A Framer at an Artists Show


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 21, 2005
Carson City, Nevada
Tomorrow is the 3rd Annual Outdoors Art Festival here in Carson City. It's held at a huge garden center/nursery. Flowers, plants, music, artists demonstrating and selling their art. For several weeks now I've been matting, framing, stretching, shrink-wrapping, framing for many of these folks. On Monday someone said I should have a booth there. So I am!

I will be the only frame shop represented. They've asked me not to sell anything (prints, etc) so as not to "compete" with the artists (??) but still a great opportunity for letting the community know about us. It goes from 10 to 3. Bob's minding the shop. HI BOB! THANKS!

My area is 10x10'. I'm setting up a 6-foot table and bringing several easels to show examples of what the frame shop offers. Here's what I'm bringing:
*Framed PPFA certificate and Picture Framing Academy certificate
*A photo framed in the bright green metal Vivids
*6-ft Frame Shop banner
*2 small carpeted boards with various moulding corners: big gold ornate, minis, metal Element, metal enamel, inlay, black basic, classic wood, bamboo, etc...anyway, you get the picture, a little of everything.
*Matboard rack with various types matbd samples
*Big stack of business cards
*TruVue chinese knot museum glass/conClear shadowbox demo frame (wow! just got that!)
*TruVue glass example set
*Guest book for addresses & e-mails
*Shadow box golf ball and print
*Portfolio binder with photos of framing we've done and examples of cardboard burn, damaged photo that was stuck to glass, etc.
*They ask that we be demo-ing something, so I'm bringing my small mat cutter and will hand out free 8x10 mats that I cut on the spot.

What have I forgotten??

I'll be checking here the rest of the evening, I'm here at the shop getting it together (I know, some of you are already nodded out) and in the morning before I go, I'll be here really early.

It will be a beautiful fun day and I'm looking forward to it. A bit stressful, this last-minute stuff, but should be worth it.

Suggestions, please....
Sounds like you have covered all the bases!!! What a great opportunity!!!

Good luck and have fun!!!

And don't forget to bring lots of bottled water with you cause I bet you'll be doing a LOT of talking!!!
Water! THAT'S what I forgot! Bless your heart, Mar!
And camera. The coordinator is bring "Llouis Llamour", her Llama. And I will take pics of other booths for ideas for next year.
I can't go more than 10 minutes without a sip of water - I lug water bottles around with me all the time...

Extra batteries for your camera???
...Just put 'em in the box!
Val - I did one of these - good exposure!

A couple of things...

a dish of candy next to the guest book

A give away raffle of some sort (any old something) where they have to register to win & pick up at your store. Include on it a request for permission for future mailings (get name,address,phone,email address); need to get permission these days or its consider spam

a chair :D

depending on the level of attenance, you might want a book or something to do during the quiet moments.

Relax & Have fun
I actually think this sounds like a good idea. I'm just wondering if they offered you a discount on your booth while they have decided that you can't sell ANYTHING?????

For about 5 years my parents primarily made their living from craft shows. The popularity started declining and so they quit but these events can be a heck of a money maker! I’m thinking one event was $4000 booth rent for 10 days. It’s pretty common for these cats to monitor what you sell to be sure it fits in with the show and other crafters. However I think it’s quite dubious for them to suggest you buy a booth but don’t sell from it. I don’t have my calculator on me right now but I’m pretty sure this doesn’t add up.
I know you're gone now, but for future reference...

I quite often do shows (where I pay for a booth) and sell nothing. It's not that I can't sell things, we just don't. That's not umcommon.

However, enough works comes in through the year that more than pays for the shows that we do. Right now, we do 3-5 major shows a year (some aren't every year.) Of course we are demonstrating caning, but I now have an artist who does Intaglio etching, and a basketmaker, so there is always enough "action" to draw a crowd.

Next year, think about making some of those business card holders, etc from moulding so that you will have something available to sell that doesn't compete with the artists.

Sounds like a great idea. I'm anxious to hear about your day.
Jay, there's no charge for the booth. Everything's free, so I'm considering it "free advertising". And since whatever I would have to sell would be limited edition prints, original other-people's-art (who will most likely also have booths there), etc., that would be a huge hassle, considering it's outside, windy, etc. I don't have to handle money, and hopefully the $$ will be seen in future framing sales. Next year I will make other arrangements with them. After all, I'm an artist too...a Framing Artist!
And I do photography, and could sell that this year, if I'd had the time to prepare.

Also, I'm bringing some order forms, since I'll have mat samples, corner samples, and a tape measure! No-one said I can't take framing/matting orders!

Elaine, I'll be cutting the 8x10 mats during any "quiet moments", plus, I'm bringing my sketch book along. There will be the Llama to draw! And lots of beautiful plants and flowers, which they've offered to let us decorate our area with, if there's any room left.

