I have a customer that wants to frame 3 large (45w x 62h) old movie posters. He would like to use a Nielsen 15 metal frame, UV Acrylic, no mats and acid-free backing boards. I have two questions.
First is the long term effect on the poster placed directly against UV Acrylic. I wouldn't do this against glass, but am unsure about doing this against Acrylic.
The second is on the backing. As far as I can determine, Mighty Core and gatorboard are not acid-free so I don't plan to use them. I am unsure if 2 3/6" sheets of acid-free foamboard glued together will provide enough support, expecially considering that UV Acrylic is not very rigid.
If needed, I will also use Frame Strap or Frame Tite for support against bowing and will use wall buddies for hanging.
First is the long term effect on the poster placed directly against UV Acrylic. I wouldn't do this against glass, but am unsure about doing this against Acrylic.
The second is on the backing. As far as I can determine, Mighty Core and gatorboard are not acid-free so I don't plan to use them. I am unsure if 2 3/6" sheets of acid-free foamboard glued together will provide enough support, expecially considering that UV Acrylic is not very rigid.
If needed, I will also use Frame Strap or Frame Tite for support against bowing and will use wall buddies for hanging.