PFG, Picture Framing God
(no...not Thingie-Grabber!)
We have 8ft ceilings, and the moulding samples go clear to the top of the wall. I have to use a step stool to get them down. I noticed recently, when the guys posted pics of their shops, they had step stools too.
Right now I can't step up on the step stool, and I hesitate to ask a customer to step on it.A couple of times recently, unless they're really tall and can reach it, we just don't go there.
Since I also can't reach the floor right now, anything that gets dropped stays there unless there's someone around to pick it up for me. So a friend brought me one of those Grabber-Thingies, the long deal with the trigger on the handle and the pincher deal at the end. I can pick things up off the floor, pull my pants up, pinch my husband, and....this is so cool, Judy at work today figured this out (I promised I'd give her the credit for this epiphany)...I CAN REACH THE MOULDINGS AT THE TOP! EASILY!! Without dropping them on my head!. And since the pincher is plastic it doesn't scratch or dent the samples. They don't go back up easily yet, I have to practice, but they can be put back later, by a person who can safely step on the stool.
After I'm all well, the Grabber-Thingie is staying in the shop, just for this purpose. I highly recommend one used be in every frame shop! Our insurance agents would probably love it too.
I'm Sooooo Happy!
Thanks Judy!!
We have 8ft ceilings, and the moulding samples go clear to the top of the wall. I have to use a step stool to get them down. I noticed recently, when the guys posted pics of their shops, they had step stools too.
Right now I can't step up on the step stool, and I hesitate to ask a customer to step on it.A couple of times recently, unless they're really tall and can reach it, we just don't go there.
Since I also can't reach the floor right now, anything that gets dropped stays there unless there's someone around to pick it up for me. So a friend brought me one of those Grabber-Thingies, the long deal with the trigger on the handle and the pincher deal at the end. I can pick things up off the floor, pull my pants up, pinch my husband, and....this is so cool, Judy at work today figured this out (I promised I'd give her the credit for this epiphany)...I CAN REACH THE MOULDINGS AT THE TOP! EASILY!! Without dropping them on my head!. And since the pincher is plastic it doesn't scratch or dent the samples. They don't go back up easily yet, I have to practice, but they can be put back later, by a person who can safely step on the stool.
After I'm all well, the Grabber-Thingie is staying in the shop, just for this purpose. I highly recommend one used be in every frame shop! Our insurance agents would probably love it too.
I'm Sooooo Happy!

Thanks Judy!!