acrylic boxes made with optium museum?


CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Mar 9, 2005
St. Paul, MN
I have a customer who insists that there is this new highest grade acrylic that is totally invisible and he wants a box made from it. I have sold him the Optium Museum in the past, used with a frame and mats, etc. This request has me a bit puzzled. Does anyone know if this prodcut can be used for a 5 sided acrylic box? He also wants the same material for the art to float on....
Thanks for any info.
Sue, aka gadgetgal, in St. Paul
this stuff have a name/model designation?????
Yes, Bill. It's Tru-Vue Museum Optium Acrylic, the same as we use for frame glazing.

The optical coatings must be removed from the edges of the acrylic in order to bond them together for box building, and that's a touchy process. Showcase is the only source I know that has perfected the method. The examples they display at the trade shows are amazing, visually.
OK ya got me curious: we've done a few Mardi Gras masks, thanks to the input of I believe Mr. Feig.

So how is this product priced compared to, say UV acrylic?
The pricing for the Optium product is in the LJ catalog.
The Tru Vue Optium Museum sells for about $585 a sheet that is 41 x 71. OP-3 sells for $135 for a 48 x 96 sheet. (LJ prices) While the Optium Museum is not inexpensive, it does look wonderful when used...people don't even realize it is there.
Thanks for the tip about Showcase Acrylics. I will look into them.
I have a customer who insists that there is this new highest grade acrylic that is totally invisible and he wants a box made from it. I have sold him the Optium Museum in the past, used with a frame and mats, etc. This request has me a bit puzzled. Does anyone know if this prodcut can be used for a 5 sided acrylic box? He also wants the same material for the art to float on....
Thanks for any info.
Sue, aka gadgetgal, in St. Paul

My company, Architectural Plastics, Inc. makes Optium vitrines and box frames. We also are a distributor of Optium sheets and ship worldwide. For more information or quotes, go to
or contact me directly at
and I will be happy to help you.

Best regards,

Welcome to the Grumble Pierre.

You have found an 8 year old post which was a time that not many framers were aware of Optium Museum acrylic. You can post in the Commercial section if you wish to let people know that your business offers the product.
Superior can also make an acrylic box with the Optium product, for all you west coast users.