A day with Brian Wolf in St. Louis!!

Barb Pelton

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 14, 2002
The Show Me State
Spend a day with Brian Wolf!

Date and Time:

June 25th
10:00 a.m.--“Everyday Mat Decoration”
(break for catered lunch)
1:30 p.m. -- “Selling Your Ideas”


Picture This and More
520 W. Delmar Ave, Suite A
Alton, IL

Members: $25.00 the fees include both programs and lunch!
Non Members: $35.00


Space may be limited, so respond by June 22nd!
Ken Link, CPF

Brian is returning to the St. Louis PPFA Chapter by popular demand! We are fortunate to be able to bring you two completely different sessions by Brian in one day.

Brian’s morning session, “Everyday Mat Decoration” will be full of classic mat embellishment techniques explained by Brian. Matting is the most impressive and profitable avenue to make your work unique, but the trick is to find the techniques that require little practice, take little time and look beautiful. Brian will be demonstrating many techniques and ideas step by step, so that you will be able to take them back to your shop and start selling these designs tomorrow!

The afternoon session is all about how to get the designs you visualize into your customer’s minds. How often do you have a customer say, “I just can’t imagine it”. Come see for yourself how easy it is to set up and use Visualization Software. Design ideas are important, but you need a way to show them to the public. Brian will also share design ideas you can use for multiple opening mats, no matter what kind of machine you use.
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There's still time to register.
This is an excellent opportunity to get some one-on-one instruction from The Matting Wizard, Brian Wolf!
Also, Ken and Glenda Link are hosting it and they are not only very nice, but extremely knowledgeable and willing to share. I always like to see other people's stores, expecially those people who are successful at our craft.

Like I said; "Excellent Opportunity".
Well, Barb, it looks like a day is not good enough; probably a night with Brian Wolf in St. Louis would be more appealing?
er Good Night!
Why not?
I'd love a matcarving session from Brian anytime-day or night.

Unfortunately I had a previous engagement and could not make a day with Brian, but I have spoken today to no less than 5 people who were impressed enough to tell me all about it.

One of my employees is getting the creative juices flowing and was inspired by what she learned yesterday. I have a feeling that her mat sales are about to increase. I promised her some time to "play".

Thanks Brian. I heard we had about 16 or so and that it was an enthusiastic crowd. Judging by the calls I received today, I'd say it was a successful event.

Next Event--Joyce Michels, MCPF teaches a session on Quickbooks and Accounting for the Frameshop Owner. More info soon.