a stupid tip


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 7, 2004
This is just a dumb tip that helped me out in saving my pockets and belts. Just came to mind today because a magnet snapped and now I'm browsing the Grumble and thought I'd post it just in case someone can use it. For everyone else, just understand that after this post Captain Obvious is no longer suitable, and you can now refer to me as Admiral Obvious.

I remove my tape measure about a million times a day and I'm used to keeping it on my hip. I get scuff marks all over my belt and it's rough to get back on. On the occasions that I get to wear jeans the clip rubs the pocket and frays them over time. Reaching into my pocket all day is a pain and sometimes gets me strange looks.
So, I got some rare earth magnets. Rare earth magnets are small, cheap, kinda brittle magnets that are insanely strong. I was sure they would be good for some kind of metal mounting solution by now but nothing has come up. I put one high inside my pocket and one inside, just under my waistband. They sandwich the fabric and stay put. Then, I can just slap the tape measure against my hip and it sticks. It's fun to watch a customers face while their minds try to make out what their eyes saw for that brief moment too.
Admiral - this is not a dumb tip - it bloody brilliant! I wish I had thought of it. I gave up trying to carry my tape measure around due to the reasons you mentioned and I am always on the opposite side of the bench or the room from the darned things!

Way to go!!!!!
Hey, not to rain on your parade.... but don't you have to be mindful of magnets and things that have magnetic strips?? Like those credit cards in your back pocket? or standing too close to your customer's purse? Am I being overly stupid here? I've played with those rare earth magnets and they are strong! But how strong? I don't want to set one on my computer monitor to test it out!
Hey, you guys already got them covered.
Lots of cool ideas in these archives.

Knedert, I haven't had a problem with my credit cards. Then again, I have a huge..... wallet.
This might prevent you from getting arthritis in that hip too... Kinda like those weird bracelets people wear.
Speaking of rare earth magnets...my son Nathan is now living in Denver and the company he works for (An Aussie company) is called Magswitch.

A man down here invented a method of turning magnets on and off (without electricity) and they use rare earth magnets.
The two geeks on Myth Busters tried to erase credit card strips. They found it near impossible.

As an electrician I worked in magnetic fields so strong that it would bog down a motor of a truck at low RPMs. If it killed the motor you would have to drag/push the truck out of the field to restart it (very annoying). They warned us to not carry credit cards. I did anyway and never had anything bad happen.

I do have this tic now and my vision gets blurry for 30 seconds every time I burp though. You think I need a workman’s comp lawyer?
Magnets are great also for picking up the points when you disassemble an old frame, or have to pull the points to get that dust fleck off the prints after you close the frame package!

You can also swipe the bag across the floor to pick up the points, little bits of wire and brads that seem to collect around the worktable.

I put the magnet in a ziploc baggie and then it is easier to get the points off teh magnet to throw them away.
This might prevent you from getting arthritis in that hip too... Kinda like those weird bracelets people wear.
The only thing those magnetic bracelets, insoles, necklaces or whatever do is seperate you from your money very quickly and efficiently. Same with copper bracelets. Can we say placebo?
I use a small magnet of this type to hold my pencil - the magnet (about 3/8 inch dia) is on the outside of my shirt - a little round circle of sheet metal is on the inside of my shirt. The pencil has a small metal pocket clip which the magnet holds. I don't even have to look, I'm so used to placing the pencil and picking it up - very handy! I use a lot of magnets in the shop - have a look:

My pencil:

Different size parts on the V-nailer:

My measuring tape: