArtLady.

Just a bit of wishful thinking.

Does anyone use the Fletcher mat cutting service? How are you finding the results?
Are you using the online website?
Hi ArtLady:

I've had the occasion to use Fletcher's mat cutting service a couple of times and found the quality to be excellent. I used it for oval and circle cuts as the volume for those that come into my shop has not justified the investment in an oval cutter. Yes, I use the online website. After I placed the order(s), I received the mats in about 4 days (I live about 35 minutes from Fletcher). I'm very happy with the service.


Framerguy, that is an outstanding design! Your customers jaw must have hit the floor the first time he saw it completed.
I recently used the Fletcher service and was quite pleased with the ordering and design process (after three calls to tech support cause I am inept). Ordered two mats, one huge oval and one teensy oval on a Monday afternoon, they arrived on Thursday!!! Really well packed!!!

I have a neat little gizmo called a circle cutter that Keeton used to sell years ago. It cuts circles from 3/8ths to 8" and aside from the fact that the cuts are not beveled, I have used it many times to great effect. Terrific for coins. The blade is adjustable for depth and it cuts like a dream! Maybe there are some floating around out there. It is about 9 x 1 and it is gold-colored aluminum, with green felt on the back. Not thick felt, just fuzzy green stuff. They were selling these for around $50 and this was 25 years ago!!! I even "worked" a trade show for Keeton in NYC and walked around cutting mats in the air with the thing. (It works much better with underlayment!) No CMC for me, not with this marvel and Fletcher a keystroke away!
We signed up at the Fletcher Terry site a month or so ago but have not yet used it
, haven't quite figured how to upload my mat files (keeps saying that the file is too big). But, anyway....... we received a letter last week saying that we were one of 10 randomly picked winners :D (from people who are registered at their website). We won the new Multimaster point driver along with a box of points! It came in yesterday, way cool :D
Very nice! Was that cut with a Fletcher CMC?

Looks like a Larson Juhl frame. I've used it recently. It's a handsome frame.

I don't visit this 'room' very often, but certainly plan to in the future. Your design is so much more interesting than the pins alone would have been. Very pretty.

I have tried to use FramerSolutions, but haven't had a straightforward yet complicated enough job yet. The ones for which I hoped it would be useful needed cuts that are not in their repertoire. I had hoped they were cutting letters (as in the alphabet), but they are not offering that either. But I'm registered, and maybe I'll win something!!