A Really Fun Framing ......


PFG, Picture Framing God
Apr 12, 2001
Destin, Florida
This was an old Charles Wysocki print from the early '90's that I framed years ago and just happened to stumble across when I was looking for some other photos.

The frame was a verdi-gris frame made by Williamson, I think, that has long been discontinued. I did a little kinky return cut on the diagonal corners of the frame and, since the print was so crazy, I just did whatever came to mind for the matting (I don't recall what mats were used, a rust, maybe a grey/white textured, and green). Totally assymetrical, totally off the wall, little jogs and inserts in the diagonal mat corners, a rectangular insert in the lower right of the mat, I just really had alot of fun doing this piece.


It would have looked even better had Wysocki not signed and numbered it in the margin. (Why do artists DO that?? That stark white margin is very distracting to me!)

This was so very unconventional for me back about 8 or 9 years ago that I still wonder where I came up with the mat design! :eek:

Hope somebody enjoys it.

I really like it except for the big white rectangle is the lower right hand corner. It reminds me of those cards that they staple on kid's art in contests at school and stuff, and it's kind of distracting.

That really makes me jealous and wish for a shop where I could actually chop and join frames to make weird things like that, though.
Hi Jin,

Actually, when I took this photo, I had no plans of ever posting it to any internationally viewed framing forum! Heck, I had no clue HOW to Grumble back then.

I photographed this piece directly off my display wall in the art gallery and the distracting (to me too) white tag is the price tags that I used on all my framed art. I had about a kajillion blank business cards printed up when I did my regular business cards. They had only my logo on them and I would print up labels with the pertinent information on them for each piece and simply stick them onto the blank area of the business card. Real creative, eh? :rolleyes:


Anyway, I am glad you liked the piece and I would be hard pressed to do another one today. My mind was on a different plane back in those days than it is today.

(Oh gosh, I hope this isn't an indication that I am finally growing up!!) :eek:

I love your Frame Design posts, keep it up! Good tip on the label over the business card thing. I always want to try unusual cuts like this, but never seem to have enough time to fool around with it. Someday....

OK, I travelled back in time, (oh, so you DIDN'T know who won that DeLorean!), and I removed that pesky price tag and retook the photo.

Hope this isn't as distracting as the original one.


Not a bad Photoshop job. You done me proud! It does look much better now. I likes. :cool: