PFG, Picture Framing God
Tomorrow is the 3rd Annual Outdoors Art Festival here in Carson City. It's held at a huge garden center/nursery. Flowers, plants, music, artists demonstrating and selling their art. For several weeks now I've been matting, framing, stretching, shrink-wrapping, framing for many of these folks. On Monday someone said I should have a booth there. So I am!
I will be the only frame shop represented. They've asked me not to sell anything (prints, etc) so as not to "compete" with the artists (??) but still a great opportunity for letting the community know about us. It goes from 10 to 3. Bob's minding the shop. HI BOB! THANKS!
My area is 10x10'. I'm setting up a 6-foot table and bringing several easels to show examples of what the frame shop offers. Here's what I'm bringing:
*Framed PPFA certificate and Picture Framing Academy certificate
*A photo framed in the bright green metal Vivids
*6-ft Frame Shop banner
*2 small carpeted boards with various moulding corners: big gold ornate, minis, metal Element, metal enamel, inlay, black basic, classic wood, bamboo, etc...anyway, you get the picture, a little of everything.
*Matboard rack with various types matbd samples
*Big stack of business cards
*TruVue chinese knot museum glass/conClear shadowbox demo frame (wow! just got that!)
*TruVue glass example set
*Guest book for addresses & e-mails
*Shadow box golf ball and print
*Portfolio binder with photos of framing we've done and examples of cardboard burn, damaged photo that was stuck to glass, etc.
*They ask that we be demo-ing something, so I'm bringing my small mat cutter and will hand out free 8x10 mats that I cut on the spot.
What have I forgotten??
I'll be checking here the rest of the evening, I'm here at the shop getting it together (I know, some of you are already nodded out) and in the morning before I go, I'll be here really early.
It will be a beautiful fun day and I'm looking forward to it. A bit stressful, this last-minute stuff, but should be worth it.
Suggestions, please....
I will be the only frame shop represented. They've asked me not to sell anything (prints, etc) so as not to "compete" with the artists (??) but still a great opportunity for letting the community know about us. It goes from 10 to 3. Bob's minding the shop. HI BOB! THANKS!
My area is 10x10'. I'm setting up a 6-foot table and bringing several easels to show examples of what the frame shop offers. Here's what I'm bringing:
*Framed PPFA certificate and Picture Framing Academy certificate
*A photo framed in the bright green metal Vivids
*6-ft Frame Shop banner
*2 small carpeted boards with various moulding corners: big gold ornate, minis, metal Element, metal enamel, inlay, black basic, classic wood, bamboo, etc...anyway, you get the picture, a little of everything.
*Matboard rack with various types matbd samples
*Big stack of business cards
*TruVue chinese knot museum glass/conClear shadowbox demo frame (wow! just got that!)
*TruVue glass example set
*Guest book for addresses & e-mails
*Shadow box golf ball and print
*Portfolio binder with photos of framing we've done and examples of cardboard burn, damaged photo that was stuck to glass, etc.
*They ask that we be demo-ing something, so I'm bringing my small mat cutter and will hand out free 8x10 mats that I cut on the spot.
What have I forgotten??
I'll be checking here the rest of the evening, I'm here at the shop getting it together (I know, some of you are already nodded out) and in the morning before I go, I'll be here really early.
It will be a beautiful fun day and I'm looking forward to it. A bit stressful, this last-minute stuff, but should be worth it.
Suggestions, please....