a dumb question


Jan 17, 2002
Shrewsbury, PA
okay..don't laugh too hard..

but, is there any sort of shareware/freeware version of software to used? i'm opening my first shop soon, and my jaw dropped when i found out how much these software packages cost.


Welcome to the Grumble!

Please do yourself and all who wish to communicate with you a favor, and fill out your profile with more information. To answer your question better, I can't tell if the BC means that you're located in British Columbia, Canada, or these are you're initials and you're in Warsaw, Poland.

A comprehensive POS program is going to cost, and is worth every penny ($800-$1,400), and you've got lots to choose. Popular and successful programs include (but not limited to): Full Calc, LifeSaver, FrameReady, FerenSoft, and Specialty Soft.

I think these all do the job and I'm not one for "re-inventing" the wheel. Use your time and energy to frame creatively, learn and existing software program, and become a good professional business person. You want people to trust you to frame their personal keepsakes, then entrust these folks who have spent time and money in developing something that works.

I'm a big fan of Specialty Soft and I will mention that they have a new "Lite" version out that is less costly. Check them all out at one of the major trade shows, and go on line to their sites: Most have demo version available for a nominal fee or free.

Best wishes,



The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc.
Appleton, Wisconsin

[This message has been edited by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF (edited January 17, 2002).]
I agree with John, We use Lifesaver and it costs $300 a year just to keep it up to date and download prices. But I wouldn't be with out it. Some of these packages also offer a one time payment plan option I know Lifesaver does.

Jerry Vandergriff, CPF cm
McCue and Blanford Frame Shop Supply
Crestwood, KY
I started my business 14 years ago and if there were any "user-friendly" programs available then I would have definitely used one (knowing what I know now...) As it is, I am just now (this weekend in Las Vegas) getting around to finally getting one. Don't be like me and kick yourself DAILY when you see all the pricing mistakes that you or your employees make daily --add that up and you could have bought several of these programs! (I am not kidding.) Not to mention The Number One Framer's Headache: Pricing moulding from 39 vendors representing 9000 patterns! ARRRRGGGH! Find a way to be able to afford one. $1200.00 is only $3.30 per day. Hock some jewelry. Make it happen. I will be looking at Frameready and SpecialtySoft. While you're at it, get set up on Quickbooks now Don't wait and do it the hard way- later. (like I did)
Let us know if you have any other questions. I wish The Grumble was around back when I opened. It is a fabulous resource and you will be so much better off for it.
Best of luck to ya!
-Edie the fg
btw, buy a used 500T, mine is 14 years old and as good as the day I bought it. And you can bet that John's is pristine. If the shipping is affordable, get it now.
Yep, everything up above is right on. The only tiny, small, insignificant caveat I might add is: if you set up defaults in your program, check to make sure they always operate. Yeah, I got caught. Somehow, an update erased my default setting for Glass Choice and some stuff went out of here without a charge for it! I was too used to letting the program price it in. boo-hoo. Hate it when that happens. But computer pricing software is definitely the way to go!

i downloaded that Art & Frame DOS program and fooled around with it this afternoon. kinda Flintstones, eh? but what can u expect for free?

my biggest complaint is that you can't control the pricing. example: say the customer wants a double mat. i don't charge full price for the second mat, but Art & Frame won't let me edit the price.

or maybe i'm not doing it right.

Brian, on the side - why wouldn't you charge the same for the second matt - same amount of material - same labour. Alan

If you can't be a good example you'll just have to be a horrible warning
You don't charge full price for the second mat? Good grief, no wonder you don't fill out your profile.
It looks like you are on your way to testing out some of the available programs and have learned something you would like -- ability to change price on the fly....so you will need a program that allows you to either change the price on the spot or allow a dollar amount discount, not just a percentage. (In my opinion, it's this type and other features that have led to the more comprehensive programs on the market today for the Frame Shop.)

Thats why it is so important to test the programs -- to see what you like as well as learn what things you just can't live without--and find the best compromise.

I use Artisan Storefront by Certek Software. I can't change the mat price as you suggest, but I can change the footage cost of the moulding (up or down), do a percentage or dollar amount off the total job or set whatever "unit" price I would like.

It was one of the things I liked about this particular program was it was the closest to the handwritten system I had used for years.

I can also type in whatever additional charge I want without it having to be a real "item" in the data base which means unlimited custom capacity.

They also have a lite version -- Now have a WINDOW's Version (of the full frame shop program--not sure about lite) and you can download a trial copy for free.

Artisan -- Certek may be the small guys on the block for frameshops, but they have been diligently expanding their Point of Sale Market as well as making improvements I like for the Frame Shop Edition.

TL - Studio Frame Shop
Glendale, CA