I on the other hand AM the keeper of the "Perfect Corner".
It is a little piece of metal that says righ on it "The Perfect Corner" and it is for truing things in a machine shop....
I keep the dang thing around to remind me that there is a perfect corner, and all others aren't.
And because of that, I have one of those lighters restraunts use to light the candles... and it's turned up about full blast..
I also have several pieces of 5x7 glass (reg or NG) that are pencil ground on the edges so I can handle the a bunch...[ouch!]. And on them is mixed colors...
I heat the Amaco wax then spread it around and mix it with wooden clay modeling tools. I have one that is old and rounded off that works nice.
Also the rolled paper pencil for smudging charcoal or pencil works great for working the wax down into the creavases.
One thing to note: the more you "cook" Amaco wax, the more you cook the vaseline out and the harder it "drys" and less likely to rub off on your customers clothing.
Unless it's white wax.... then your ****ed for life on that one.... I've got a piece that I've been cooking for 30 years and it gets on my black shirt when I just walk in the room... Hanna knows what I'm saying...
Tomorrow I'm buying a plasma torch....
Doug, sorry, but it's the best I've got for you. It's just one of those jobs that you can either hate or just surrender to the fact that untill your eyes go, it's a job you have to do.
And when the eyes go, there are always glasses.