Welcome to the Grumble!
Please do yourself and all who wish to communicate with you a favor, and fill out your profile with more information. To answer your question better, I can't tell if the
BC means that you're located in British Columbia, Canada, or these are you're initials and you're in Warsaw, Poland.
A comprehensive POS program is going to cost, and is worth every penny ($800-$1,400), and you've got lots to choose. Popular and successful programs include (but not limited to):
Full Calc,
FerenSoft, and
Specialty Soft.
I think these all do the job and I'm not one for "re-inventing" the wheel. Use your time and energy to frame creatively, learn and existing software program, and become a good professional business person. You want people to trust you to frame their personal keepsakes, then entrust these folks who have spent time and money in developing something that works.
I'm a big fan of
Specialty Soft and I will mention that they have a new
"Lite" version out that is less costly. Check them all out at one of the major trade shows, and go on line to their sites: Most have demo version available for a nominal fee or free.
Best wishes,
The Frame Workshop of Appleton, Inc.
Appleton, Wisconsin
[This message has been edited by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF (edited January 17, 2002).]