Candy dish is a great idea!
If you want to track future customers from this event, you can add a label on the back of your card with some sort of promotional offer.

That can be a discount, dollars off, or a free mat, etc.
Sounds like a great opportunity. Here's what I might add:

Maybe get a friend or two to help give out stuff, give you a break and answer questions, especially for a well attended event.

A couple of framed mirrors (one large and one small)

How about stapling a "goodwill" poly-bagged picture hanging hook to your business card.

Maybe some of the artists who you did work for and are also at the show would be willing to mention that you did their framing and also have a stack of your business cards at their booth.

A map to showing where you are located in relation to the show.

Some balloons to attract attention.

Good Luck !
Goodwill hooks, good idea, I can do that.

Mirrors, another great idea, but out of time...next year. Same for map.

Balloons...they asked that no balloons. Strange. Maybe they don't want to scare Lloius Llamour!

I might have a helper, I'll know in a few minutes. Next year, for sure!

I love this Grumble! Great ideas!

I'm off!
Whew! That was great! Here's what I learned:

* Next time, take the stapler (goodwill hooks).
* A lot of people now know there's a frame shop there..."I'm so glad to find out about you...I just don't want to take it to that big place down the road...is that a chain?...do you have sales too?"
*Thanks to the Grumble for teaching me the reply to "Are you expensive?"..."Well, we can always find ways to fit your budget and still protect your art"
* You can't take too much water (Thanks, Mar!)
* A portfolio binder was a good idea...lots of things-we-have-framed pictures. "Oh!! You can do that!! I need to have that done!! Honey, they can do that!! What are your hours?"
* Take a hammer
* And glass cleaner for the fingerprints on the museum glass shadow box..."How come there's no gl...oh! there is glass in there! Wow!"
* Next year, get a booth not next to the piano player. I can't not sing along. Embarrassing.
* Llamas don't like balllloons. I asked.
* A helper would've helped.
* The guest book/mailing list book is invisible. Next year, do the drawing. and...
* Don't wait until the last minute to sign up. Paperwork takes time to process in order to be able to sell stuff (as a business) there. Tax issues, apparently. I could've sold a lot today. But people say they are planning on coming in to buy what I wasn't allowed to sell today...I hope.
* The golf ball shadow box got the most attention. Golfers talk a lot. I am not a golfer. Just nod and say "Ah...interesting!"
* Sun still gets through a sun shade.
* That was fun. And good exposure. I'm glad I did it. Next year will be better.
Sounds like your booth was a big hit and what great advertising exposure you had for free!

Please let us know later on if it resulted in much new business for you. I once set up a small booth with a display of frames, etc. at a craft show in Calgary. I received many positive comments and handed out plenty of business cards (even had to get my husband to print some more and bring them to me). However, it only resulted in one person coming a few months later for a needlepoint to frame - a bit disappointing for me.
I took my framed PPFA certificate. Purple suede double mat, nice pastel/gold frame...couple took pictures to see if the color matched a room (I know for a fact no-one else in town carries that moulding, in case they took pictures to "go shopping"..Ha!), said the moulding was "exactly what they wanted" and hadn't been able to find, and will be in. They said.

Several golfers said they will be in with their hole-in-one cards and golf balls. They said.

One lady has a skeleton key collection to frame. Several with jersies, sports memorabilia, etc.

I made 2 carpet-covered display boards for about 30 misc moulding samples. Several people said they would be in to see more, liked the wide choice of styles. Ha, are they gonna be surprised! I have over 2000 samples up!

One lady has a "big boxful" of framed diplomas and certificates that need to be reframed after Hurrican Ivan damaged them. That will be a challenge.

The Nevada Artists Accociation gallery director took a huge stack of business cards for referrals. That one was strange, since I'm a member and already have a cards there and will be the featured speaker at the November meeting! Curious.

Two photographers had booths there, and want to come in for "mat-choosing lessons". Tired of matting hassles, they just want to take the pictures, and will probably have me start doing their matting. They said.

I took a dramatic Lake Tahoe Storm photo, matted and framed appropriately, same photo hanging next to it, just white matted. That really got attention yesterday..."Is that the same picture?? Wow, what a difference! That white mat makes it look...blaah!"

And because we were outside, the museum glass was a real hit. What a great marketing aid!

I took a few of my own photos as framing examples but people wanted to buy them yesterday, so...I might have to think about selling my own art too!

Baer, I have a picture of your Think Pink signed shirt project in the portfolio, and in the process of getting that going here. Great idea, many women intested in being involved. I have on our front counter a Think Pink collectible Stife-style teddy bear that Bob's wife, Alice made and took it yesterday. Looks like she'll be making more!

It will be interesting to see who actually comes in now. Will keep you posted!
Wow, Val! With that list, I'm sure you'll get many new customers.