Addition to equipment for sale


Grumbler in Training
Feb 8, 2006
Albany, NY
As you can see I have 2 of some things. I had 2 full sets as I had 2 locations framing. I sold a few pieces along the way. I was in Buckland Hills mall, near Hartford, CT and my warehouse here in Albany, NY. I supplied my other location in Buffalo, NY. I was in the Walden Galleria. I miss Buffalo allot. I am highly motivated to sell. Some items I will let go now because they are not integral to work. I will pay a 1% commision on referral for a complete package deal of the selling price upon completion. It is the least I could do for some one. If it is against any rules than I fully retract the offer.
I really enjoyed the work and had fun, I need to care for my ederly mother who is very dependent now.
Call 518-527-9927 leave message I can send you pic's.

Thanks again, Mike