Okay, Mike and Mick, you are helping alot. The card reader only cost $6, (got it from Woot) but still would like to use it because it accepts all the different types media. It looks like my current USB ports, the ones up where that pink thing is (they are through the back of the case) could be removed. Then I would probably be able to get at the pins. However, right now I have my printer and my wireless router plugged into those two ports. There is another double USB port card plugged into those white-ist looking vertical slots in the picture above (thanks, Mike). They don't work. My device manager says they are there, but anything I plug into them doesn't work. I wonder if I need to activate a driver for those. I'll go look for their manual. If I could get those to accept my printer and wireless router, then I could plug my card reader into the pins that would be available, where the current USB ports are.