acrylic sandwich revisited


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
I have a customer that brought in a banner with mission statement on it. She wants to sandwich between acrylic. On a previous thread it was suggested that it be siliconed together.

The finished size will be 56" x 13".

It will be indoors so weather isn't a consideration as in the previous thread on acrylic sandwiches.

My question is how to hang this thing.

Thanks for any and all suggestions.
standoff hardware for acrylic or glass sandwich presentation.
Probably a better link in the archives, but this will get you there.
Yikes Deb, that is what you were asking me about....I am a dope.

Funny thing is I was explaining to you about the plexi adhesive and was leafing through the CR Laurence catalog looking for that while we were talking and it still didn't register. D'oh!

I got the cataloge from CR Laurence but I don't seem to be able to get any product support from them as I don't have a clue what my customer needs. But, they referred me to a local distributor of CR Laurence products who does the glass too by the way.
Yeah, Kathy, I knew it was your thread and I remembered that your title was something about not knowing what you were looking for. Of course that was after our conversation.

Thanks Wally, I had a feeling you would be able to help.
Since my original post on the acrylic sandwich, I found a company, MES , who specializes in wierd lamination processes. They quoted me a price to encapsulate the paper art and bond it onto a single sheet of acrylic. It sounds promising.

I am still waiting for a decision from my customer about whether to go ahead with it, so I haven't seen how good a job they do, but IMHO it beats having to try to seal two sheets of the stuff myself and later having to explain why it didn't hold together.