Acrylic Cleaners


MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Aug 10, 2005
So acrylic is soft, more expensive, less rigid, and prone to holding a static electric charge. It's also lighter and much less brittle than glass. What do you use to clean/polish your acrylic lites?

There are several Acrylic cleaners on the market. “K-Lux” and “210” both claim to have anti-static properties. I am sure that there are others. Chabot Glass on Bridge Street in Nashua may carry one of those or a similar product.

I use an old, clean, ratty, cotton T-shirt (without a Grateful Dead logo) for the wipe cloth.

… but, be gentle!
Chamois and distilled water.
I've found what you use to wipe the plexi is the most important thing... Like mentioned above, use a soft cloth. Never paper towels!

I like Sprayway (Walmart or a glass distributor). It's also good for glass because there is no ammonia in it, or 210 Plastic Cleaner.
UMS (one of our sponsors) sells a good one. I can't remember the name though. When customers get plexi, we tell them about this cleaner and many times sell them a spray bottle of it.
The product should need little or no cleaning. Leave the protective covering on as long as possible. Remove it slowly (not that you have much choice) in a clean work area. If you or anyone has cut it with a saw, wipe it down before you remove the cover sheet.

For modest cleaning I use one of those Scotch Brite clothes from 3M - one that I don't use for anything else. I spritz the cloth with just a bit of distilled water to pick up any dust and reduce the static.
I'm not certain what this product is made of, but the eye glass cleaning cloth that one gets from the optometrist is excellent. It's small, but it can be purchased from the distributor in larger sizes, I'd think.

I use it successfully with Tru Vue's Premium Clean.
Yes, the one I put together last night (22x28) seemed pretty clean, but I'd like to prepare for the eventuality that I am not so lucky or that children manage to get something on it while it hangs.

BTW- The tip to use a round tube to "roll" the paper covering off was an excellent one. I had a piece of 2" PVC pipe which was very effective in that role. Much easier than the smaller one I'd done a few months ago, in which the paper seemed determined to tear rather than let go.
Also Doctah,

You might contact any of the acrylic distributors (i.e. Lois @ Superior Acrylics in California - 1-877-422-7954)to get the "latest and greatest" information.
Acrylic sheet only has a static charge when such
a charge has been set up on its surface. Brushing
or wiping of its surface with anything dry as well
as removal of production paper or tape, will
put a charge on the surface of the sheet. Moisture
will take the charge off. Commercial products do
this by drawing water from the air to the surface
of the acrylic, but they will only work if a coating is left on the glazing. Water on a well-washed chamois (as Wally suggested) is an excellent way to clean this material. Deposits of oil may require wiping with dilute dish detergent on a paper wipe. This can be wiped dry with the
damp chamois.

I use a soft, lint free cloth and distilled water to clean it. To polish out fine scratches, use a plastic polish such as Novus 2.

I have a large picture with a plexi front. Years ago, before I knew any better, I'd clean it a couple times a year with windex and paper towles. The way they make it sound, doing that will cause bad things to happen, like start WWIII or worse. However, it still looks nice and clear to me.

On time I cleaned permanent marker off a glass window with one of those green pads made of nylon. I was not aware of the abrasives in it!