Adobe wobes


PFG, Picture Framing God
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Apr 9, 2001
Clayton, NC
I went to a site that used Adode Reader, which I have, for text. When I tried to print it, all I got was little squares. Up until now, Adobe has worked ok. I even printed FACTS ok.
I could copy it by using 'Cont C/Cont V' and copying it to outgoing mail. Then I sent it to Janet, and it printed ok.

Anybody have any ideas????

My first thought is that maybe your Adobe Acrobat program is corrupted.

Stuff happens! (Yeah, and THAT too!)

Did you try to download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat? That may cure your problem.

If not, keep Janet's email address very handy. You probably will need it more than ever!

Yeah, I loaded ver. 5.0.5 just this morning. It may well be corrupted. I guess I need to remove it and reinstsall it. Or, try opening something else in Adobe, to see if IT prints ok.
Another option is that it may be trying to load with a different application/program for *.pdf files. If you have a pdf, save it to your hard drive, right click on it in windows explorer, and select OPEN WITH. Then tell it to always open programs of that type with the adobe acrobat reader.

I've found that with large pdf files, like the Atlanta class list, if I try to print the open files while on line, my system locks up. The struggle to maintain an internet connection seems to be about all my multi-tasking environment can deal with at one time. :rolleyes: If I save the file and go off line, I can print it with no problem.
It sounds like it may be time to add more memory/ram to the machine

Mike, I have 512Meg of RAM, and 80 G of HD. A 1.7 Gig processor. The d@mn thing works part of the time, but it wouldn't print anything but little squares the other night. I'm just too stupid to figure out how to fix it.(See my new-business thread on Warped) That's where my talents lie. Any further ideas will be appreciated. There's just this one thing I want to print...
Originally posted by CharlesLowry.:
...all I got was little squares... Up
Instead of trying to print it all at once, try printed only 4 pages at a time. If it is a memory problem (maybe with the printer not the computer) that should help.
Someone told me that you might be confusing the computer if you attempt to d/l AcrobatReader 5.5 over your present version. He suggested totally killing off the latter before beginning anew with the former. I'm going to try it, but sure seems like Adobe has a corruption problem somewhere if this many of us are having difficulties.

If you are trying to print out part of the Atlanta class schedule, try selecting just the pages that you want to print and then print those pages out without all the other stuff going along. I just printed out the class registration form and, when I went into the "Print" mode, I selected just pages 16 and 17 to print out. They printed without any problem.

I can't figure out why Decor-Expo went to all the trouble to glitze up that file with color, photos, fancy layout, when all we really need is a simple form explaining the classes and a schedule and registration form to use for the classes we need. All that tinsel didn't impress me much when I think of the time it takes to print out an 18 page .pdf file with all the color and photos.

A Word document would have worked much to my satisfaction and would have been a snap to download and/or print.

I printed the whole 18 pages at one fell swoop, but it was before I upgraded from ver. 5.0 to ver. 5.0.5. Sounds suspiciously like Cathie is right. (how could I have ever doubted her?) I will get shet of Adobe altogether and then download 5.0.5, or, perhaps, just 5.0, since that seems to work better.
I have long suspected that Adobe and Microsoft are largely incompatable. Adobe would prefer that you run their software on a Mac and Microsoft would prefer you do your photo editing with Picture It or some such foolishness.

By the way, what is a "wobe?"
Darn. Saw the title and thought someone needed Photoshop help. Oh, well, maybe next time. Ron, we haven't noticed too much problem with running Photoshop on a PC with Microsoft. When we go to class with other photographers, it's the people with the Macs that are always having problems. :confused:
Photoshop is awesome on a PC and has few problems until you start getting into the larger files, (300mb +), then a comparable Mac will beat it everytime.
Adobe software would normally have a consistant problem with Windows and shows from the time you load it, if it is a new appearance the best resolve is to Reboot and see if it does it again, computers are and will continue to be "moody" IMHO.