advice on CMC (and log-in problem)

Leslie S.

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Apr 11, 2002
Waxahachie, TX
I have finally decided to take the plunge and get a cmc, but would love any advice (yes, I know what that's worth) from other users. I have a small shop (3 "fulltime" framers and do not want 4!) with high quality standards. Any particular things to avoid? Any known problems? I think I will start with leasing a Wizard to get my feet wet...I'm just trying to avoid burning my backside at the same time! Does it really save time? Is it easy to use? Is it hard to design your own patterns? Any thoughts on this subject will be greatly appreciated.

Leslie S.
I started renting on the Junior Program with Wizard in August last year. I love it, like Ron said there are a lot of threads on this subject, but unless you are trying to build assets in your business, leasing is great. Now, I am learning more and more every day and cutting some unbelievable mats with my Wizard. Software is pretty easy for the normal stuff i.e. multiopenings standard mats and such. I use it for almost all my mats now and find that I'm coming closer to using my corners up than I'd like, I may have to change to the normal rental. I got through Christmas by myself in 2001 because of the Wizard, I just took a Rush job for Friday that has weird drop downs and it's already finished and waiting for pick up.

I guess you get my point.
This is so cool! I've already gotten replies to my question and I only posted it about 2 hours ago. I wish I had found The Grumble a long time ago! I wish that I could post to the main forum, but am experiencing the dreaded blank screen. I can read it, but only if I am not logged on. I have e-mailed for help, so hopefully I will be in there soon with the rest of you. Thanks for the quick replies! I have read the past threads and learned a great deal.
Leslie S.
Originally posted by Leslie S.:
I wish that I could post to the main forum, but am experiencing the dreaded blank screen. I can read it, but only if I am not logged on.
That's okay, Leslie. Everything worth knowing is on the techie forum anyway and, when you need a break, come visit Warped. Wait at least two hours after eating, though.

Here is an idea on how to fix your problem. (You should have mentioned it earlier.)

Same thing happens to me
what seems to fix it is
when you click the grunble
and you get a blank screen
look at your address bar,
and right at the end of the line it may say PRUNE=1000
click to the end of the line and only change the 1000 to about a 10
ie prune=10
this will get it going..
That's from ronny ter-beek. If you want to see the whole thread look here.

Once you're 'in,' click on 'my profile,' then 'view/update' profile and, toward the bottom, make sure the default number of days-worth of posts to view is set to something like 5 or 10. If you try to view everything, you get a blank screen, 'cause there's just too much stuff! When you're done, be sure and 'save' your profile settings.

Let us know if the default 'days' was set for a very high number - like 'forever'. Maybe that will help Framer solve the problem. I think it will fix yours. (Framer, our overworked administrator, is looking into this problem which has plagued a number of new Grumblers.)
Come to think of it, Leslie, if you're already on this forum, you can skip ronny ter-beek's step and just edit your profile as described above.

The reason you can access other forums, but not the main Grumble forum is this: There are about 2800 threads and almost ten times that many posts on the main forum. If your default setting is trying to load them all, it just gives up and you get a blank page instead of a topic list. The second busiest forum, Warped Moulding (where quality is valued above quantity) has about 750 threads and about 9200 posts. You can load all of them, but it probably takes a while.

Give this a try and let us know if it works.

And don't worry. After you've been here for a while, you'll get used to getting advice from people with names like 'Zippy' and 'Poopsie' and 'Framing Goddess.' And 'po' framer.'
Leslie, I concur with Framer's sage and succinct advice on an earlier thread:

However you can, get one now!

It will be the most efficient piece of equipment in your shop. The fancy stuff it will do is the gravy.
Leslie, I'll give you the same advice I got before I bought my fletcher. Buy it and you will never look back with regret. Got running immediately with the standard "template" cuts. The design program requires some effort and the instructions aren't the best but the factory support has been great. Is it faster than hand cuts? Well, how long would it take to lay out and cut (double mat) 22 openings, various sizes, on a 32x40 mat? Had to do this last saturday for a suprise party saturday evening. I'm a bit slow with the layout. Took about 20 minutes. Took the machine no more than 5 minutes to cut both mats. They were perfect.

No fears in getting going with a CMC.

For example:

When your Fletcher-Terry F-6100 arrives the first morning a Fletcher=Terry Technician will also arrive. The technician will bring equipment to make the uncrating and moving of the F-6100 into your shop simple. Once the machine on it's stand is in place the technician will spend a couple of hours setting up and checking the machine adustments. The tech will cut some test mats which will be filed at the FT factory. The tech will then begin training and by the end of the first day you and your people should be doing all your everyday production on the F-6100 - you can now store the manual cutters. The next day the tech will bring you up to speed on the multi opening mats and introduce you to some of the other directions you can go with the software if you are so inclined. It's quite painless and in fact a lot of fun!

The CMC changes your frame shop for ever. I have a framer in my shop with 4 years framing experience - she's a great framer - she has never used a manual mat cutter.