A Mixed Breed

Feb 11, 2004
Chesterfield Missouri
This one's got us stymied. A customer brought in an orignal piece, this is acrylic painting with string art, done on watercolor paper.

We don't really want to dry mount this piece but we're not sure what other options would ensure it that it looks it's best over time.

The piece is from the owners' girlfriend who told him not to put it under glass which limits our ability to use a mat to help.

We're considering some archival strips with a hinge on the top but know it's not going to lay flat.

Your help is greatly appreciated!
Acrylic paint is full of holes and string is another good collector of grime and pollution.
Putting such an item in a frame without glazing
will ensure that it will become dirty in ways
that can not be cleaned. Such a piece should be
framed behind glazing. Since it sound as if it
was not flat when it came in, you should leave in
the shape it had, then. Watercolor paper can be
hinged and the hinges should be placed on the parts of the sheet that are normally in contact
with the back mat.

You need a demo frame with a spacer and Museum Glass. It helps a customer understand that the piece can be glazed in a way that does not diminish the visual impact of 3-dimensional art. Museum Glass just underwent a 35% price reduction. Hugh is right and Museum Glass is the ideal solution.

Pat :D
Framing St. Louis,

I had a similar issue with a piece that I was framing for a benefit auction. There was a lot of thick paint lines, some glitter and it was all on very cockled watercolor paper. With the type of paint and the glitter I couldn't just put it in the press to flatten it so I went with the uniqueness of the piece. I float mounted it with pass through hinges on a mat board that I embellished with dimensional paint (black on black), used frame space and black metal frame. It came out looking pretty cool!

(former St. Louis gal)
Cindi - can you describe a "pass through hinge"?

Pat - great idea on the demo frame, I've got the LJ piece with the three tumbled tiles that kinda sorta does what you suggest but the tiles are so 3D anyway I guess it's not the same as what your proposing.

I need to get more museum glazed pieces up, I really like the look and the price reduction certainly makes it easier to sell.

Thanks so much for the help!
