A Mouse for Aging Eyes


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Founding Member
Jul 30, 1997
Leawood, Kansas USA
I'm probably late to the party, but I just bought a wireless optical mouse with a magnifying button. You wouldn't want to be reading much with it, but for a quick peer at fine print, it's fabulous.

It's Microsoft Wireless Optical Mouse 5000.
So that's why it's called optical?

For those of us with the low-tech mice, try holding down the Ctrl key while rolling the scroll wheel.

What? Your mouse doesn't have a scroll wheel?

Get with the 21st century!
Jeannette, my mind feels like a clogged artery. Mental nimbility is impaired by influx of TMI and most knowledge is becoming osmosical. There.

Since I can't make the damned thing perform off screen, I can only say that when you lay the cursor in the middle of the screen and push the magnify button, it...well, magnifies this rather large area. When you want to go back to normal, push the button again.

(Thinking it's about time to retire...or take a break: who said this stuff would make our lives easier? More fun, maybe, but easier? no)